View Full Version : SoapBoards Story

big bro fan
25-03-2006, 13:39
This is a game i played once basically im gonna start a story off and then someone picks up where i left off. rules are that you must end the story in such a way that someone else can carry on your free to write about whatever and you can include soapboards members.

One day Emmie was walking down the street eating her peas when suddenly one got stuck. she thought that peas could do no harm to anybody luckily big bro fan (me) was there and he called an ambulance out of the ambulance came lea and tanya who...

25-03-2006, 16:07
got kindapped by a random hobbo man, big bro fan and emmie chased him and he told them that he would give them back their friends if they gave him a...

25-03-2006, 17:44
pair of pink fluffy socks.. these weren't ordinary pink fluffy socks he was after, for these made anyone who wore them..

25-03-2006, 17:46
... so they went and stole BondBoffins socks, which were all pink and fluffy and...

25-03-2006, 18:14
took them to the random hobbo man who was accomponied by.....

25-03-2006, 18:26
N.B and his new baby boy out for a walk

25-03-2006, 19:00
Emmie immediatley jumped to the conclusion that NB had kidnapped the young boy, and started to yell abuse. She soon found that the boy was NB's son when Big bro fan produced a bag of peas from his pocket and whacked her over the head with them.

26-03-2006, 17:02
Bid Bro Fan was shocked at what she had done. Emmie started chocking up Peas and turning green!! Big Bro Fan went to...

26-03-2006, 17:55
ring an ambulance but then di marco zoomed past on her extra fast rocket bike and stole the phone so ......

26-03-2006, 18:09
Big Bro Fan ran over to Layne's house and explained the situtation to Layne quickly. Layne brought out her first kid aid and ran down the road with Big Bro Fan, to find..

di marco
26-03-2006, 18:21
that spicy was standing there with a gun to yellows head....

26-03-2006, 19:17
Lea said "kill her but give me the peas! . . . the darling peas" Then Emmie went "No not the peas . . . Not my peas!!!!" :eek:

26-03-2006, 19:44
and dived to catch her beloved peas just as spicy pulled the trigger and the bullet sailed straight through the bag of peas.

26-03-2006, 20:20
Lea and Emmie "noooooooooooooo my lovely peas!" Emmie "There my peas!" Lea "No they are mines!" And a huge catfight erupts between them. When Tanya walks with her shopping bag which has peas in them.

26-03-2006, 20:31
"Fine then, Lea, keep the poxy peas, conplete with holes", Emmie exclaimes. "Hey, Tannie", she continued in a scheming voice.....

26-03-2006, 20:38
Tanya "Emmie you can not have the peas", Emmie - "why not"

big bro fan
27-03-2006, 12:34
Bid Bro Fan was shocked at what she had done. Emmie started chocking up Peas and turning green!! Big Bro Fan went to...

:eek: Just thought i would point out the fact that i am a boy not a girl

big bro fan
27-03-2006, 12:36
Tanya: Because i am a secret robot sent back in time to dominate the world with my rabbits and kill all peas and pea lovers.

Emmie: :eek: you dont like peas :angry:

27-03-2006, 14:38
Tanya: Of course I dont like peas darling they are all slimey and green. and taste horrid

big bro fan
27-03-2006, 17:11
Emmie: i cant take it anymore. (Emmie starts transforming into the incredible pea)

Tanya: :eek:

Emmie: i am muscley and pea green colour you will pay

27-03-2006, 18:17
Tanya - ahhhhhhhhhhhhh a giant pea run for you're lives!

27-03-2006, 18:26
Emmie the big green muscly pea starts rolling down the road after Tanya and...

27-03-2006, 18:31
Bree gets the Pea squad out to sort emmie out!

27-03-2006, 18:57
But before that, tanya has to run and hide from the pea, she stops the pea is right behind her, but then out jumps ...... da da da da daaaaa............super Amber,she then.....

di marco
27-03-2006, 19:33
turns on the vacuum cleaner and sucks the giant pea into it.......

27-03-2006, 19:35
Lea sees this and goes "Nooooooooo Emmie!!! My lovely pea!!!!!

27-03-2006, 21:05
.... Abi stands and watches, wondering why everything always turns back to the peas in this forum, so she....

big bro fan
27-03-2006, 21:23
decided to jump up and down and get attention this catches on and soon everyone became obsessed with doctor who Abi became queen and...

28-03-2006, 12:58
Lea is upset that every one forgot bout peas. Tanya is just happy she didn't die.

big bro fan
28-03-2006, 15:11
or was she really safe because a huge bannana came behind her and ate her then...

di marco
28-03-2006, 15:27
di marco decides that shes going to get rid of all the giant fruit and vegetables once and for all!

28-03-2006, 15:32
So she bought Mash!!! everyone know that peas hid under mash, armed with this she :

big bro fan
28-03-2006, 18:45
ahh but mash is a vegetable so di marco...

di marco
28-03-2006, 20:23
wonders why everything is revolving around vegetables so decides to start painting big bro fans face, but not with face paint, oh no, but with a big fat paintbrush dipped in emulsion!

big bro fan
28-03-2006, 20:33
big bro fan: mmmmmmmmmmmm :D emulsion taste good