View Full Version : croup

02-05-2005, 22:49
any elses children suffer from croup?
my eldest son suffered real bad every time he'd get a cold he'd get croup then there would be a hospital trip.one time he was so bad we took him and he stopped breathing,they had him hooked up on to a oxygen machine etc,i was in floods and i always remember the nurse saying 'he needs you to be strong'.he had to stay in for a few days and he had a special tube thing in to which yopu had to put a inhaler in and squirt.it helped but he continued getting croup until about age 3,hes now 5 and grown out of it.
now,my youngest,age 1.has suddenly got it today,he has a cold and that has now developed in to croup,hes hAVING A BIT OF TROUBLE BREATHING AND IT SAT ON DADDYS LAP , KInda lifeless,bless him.might be another hosp trip tonght.
so anyone else have this problem? what do you do apart from thre inhaler thing and hot steamy rooms?

05-05-2005, 15:27
my son gets croup every time he gets a cold! but we have so far luckily never had to take him to the hospital. it worries me avery time it happens because there is not alot i can do to help him!! the sound of it scares me!

the first time he had it i phoned the docs and they told me to give him calpol and he would be fine! i asked them if i should put him in the bathroom and get steam going but the doctor said no as this will make it worse!!!!!!!! being a first time mum and it being the first time i didnt do it and connor suffered! my mum said put him in a steamy room coz thta was what she used to do with my brother and was shocked when i told her what the doc said!!

the next time it happened i decided to give the steam a try and it eased it!! niow i will always do that first!

i never knew it cpuld get as bad as you said! i would be exactly the same. my worst fear is that he ever has to go to hopsital i would be a wreck! im glad to hear he has grown out of it hopefully connor will as well!

05-05-2005, 15:41
My daughter doesn't have croup but she suffers badly from tonsilitis.. usually when she has a cold it required a hospital visit.. she is on the waiting list to have them removed

05-05-2005, 16:51
my nephew suffers from croup. my sister spent lots of nights in the bathroom with the steam going. now when he has a bit of a cold or she thinks he might get an attack she gets him into the bathroom with lots of steam for about an hour before bed and he usually has a great nights sleep.

05-05-2005, 17:02
My bro gets croup, we have to turn the taps on in the bathroom and it get very steamy! lol

05-05-2005, 17:33
I have spent many nights in the bathroom with a kettle plugged in in the hall and the cable under the door. If you fill it up and leave the lid off it really gives you a lot of steam. I used to sit in the (empty) bath (away from the kettle) with my son on my knee and both of us wrapped in a bath towel.

The steam really does help.

Croup is the inflamation of the voice box, when the child coughs it sounds like they are barking like a dog. It is not really dangerous at all but very frightening for the child, and the parent the first time it happens.
I remember calling out the doctor at 3.15 am (in the days when they still did house visits1) He was furious with me, but recommended steam.

06-05-2005, 14:40
i think my sons croup can be classed as dangerous as he stopped breathing and had to be helped to restart breathing again