View Full Version : My Coronation Street Fanfiction (please read!)

19-03-2006, 18:05
Hello all

I am writing Corrie fan fiction, and would love to hear your views! Here is an excerpt from Episode 1.01 - Turnaround.
The Rovers' door bursts open and Jamie flies in. 'Has anyone in here seen Mike?' he yells, silencing the pub.

Panicked, Danny jumps to his feet and knocks his pint from the table. It smashes on the floor. 'Mike? Where is he? WHAT'S HAPPENED?'

'He was sleeping - I went to the toilet and he was gone, let himself out...' Jamie cried.

Frankie looked terrified as she stood. 'He could be anywhere, Jamie, how could you let this happen, you know what's happening to him...'

Upset, Jamie merely stared at her. 'If you hadn't have left...'

Audrey and Rita rushed forwards, looking anxious.

'He can't be far, we have to look for him!' Rita cried, and with that the group headed outside into the Street, unsure of where to turn next....

... While Mike wandered around in an unknown street, cars passing in a flash of headlights and a hiss of rain, unknown faces passing...

Growing more afraid by the minute...
And leave your comments in this thread! Hope you enjoy!

20-03-2006, 11:27
Maxi. there is a section for scripts and please do not include your personal websites. we don't promote it here

big bro fan
20-03-2006, 16:00
i dont get this why is it quoted.

20-03-2006, 16:08
i dont get this why is it quoted.

"Siobhan" removed the website, helpfully. :rolleyes: It's not even a WEBSITE, it's a blog, which contains nothing but the story, so I fail to see why this has happened. Ah, the joys of heavy handed moderation.

See my profile for the link. (I assume that's allowed) Basically the reason I made the website was so that I could always update it from one place, there is more than one forum that reads it, so it makes sense, also if I decide to edit, because some forums disallow editing after x minutes.

big bro fan
20-03-2006, 16:23
why dont you just do a script and write it instead of quoteing it :confused:

20-03-2006, 16:53
why dont you just do a script and write it instead of quoteing it :confused:

Because its not exclusive to this forum I've posted it on lots and its easier to keep it in one place. It's got good reviews on the other forums and no one seems to mind it being on an external website... so I don't see the problem here!

Episode 1.03 - Curtain call is now up. Here's a taster:
Rain batters the cobbles ruthlessly and lightening strikes as a panicked Ken cries out into the storm for help. Mike has collapsed and is having severe difficulty staying concious. Sprawled awkwardly across the factory steps, Ken sits down and tries to make him more comfortable. 'HELP! SOMEBODY, PLEASE!'

But his words are lost to the wind and the rain, and suddenly Ken is faced with a decision: leave Mike alone in the storm to call for help or wait with him and watch things get worse? Time is ticking fast, and as he looks down to Mike, he realises it is running out too...:)

20-03-2006, 20:24
What does everyone think of Episode 3?

big bro fan
20-03-2006, 22:10
its good but you will have a hard time competing with the other soaps and scripts on here

20-03-2006, 22:13
maxi why dont you copy and paste your script?

21-03-2006, 21:49
Very well! Please comment on this thread though!

Episode 1.01 - Turnaround

1.01 - Turnaround
It's raining on Coronation Street, a strong wind circulating the houses, puddles forming on the shadowed cobbles, dark clouds passing over the crescent moon in the starry night's sky. It's nine o'clock, and many of the residents are in the Rovers.

'What can I get you?' Violet asks Jason, acting impassive, despite the feelings she has struggled to fight since finding out about his betrayal months ago.

'You, Vi...' Jason says pleadingly.

'Jason -'

'No, please Vi, I know I've been a fool, I know I've been stupid,' Jason says, his eyes sparkling as he leans over the bar, nearer to her, his voice now a whisper, 'but I just want to make it up to you.'

Overcome with Jason trying to woo her again, Violet rushes away from the bar, passing Betty, who calls, 'Violet?'

Violet sits on the darkened stairs, close to tears. She can't cope with Jason's advances, but wishes they could be what they once were. Jason stares at the vacant space ahead of him despondently.

