View Full Version : Eastenders

12-03-2006, 15:12
Whats Eastners???????????????????????????????

12-03-2006, 15:15
you know darn well, youve just asked if anyoine watxhes it in intros

di marco
12-03-2006, 15:15
Whats Eastners???????????????????????????????

ive tried to give you friendly advice and warn you about different things but obviously youre just ignoring me and everyone else who tried to welcome you and warn you, youll probably get banned and you dont really want that to happen as youve only just joined do you?

12-03-2006, 15:15
Libby, stop the unnecissary threads. You know what EastEnders is.

12-03-2006, 15:16
Libby this is just getting stupid. why did you join if you are just going to sapm the boards

12-03-2006, 15:18
kim is she a friend of yours???

12-03-2006, 15:20
Yes she is. I would show her how to use the site properly but we live half an hour away from each other so I don't get to see her that often.

12-03-2006, 15:21
Ya. Its a Shame, Mi Mum Ses u n Hol can Cum n Sleep Do Sumwen

di marco
12-03-2006, 15:22
Yes she is. I would show her how to use the site properly but we live half an hour away from each other so I don't get to see her that often.

well from what it looks like she wouldnt listen to you anyway, loads of us have tried to give us friendly advice and she isnt taking any notice!

12-03-2006, 15:23
Ya. Its a Shame, Mi Mum Ses u n Hol can Cum n Sleep Do Sumwen

why dont you phone and ask er? soaps is not the place to do it! :)

12-03-2006, 15:23
U havnt Given Me Any Advice, im not tryin 2 spam or woteva u call it i just dunno how 2 use the site n yeh i wud listen 2 her shes like mi best m8

12-03-2006, 15:24
Im Just Sayin............................................. .....

di marco
12-03-2006, 15:24
U havnt Given Me Any Advice, im not tryin 2 spam or woteva u call it i just dunno how 2 use the site n yeh i wud listen 2 her shes like mi best m8

well ive told you for a start that text talk is banned yet youre still using it, a few different people have told you to stop starting pointless posts and to post in the right forum yet youre not listening

12-03-2006, 15:24
try readiing what we have all told you. we have given you advice.

12-03-2006, 15:24
well from what it looks like she wouldnt listen to you anyway, loads of us have tried to give us friendly advice and she isnt taking any notice!

She is finding it difficult to find her way around, it's not that she doesn't listen.

12-03-2006, 15:25
Thnx Kim. The Thing is.. i cant read ur advice BECAUSE I DONT NO HOW TO

di marco
12-03-2006, 15:25
She is finding it difficult to find her way around, it's not that she doesn't listen.

i know shes your friend and everything, but ignoring people giving her advice isnt to do with not being able to find her way around! :rolleyes:

12-03-2006, 15:25
seems like she is finding her away around fine to me

di marco
12-03-2006, 15:26
Thnx Kim. The Thing is.. i cant read ur advice BECAUSE I DONT NO HOW TO

what you saying you cant read? then how come youre writing perfectly fine then?

12-03-2006, 15:26
me too. she has found loads of diffrent forums to post in.

12-03-2006, 15:27
i didnt say i cudnt read, i said i cudnt undastand. i dont no wot this sites all about! im startin 2 undastand it now. whys txt banned? wots so bad about it

di marco
12-03-2006, 15:30
i didnt say i cudnt read, i said i cudnt undastand. i dont no wot this sites all about! im startin 2 undastand it now. whys txt banned? wots so bad about it

text talk is banned cos not everyone can understand it, if you had read the rules you would know

12-03-2006, 15:30
Wel.. i didnt read the rules and if they cant undastand it its there problem init

12-03-2006, 15:31
Libby, you need to find the correct forums to discuss what it is you would like to discuss.

12-03-2006, 15:32
i didnt say i cudnt read, i said i cudnt undastand. i dont no wot this sites all about! im startin 2 undastand it now. whys txt banned? wots so bad about it

It can also get on some people's nerves.

12-03-2006, 15:32
Wot happens if there arnt any forums tht hav wot i wanna discus? wots a forum?

12-03-2006, 15:35
Wot happens if there arnt any forums tht hav wot i wanna discus? wots a forum?

There should be. If there is a tv program you post it in the other programs forum

12-03-2006, 15:37
Wot happens if there arnt any forums tht hav wot i wanna discus? wots a forum?

you can create one by clicking on new thread but it has to be in the right section

12-03-2006, 15:39
i know shes your friend and everything, but ignoring people giving her advice isnt to do with not being able to find her way around! :rolleyes:

I don't want to start any trouble, but she tries to find the correct place that she is told she should be posting in, but she can't find it.

12-03-2006, 15:43
Libby you are spamming, using text talk and using offensive langauge

I have no option but to ban you from this website!