View Full Version : digital camera's

18-03-2006, 14:09
im wanting to buy a digital camera but i dont understand them! which are the best ones to buy?

18-03-2006, 16:06
how much money do you have to spend?

18-03-2006, 16:26
i spose it depends on how much you want to spend on it , i ahve teh new pentax underwater camera and its really good wouldnt swap it for any other camera

18-03-2006, 16:49
well no more than £250 say but i dont understand is Mega Pixels.
Optical Zoom.
for instance does this sound like a good camera:
4 Mega Pixels.
3x Optical Zoom.
2.5ins. LCD Screen.

18-03-2006, 17:01
the higher the mega pixels the better quality picture the camera will take crazygirl...

18-03-2006, 17:46
well ive been google searching and i think ive found the camera i want

18-03-2006, 18:36
you want optical zoom and digital zoom, becuase you can zoom in further with optical

18-03-2006, 18:45
I'm quite tempted with this one http://www.kodak.com/eknec/PageQuerier.jhtml?pq-path=6722&pq-locale=en_GB

18-03-2006, 18:45
You dont want one with less than 4 mega pexels really. You will need both optical and digital zoom. Try dixons and boots I got a 5 mega pixel, cannon cammera with 5x optical and 3 times digital zoom for £110

18-03-2006, 18:46
I'm quite tempted with this one http://www.kodak.com/eknec/PageQuerier.jhtml?pq-path=6722&pq-locale=en_GB

That looks really nice and should have everything you want

18-03-2006, 19:01
I got a digital camera for Christmas, its a 4.7megapixel or something like that, I think it was about £100,its really good. The one you found looks really good.

18-03-2006, 19:04
ive been google searching for all this optical thingymagig and megapixel stuff because i don't have a clue!!!!!

18-03-2006, 19:12
Moving to 'Computing' forum......