'What did you want, love?' asks Betty.

'Nothing,' he says, choked. He turns and leaves, entering into the cold of the night.

Meanwhile, over at the Baldwin's, a weakening Mike is sleeping. At his bedside, Jamie sits as he has done for hours. Mike's condition has rapidly deteriorated.

At the door, Danny stands, a tear in his eye as he watches the scene.


Danny spins. 'Frank,' he whispers, wiping his eyes and closing the bedroom door as silently as possible.

'What's happening?'

'He's fading, Frank,' Danny says weakly, 'he's finding it hard to say anything now, I just -'

Danny pauses, covering his head with his hands. 'I just don't know how I can let him know how much we all love him, you know?'

Crumbling, Danny stops speaking, and Frankie steps forward, opening out her arms to comfort him. Overcome herself, tears form in her eyes as she tries to comfort her ex-husband.

Jamie's vigil continues apace. His eyes like stars, watching, waiting… listening to the rain outside.

In the Street, Jason is sitting on the bench in the rain, staring out at the Street, the flickers of light in the windows, the buzz from the Rovers. Soaked from head to toe, he's uncaring. Everything he's tried to get Violet back has failed. He just wants to show her how much he cares, but she won't let him in.

At the opposite side of the street a car pulls up, and out of it steps two familiar figures. It's Sean - and Todd...

Unable to believe his eyes, Jason scrambles to his feet and dashes to hide before he is seen. His back pressed against the Rovers wall, he turns his head to look around the corner and watches as Todd and Jason enter the Grimshaw house.

Across the street, Frankie and Danny step out into the cold from the Baldwin house. 'Danny, you really need to take some time out from Mike... it's doing you no good.'

Danny is almost too tired and upset to speak. 'Yeah, yeah I know...'

'We'll have a drink then head back, okay? Jamie'll call.' Danny nods as Frankie pushes the door open.

Meanwhile, a heavily pregnant Claire is alone in the Peacock living room. Ashley and Josh are visiting Doreen - much to her upset. Ashley knows Claire could give birth at any time, yet he seemingly doesn't care. Ever since Matt Ramsden turned up again, all those months ago, he's been different. Not looking her in the eye, always going out without her... Matt had been turning up more often recently. Even when Ashley called the police nothing happened. Ashley had even tried to move out, but she had stopped him.

Just the thought brings a tear to her eye.

Over at the Barlow house, Ken and Deirdre are sitting around the table in their darkened living room.

'I think we should go and see Mike again,' says Ken.

'Maybe tomorrow,' says Deirdre. 'I feel very unwell myself, headache...'

'Well don't worry,' says Ken briskly. 'I'll pop round and check up on him, and we can both go tomorrow. Why don't you run a bath?'

'What about Tracy?' says Deirdre.

Ken looks up from his laptop. 'What about her?'

'Well we've got Amy again haven't we? We have to make sure she picks her up tonight, I've had enough of her taking advantage of us like this...'

'Ring her,' says Ken, standing up and picking up the home phone. 'I think we both agree this has gone on long enough.'

The lights switch on in the Grimshaw house, and Sean leads Todd in. 'Home sweet home,' he chimes.

Todd looks around at the home he left years previously, and enters into the living room, dropping his bag. 'Where is everyone?'

'Eileen's at the Rovers I think, she was going t'Bingo - I wanted to go but you called and I couldn't not, you know what I mean?' Sean chirps, a little quickly.

'And Jason?' Todd asks.

'Who knows where he is,' replies Sean. 'I'll make us a cuppa, and you can tell us all about what you've been up to. I'm so jealous you know, all the nightlife,' says Sean, looking up in a dreamstate, 'you're a lucky boy, Todd -'

Meanwhile, Tracy and Charlie are out clubbing, drinking, dancing in a packed Manchester club.

'This is brilliant isn't it?' Charlie shouts in his usual style, laughing as he joins a bored looking Tracy

'Well you're barely spending any time with me, Charlie, so no, it's not...'

