View Full Version : Exeter the return and the story so far!!!!

26-03-2006, 17:36

Exeter will be returning with Season 4 full of suspense,shocks and love triangles. Exeter will be back Monday April 10th with an explosive episode with two lives on the line!!! So get ready for another dramatic season possibly the best and biggest yet and yes two questions will be answered Who is the Streets attacker and Who Shot Paul???

The Story So Far

The Scotsmans

Lucy was all set to leave Exeter Street behined with no family in the street left she could not handle the pressure of running the Lion and so it went up for sale. However Lucy got a shock when the mysterey buyer turned up on Christmas day it was non other than her baby boy Shawn. Shawn,Lucy and Chrissie were playing happy families until Shawns ex-wife Amy returned set to ruin evreyones lives. However Chrissie and Lucy made sure that Amy knew she would not get away with it!!! Meanwhile Chrissie was being storked and when the stalker kidnapped Chrissie the whole street went into panick. It was left to Robert Scotsman, Chrissies Husband who had recentley been in Prison for hitting her. Robert saved Chrissie but when he returned home Lucy kicked him out causing him to move in with Amy. Now Robert is trying to help the unstable Amy with her drug addiction. Chrissie is jealous of Steph who is with Shawn. What will Season 4 hold for Exeters first family???

The Ramsays

Paul and Sharon got married much to Ric (Sharons dad) and Phil (Sharons Ex now on the run for murder) dismay. However Sharon realised what a mistake she had made when Paul reveled to a packed Lion that Viv had cancer. Sharon left leaving Paul alone in the street but as he turned to go home he was dramatically shot twice will Paul survive??? and who shot him???

The Macklins

The Macklins are now officially the main family of the show. Jenny is depressed and is drinking again!!! Viv has Breast Cancer can she defeat it??? and Brooke has just been run over can she pull through???

27-03-2006, 16:39

Jill Humprheys
Stacey Bowler
Chrissie Scotsman
Amy Scotsman
Paul Ramsay


Courtney Love
Nick Patchman
Pete Grouse
Shane Grouse

big bro fan
27-03-2006, 17:08

Jill Humprheys
Stacey Bowler
Chrissie Scotsman
Amy Scotsman
Paul Ramsay


Courtney Love
Nick Patchman
Pete Grouse
Shane Grouse

Um i allready know about Jill departing but you cant get rid of stacey paul there to good characters.

i do have some good news im back on the same day as you for yet another season of good healthy competion. im looking forward to it dont know about you.

27-03-2006, 18:52
Dont worry Paul wont be gone for long but you will not belive what will happen

29-03-2006, 16:07
Andys past will soon catch up with him when one of his twin sons Alex turns up but he is not all that he seems. Alex makes his way to Exeter Street to reveal a shocking secret that his mum and brother have died but what is Alex really up to???

29-03-2006, 19:28

The streets main family and owners of The Lion. They were once the most powerful family in the street until Shawn was shot and Robert moved in to help the family. However he had a secret and that secret was his wife feisty Chrissie. While Shawn was in a comar Amy [Shawns wife] had a secret affair with Robert. However there was more family trouble with Mike and Lucy [Mum and Dad] Mike had been sleeping around and was fed up with Lucy and kicked her out and got a divorce. However Mike was in debt and borrowed money from the very dangerous Dennis Hill. When Mike realised he could not afford to pay back Dennis he sold the pub back to Lucy and went on the run. But trouble was just around the corner as Mike ran past the canal Dennis shot him but is Mike dead??? Chrissie discovered the affair between Rob and Amy and told all to Shawn who was now back on his feet. Shawn flipped and beat Robert and left Exeter Street. Robert meanwhile punched Chrissie which he was sent to prison for. Now Robert and Amy are partners but will it last???

02-04-2006, 17:43
Okay this is the only way i can see how i can explain evreything that is happening soon on Exeter so i am going to interview myself.

Interviewer: Exeter is Soapboards longest running soap on soapboards. Now just a day away from Season 4 i talk to creator Bakedbean. So Bean tell me what can we expect next season any changes?

Bakedbean: Oh yeah you bet there is going to be plenty of changes over this season that will help the Soap grow and become big. There is going to be quite a few charecters leaving in dramatic style.

Interviewr: Any deaths?

Bakedbean: Yeah there is going to be three or four deaths this year and 1 of them you will not have seen coming!!!

Interviwer: We saw Sharon leave in the Season Finale will she be returning anytime soon?

Bakedbean: Yeah Sharon will return with her Dad Ric in the summer and they both have some cracking storylines coming up more wedding bells perhaps???

Interviwer: Are you talking about the shock wedding???

Bakedbean: All i am saying is that one of these two will be getting married but your not going to believe who to!!!

Interviwer: Any returns this season i.e. Phil

Bakedbean: There are no plans for Phil to return next season nor Mike Scotsman but there will be a return!!!

Interviwer: And finally who shot Paul???

Bakedbean: Im not saying you will have to wait and see but the way that Paul finds out and what he does is really dramatic its unmissable

02-04-2006, 17:48
:lol: interviewing yourself dale!? first signs of scizophrenia!!! :rotfl: