View Full Version : spoiler!!

23-03-2006, 23:15
in the magazine "Heat" it shows a picture of marissa snogging the face of kevin volchok (he is the guy that held marrissa hostage a couple of weeks ago so he could fight with ryan!!) i would have scanned the pic but aint got a scaaner but this is what it says:

"we dont like to give away crucial plotlines from our fave American teen drama, but we couldn't wait to show you these pics of Mischa Bartons Marissa in the clinch with possibly the hottest OC male totty ever. You may have caughtr a glimpse of surfer-boy character Kevin volchok played by cam gigandet before, but in an episode about to air the u.s, the lads amazing body is revealed as he gets to snog marrisa in a beach hut. We won't say whether this a big new relationship for marissa, but watch out for the scenes when they air on Channel 4 in a couple of months"

I cant beleive it i love marissa and ryan together but i much prefered them in the other series in season 3 i think they are growing apart and they are not the same as they used to be. anyone agree? this volchok is sexy though has anyone got the pic?? he has his top off cant really see if marissa has one on could they about to do the deed? this is from last weeks heat so don't go buyin it coz it won't be in there :thumbsup:

24-03-2006, 10:18
everytime i look at marissa and ryan this series, i wonder when do they ever spend time alone. they seem to be more friends then anything else. and how does ryan put up with her feeling for johnny. it's obvious she feels something more then friendship as we see when he starts hanging out with caitlin.

24-03-2006, 11:20
Yeah I agree they are more like friends now but I can't believe that Marrissa is going to go with Volchok after what he did to Ryan and Johnny. What is she thinking?

24-03-2006, 12:33
just found this on the website:
At the trailer, Volchok drops by with a gift of his own for Marissa. The expensive watch she gave him months ago so he’d leave Ryan alone. Marissa is slightly icy towards Volchok. Iciness being the fertilizer that makes love grow.
Marissa comes home to the trailer. Volchok is waiting for her on the porch. Marissa storms into the house, leaving the door open behind her. The open door creates an invitation. And yes, the invitation creates sex.