'Oh come on, we both know we're better here than the street... lighten up, find a bloke, it's a bit of a laugh!'

A woman Charlie had previously been with saunteres up behind him and leads him away. Tracy eyes Charlie with fury. Then she could hear her phone ringing...


'Tracy, if you don't come home now, we're calling Social Services...'

'Mum!' Tracy shouts indignantly.

'No Tracy, I'm telling you. Come home now and collect your daughter or we'll have her taken from you. Enough is enough!'

The line goes dead. 'Mum?'

With mounting fury Tracy replaces the phone in her pocket. Glancing over to Charlie who is busy with another woman, she grabs her bag and leaves the club.

Over at the Baldwin's house, Jamie breaks away from his watching of Mike to get himself a drink. He notices a note on the kitchen surface:

Gone to Rovers.

He pours himself some water, downs it, then heads to the toilet.

Barely a room away, Mike is stirring. He opens his eyes and looks around weakly. 'Alma?' he croaks.

Then he steps up, fully dressed in pinstripe pajamas, dons some slippers and heads out of his bedroom door, through the hall, down the stairs, and, opening the front door, steps outside into the street, shutting the door behind him.

Like a lost child, he steps out into the dark and the rain and wanders in the direction of the factory, looking around. Unfamiliar places... a man and his dog pass... unfamiliar people. Too much noise...

A car pulls up in Coronation Street, and Matt Ramsden steps out. Slamming his door, he heads toward the Peacock house, ready to make yet another visit to the people he wanted to understand him. This time he wasn't going to take no for an answer... he was going to do anything to see his child...

Back at the club, Charlie notices Tracy's gone and frowns. Then his phone rings. 'Where the hell are you?'

'Women problems, eh, mate?'

'Oh, Jason,' says Charlie, stepping away from the woman. 'What do you want?'

'Are you in a club?'

'Yeah, fancy joining me?'

'Deffo,' says Jason, sheltered under the Kabin. He fails to notice Mike in the Street. 'I just want to get out of here...'

Elsewhere, Tracy arrives back to Coronation Street furiously. She passes the bus stop, as a taxi pulls up, and a woman opens the door and steps out. Tracy misses the woman's face as she passes, heading to her house.

The woman slams the taxi door and cradles a baby in her arms, watching Tracy disappear...

Meanwhile in the Rovers, Danny is staring at his pint despondently. 'I can't believe this has happened to him, Frank.'

Concerned, Frankie stares at her ex-husband, trying to find a way to comfort him. 'You're doing the best you can, Dan, remember that... It's not your fault Leanne made tracks.'

'It's not about Leanne, it's about my Dad!' Danny yells. 'All those years I missed out on knowing him, then I find out he's my Dad and before I can have a laugh with him he's gone, Frank, and he's slipping away! He doesn't remember me anymore, do you know how much that hurts?'

'I know, Danny, I understand...'

Danny is welling up. 'I just want him back...'

The Rovers' door bursts open and Jamie flies in. 'Has anyone in here seen Mike?' he yells, silencing the pub.

Panicked, Danny jumps to his feet and knocks his pint from the table. It smashes on the floor. 'Mike? Where is he? WHAT'S HAPPENED?'

'He was sleeping - I went to the toilet and he was gone, let himself out...' Jamie cried.

Frankie looked terrified as she stood. 'He could be anywhere, Jamie, how could you let this happen, you know what's happening to him...'

Upset, Jamie merely stared at her. 'If you hadn't have left...'

Audrey and Rita rushed forwards, looking anxious.

'He can't be far, we have to look for him!' Rita cried, and with that the group headed outside into the Street, unsure of where to turn next....

... While Mike wandered around in an unknown street, cars passing in a flash of headlights and a hiss of rain, unknown faces passing...

Growing more afraid by the minute...

21-03-2006, 21:50
Episode 1.02 - Eleventh Hour

We carry on where we left off on Coronation Street, with a search party spreading out across the Street, heading off in various directions.

Jamie is close to tears at what has happened. 'I didn't... I wasn't...'

