View Full Version : Episode 618 - Unusual Suspects

15-03-2006, 00:58
Christy Vollmer is every parent's dream child: a 4.0 GPA, homecoming queen, future Harvard student. So when her body is found in the football field of her high school, bleeding from the head, everyone is shocked – but the surprises are evidently only beginning when two of her classmates, siblings Marlon and Hannah Beck, each confess to the murder.

When 12-year-old Hannah comes forth with her confession everyone, including the CSIs, is skeptical. Barely able to hold her own weight, Hannah is a good-natured kid genius who spends most of her time reading or hanging out with her teachers. Physically, it seems impossible that Hannah could've killed her classmate, but Hannah had the perfect motive to kill Christy – she was teased every day by the older student. Christy's last prank, according to Hannah, was especially cruel and was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Hannah was tutoring Christy's boyfriend, Scott, who she liked. Judging from his gentle treatment of Hannah, she thought he liked her back, despite being four years her senior. To supposedly bury the hatchet between the two girls, Christy made Scott gave Hannah a beautiful dress she could wear to the school's spring dance. Hannah wore her dress proudly, but when she showed up to the dance the lights from the room revealed a series of nasty insults written on Hannah's dress with invisible ink. To get back at Christy, Hannah filled one of the showerheads at the school's locker room with sodium and elaborated an intricate plan that got Christy under the showerhead. But Hannah miscalculated her plan, and when the showerhead exploded Christy ran out of the locker room screaming. When she spotted Hannah spying on her, Hannah knew she had to make sure Christy wouldn't talk. Hannah's detailed confession is perfect, if it weren't for the fact that...

In another room, Marlon is telling almost the same story. A loner kid living in his young sister's shadow, Marlon claimed he killed Christy to make Hannah's life easier. The problem with Marlon's confession seems clear, though: while he had the brawns, Marlon doesn't appear to be smart enough to conduct such an intricate murder. But that doesn't stop him from insisting he is, in fact, the murderer. Marlon claims he stole the sodium from the lab and learned about the experiment from Hannah's books. He apparently killed Christy to protect Hannah, but Hannah claims she killed Christy to protect Marlon. Which one is telling the truth?

If Hannah is the murderer, the evidence is doing little to support her claims. Much shorter than the rest of her classmates, it would've taken a great amount of effort for Hannah to drag Christy's body across the football field. But Hannah easily provides an answer to that dilemma: she used a cart to transport Christy's body. For every question that the CSIs come up with Hannah is there with a clever response. Sara and Sofia believe Hannah is lying, but with an IQ much higher than theirs, Hannah's manipulations might in this case render the evidence useless.

08-04-2006, 13:56
More information:

Sofia Curtis and Dr. Robbins are testifying in the trial of Marlon West, a high school boy who stands accused of murdering a classmate, Stacy Vollmer. Stacy was practicing on the tennis court the night she was last seen, and found buried and wrapped in a shower curtain on the football field. Dr. Robbins testifies that she was killed by a cerebral hemorrhage caused by a blow to the head. Bleached clothes and blood and hair from Stacy in the drain of his bathroom led the CSIs to Marlon, but his twelve-year-old sister Hannah shocks the court when she takes the stand claims that she is one who killed Stacy--and she has what looks like blood and dirt on her tank top to prove it. The judge denies a motion to suppress Hannah's assertion, leaving the CSIs with the task of proving her wrong.

Nick consults with Catherine, Sara and Warrick, going over the evidence against Marlon. Though Marlon's videotaped confession was thrown out, the evidence against him was strong. Marlon used a school copier to make 'out of order' signs and put them on most of the showers in the girl's locker room, save for one, which he sabotaged with sodium hydroxide. When Stacy turned it on, it sprayed her in the face, sparking, burning and blinding her. Frantic, Stacy ran from the showers and either fell or was pushed down stairs in the school. From there someone moved her body to the football field and buried her. Nick thinks Hannah wasn't strong enough to move Stacy's body. Hannah is in high school, but she's a child prodigy who skipped six grades. Nick also notes that Stacy's car was left in front of the house of her boyfriend, Scott Baird, presumably to frame him, but the boy was at an away basketball game and was quickly eliminated as a suspect.

Hodges confirms the soil on Hannah's shirt matches the soil from the football field, so Sara and Sofia question the girl. Hannah tells them she hated Stacy. The pretty, popular senior tormented Hannah, constantly playing pranks on her, culminating in giving her a dress for the spring with cruel phrases written on it through Scott, whom Hannah was tutoring. When Hannah showed up at the dance, the blue lights revealed the things written on the dress. Hannah claims the shower was supposed to be just a prank, but she miscalculated. The CSIs don't know what to believe--the blood on Hannah's shirt proves to be her own, not Stacy's, and she could have easily gone to the football field to get the dirt at anytime. The CSIs go to the Wests' house, where Mr. and Mrs. West insist that Marlon, not Hannah, is the guilty party. In Hannah's room, Sara and Nick discover a poster for a science project Hannah did on sodium reactions, as well as the ruined dress and a copy of Stephen King's Carrie.

While Nick discovers Hannah's prints on the shower curtain Stacey had around her, Sara questions Hannah's chemistry teacher, who seems certain Hannah didn't commit the murder. He believes it was Marlon, not Hannah, who stole the sodium hydroxide from the lab. Catherine and Warrick go back to Stacy's car and discover a bloody fingerprint under the driver's seat and are surprised to match it to Scott, Stacy's boyfriend. Scott admits to having sex with Stacy in the car, but keeping it secret because she took a virginity pledge. Scott used a condom, but Stacy bled a little and her blood was on the condom, and when he took it off, he got it on his hands. Hodges tests further and confirms that the blood has spermicide mixed in with it. Scott's story checks out. The CSIs turn back to the crime scene. Warrick brings Tina's niece, Darcy, who is the same size as Hannah, along to help with the experiment. Though she's able to reach the showerhead with a stool, she simply isn't strong enough to drag the body on her own.

The CSIs start to suspect that Hannah and Marlon killed Stacy together, and are now conspiring to cancel out each other's confessions and both get off. In separate questioning sessions, both Marlon and Hannah maintain their guilt. When Sara tells Hannah there's no way she could have dragged Stacy's body that far, Hannah tells her she didn't--she used a landscaping cart parked in the field. Her story about the cart checks out, and there's just no way for the CSIs to prove Hannah didn't kill Stacy. Sara is convinced that the girl did it, but Nick still thinks she's covering for her brother. The DA is forced to continue Marlon's trial. The jury deliberates and comes back with a verdict of 'Not guilty.' Afterwards, Sara tells Hannah she will be charged with murder, but Hannah is convinced that even if she does go to jail, it will only be for five years at most. She reminds Sara that people get away with murder everyday, and then leans down and whispers a secret to the CSI: she didn't kill Stacy; Marlon did.