'It's all right,' Frankie says comfortingly, 'they'll find Mike, no problems.'

'Yeah, but what if they don't, Frankie? What, then?'

'Don't think like that Jamie, you can't!'

'I can,' says Jamie, almost in a resigned fashion. 'This is all my fault.'

Todd and Sean are still talking.

Sean laughs. 'So you've pretty much told me everything now then? Finished? Anything else exciting happened? Saved a few babies from a burning building? Met the man of your dreams?'

'There is one thing that's happened, but I don't think I can tell you yet...' says Todd enigmatically.

'What?' Sean says, his gossip-radar having gone into overdrive. 'Tell me more!'

'You'll find out soon enough,' Todd says, before standing. 'I'm off to the Rovers, see if I can find Jason,' he continues, his eyes flickering at his brother's name.

'Okay,' says Sean. 'But Todd, are you sure you're ready to see him again? He did break your heart...'

'Yes,' says Todd, transfixed. 'I'm more than ready to see Jason again.'

As Rita and Emily pass worriedly in search of Mike, headscarves on, Matt Ramsden reaches the Peacock door, aware of the trouble going on in the Street and eager not to make too big of an impression. He rings the doorbell.

Inside, Claire is still watching the television, upset. Thinking Ashley has returned, she stands up slowly, and walks to the door.

'Ashley where have you been?' she says, opening the door, but gasps at who she sees before her.

'Go away!' she cries.

'I'm not going away... WHERE IS HE?' Matt roars, before resorting to a whisper, possibly more threatening. 'Where is he?'

Terrified, Claire tries to shut the door but is unable to. Matt's foot is well and truly stuck. 'Just leave us alone!' Claire cries, but her pleas fall on deaf ears.

Matt looks her straight in the eye. 'I want to see Ashley. Now don't make me move you...'

'I've told you, he's got nothing to say, and he wouldn't tell you even if he was here!'

'He's not here is he?' Matt shouts, trying to peer through the door. 'Well let ... me... check!'

And Matt pushes the door with force, knocking Claire off balance. She stumbles back and falls to the floor awkwardly, screaming in pain.

Matt shuts the door, silencing the wind and the rain, and rushes past Claire as she moans. He rushes to the phone and rips it out. 'No one's going anywhere until I finish this with Ashley.'

He checks the living room, then runs upstairs to try the bedrooms. As he searches, Claire lets out another scream and calls, 'HELP!'

Matt returns minutes later and Claire's finding it hard to breathe.

'What's wrong with you, woman?' he says angrily. 'I'll come back tomorrow.'

'My waters have broken!' she cries, moaning. Matt looks down at her. 'I've gone into labour..."

Tracy is finally home yet nobody is in. A note on the table reads, 'emergency, we're out.' Helpful, she thinks. Sitting miserably at the table next with Amy, everything seems dull. Then the door rings.

She jumps to her feet. She considers it her opportunity to have a go at her mum or dad for what they have done to her. Yet as she opens the door, there's no one there. She steps out into the street and looks around. Nobody to be seen.

She manages to miss the red dress that flails in the wind as a woman turns the nearest corner, out of sight. The sound of a baby's cries. The noise of leather boots through shallow puddles. She shuts the door behind her, perturbed, as Todd opens his.

He heads to the Rovers, and his expression is vengeful. He's going to remind Jason just how much he hurt him. He opens the Rovers door and steps inside. However, there is nobody there who seems to recognise him. Many of the regulars he knew are missing, for some reason, including Jason. Then he spots Violet at the bar, and smiles to himself, heading forward.

'What can I get you?' asks Violet, and she swears she recognises him from somewhere.

But Todd just smiles at her, and soon enough Violet blushes. 'What?'

'Nothing,' he remarks. 'Just looking...'

'Well if you don't order, I'll have to kick you out,' Violet responds playfully, miming a kickboxing action.

Todd laughs at the thought. 'Yes please,' he says, before ordering.

'So are you new around here?' she asks.

'Wouldn't you like to know?'

'Or ... just passing by?'

'Oh no,' says Todd. 'I'll be here for a while. Fancy a drink?'

Violet smiles. 'Yeah, alright. I'd love one.'

Mike is now soaked from head to toe, and is wandering in a general direction shivering. Weaker than ever now, he is finding it hard to walk, so when he stumbles back to Coronation Street, something seems to click, though he's unsure where he is exactly.

Seeing Underworld, something else clicks for him and he heads up, and inside. It was earlier checked by Danny but found to be empty, so the door is unlocked.

As Mike heads inside, Danny emerges at the other end of the Street and peers down. Ken turns a corner at the other end and roars, 'Any luck?'

'No!' shouts Danny. 'I think we need to call the police!'

'Well keep looking, Danny, I'll do it, and I'll wait here for them to come!'

'Okay!' says Danny, rushing back off in the direction he came. Ken meanwhile, heads toward his house, but as he does so, sees the factory door swing open in the wind. He sees a silhouette of a frail man inside... Mike? Could it be?

He heads toward the factory steps and calls out his name. 'Mike? Mike?'

Mike turns around, dripping, as Ken comes in. 'Ken,' he says weakly. 'Here for another fight are we?'

'A fight? Mike...'

'No, get out!' Mike says, with as much energy as he can muster.

'I just want to help you, Mike, you're ill!'

'I've heard it all now,' Mike replies. 'You just can't stand what happened between me and... me and... you know who I mean. I'm out of here.'

But he doesn't make it past the door as, on the steps, Mike stops dead and his vision blurs. Ken rushes out to the scene before him. Mike feels paralysed, yet manages to fall to the ground level and rest on the steps. The rain intensifying, and darkness creeping in from the corners of his eyes...

21-03-2006, 21:50
Episode 1.03 - Curtain Call

Rain batters the cobbles ruthlessly and lightening strikes as a panicked Ken cries out into the storm for help. Mike has collapsed and is having severe difficulty staying concious. Sprawled awkwardly across the factory steps, Ken sits down and tries to make him more comfortable. 'HELP! SOMEBODY, PLEASE!'

But his words are lost to the wind and the rain, and suddenly Ken is faced with a decision: leave Mike alone in the storm to call for help or wait with him and watch things get worse? Time is ticking fast, and as he looks down to Mike, he realises it is running out too...

Over at the Peacocks, Claire is screaming now... 'Help me, please! Call an ambulance!'

'I can't,' blurts Matt. 'Your phone... I'm sorry!' He slaps his pockets in the vain hope he remembered his mobile. 'I'll get help!'

He dashes to the door and opens it, a flurry of rain spitting through. But Claire needs someone now... 'Help me!' she cries hysterically. 'Do something... please!'

An expression of extreme guilt passes over Matt's face. 'I'm sorry... I-'

'Matt! Please!' says Claire, tearful and in agony.

Then Matt comes to a realisation. 'Yeah - okay, sorry, yes... fine. I'm a doctor, you know... I can help...'

And he bends down, realising he must help the wife of his enemy to deliver their baby, realising that this will cause more trouble than anything else, realising that he is going to be a part of yet another of Ashley Peacock's children's lives...

Charlie and Jason stumble out of their club and into the streets. 'That was a laugh wasn't it?' laughs Charlie.

'Yeah,' Jason replies. 'Y'know'what? I'm over Violet now... I think - I think I'm over her...'

'Glad to hear it mate,' says Charlie, slapping Jason on the back. 'Now let's call a cab and get out of this bloody rain...'

They head for the taxi firm across the street.

Rita and Emily are still scowering the streets for signs of Mike. 'It's hopeless!' cries Emily. 'Oh, Rita, imagine what this could mean!'

'It'll be fine!' Rita cries optimistically over the wind, though the doubt in her voice cannot be hidden. They are back on Coronation Street now...

'Who's that? Over there!' Emily shouts, pointing. 'It's Ken... and Mike!'

'Oh my...'

'RITA, EMILY!' Ken roars, and he's wearing nothing but his shirt now after wrapping his jacket around Mike, who had previously been wearing only pajamas and slippers. 'CALL FOR HELP, NOW!'

Emily and Rita rush into Emily's house to call an ambulance, and Ken's eyes fill with tears. 'Mike,' he says, in an almost commanding fashion, as though begging him to stay awake, 'talk to me...'

Mike's eyes look like he's just been born, just arrived in the world and is staring at its beauty, what he can see before him... the deep, dark blues and greys in the sky, the crescent moon half-concealed by a chimney. 'It's beautiful, you know,' he whispers hoarsely, though he can't quite smile. 'It's so beautiful...'

The rain pounds down...

A cab pulls up in Coronation Street and Eileen steps out, paying the driver. 'Thanks love,' she says. The cab disappears off into the night and Eileen notices Ken cradling Mike in his arms.

'Ken?' she calls, heading over.

'Eileen, you need to get us help! Get Jason, or something, I can't move him on my own...'

'Why... what, what's happening?' she says, but she doesn't wait for the answer. She sprints to her house and opens the door, darting through, calling her son's name. 'Jason? JASON? Where are you?'

'Steady on!' says Sean, noting her panic. 'What's happened?'

'It's Mike... Ken... they're in the Street, Mike needs help, quickly... call an ambulance or something! Where's Jason?'

'I don't know, Eileen!' says Sean, picking up the phone and dialling 999. 'Yes, ambulance please... Coronation Street... come quickly! I don't know...' Sean covers the moutpiece and whispers, 'what's happened?'

'He's collapsed!' Eileen cries.

'He's collapsed,' repeats Sean. 'Mike... Mike Baldwin... just stop asking questions and hurry up will you?'

And with that Sean replaces the reciever looking worried, before focussing on Eileen. 'This is a really bad time I know, but...'

'We don't have time for that, Sean, Mike's out there and so's Ken - we've got the help them!'

'Eileen!' Sean cries, before looking her in the eye. 'Todd's back...'

Back in the street, people are gathering outside in the rain... Deirdre opens her door and steps into the street. 'Ken? KEN!' And she rushes forwards to the scene on the factory steps...

'Mike, Mike... it's Deirdre, do you remember Deirdre?'

Mike tries to look up but can't quite do it, so Deirdre comes forwards. 'Mike?' she cries, tears already in full flow.

'Alma?' he says, looking up.

'No, it's Deirdre, I'm Ken, remember...' Ken says, eyes twinkling.

Mike smiles, though only briefly. 'Course I do,' he says, his eyelids fluttering.

'When is someone going to help us?' Ken cries, but then he can hear the sirens... they're wailing, ringing through the air, cutting through the rain, overpowering the thunder...

In the Peacock house, Matt's roaring, 'PUSH! PUSH!'

And Claire's pushing, she's in tears, crying, the pain... it won't stop...


With a loud scream, Claire pushes once more... and then there's noise... a baby's cries...

While out in the Street, Mike's fading.

'Hold on, Mike, hold on...!' Deirdre cries, reaching for Mike's hand and squeezing it tight...

The Rovers is opening now, people are coming outside...

Ken's clutching Mike with tears in his eyes. 'Hold on...'

But Mike can't do it... and with one last weak look to Deirdre, then to Ken, his eyes slowly close and he stops shivering... all movement gone now...

'Nnoo,' Deirdre sniffs, collapsing onto Mike's chest. Ken can't stop himself now, as he looks up into the night's sky, it's emptiness, tears pouring uncontrollably...

Matt cuts the umbilical cord with scissors and hands Claire her baby... 'It's a girl, Claire!' he cries. 'You've got a wonderful baby girl!'

And Claire's in tears now too, she's crying tears of joy, overcome by the coming of new life... she cradles her baby, and it's the most important thing in the world, the most precious thing...

While out in the Street, an ambulance stops at the scene, but it's far too late... and as the ambulance's blue light bursts onto every wall, every surface, every face who stands to watch, as the rain continues to beat down, everybody knows life will never be the same...

Now can I hear your comments?