View Full Version : Week 12

03-03-2006, 11:09
Tuesday 21 March
Naomi and Sonia decide to stay clear of Martin after he angrily blames Naomi for ruining his marriage, as the drama continues in Albert Square.

Meanwhile, Jake is shocked when a very familiar face turns up in Scarlet; and Bert and Mo go out on a date together.

Thursday 23 March
Peggy celebrates her birthday in the Vic, in tonight’s visit to Albert Square.

Elsewhere, Sonia is upset when Jim refuses to accept her relationship with Naomi.

Meanwhile, Joe is furious with Bert when he tells Mo about their past.

Friday 24 March
Ian prepares for Ben’s birthday party, while Phil returns to the Square and is shocked to hear about Kathy’s death, as the drama continues.

Elsewhere, Charlie is worried about Little Mo and tells her that asking for help won’t make her a bad mother.

Meanwhile, Patrick tries to persuade Yolande not to give up on their marriage.

Bit confused because there's nothing for Monday's episode. :searchme: Don't know whether it's a mistake and they've missed it off, it isn't on that night, or they're hiding a big spoiler. :searchme:

03-03-2006, 11:12
So sonia fling turned into a relationship? that quick!!!!
I am sure the surprise for Jack is Phil saying what are you doing with my mum
:eek::eek: mo and bert. damn he is going to be here for a while :angry:

03-03-2006, 11:14
Jack isn't mentioned? :searchme:

I'm annoyed with Bert sticking around as well. Really annoying me - I hope they tone him down if he's a permanent character.

Johnny Allen
03-03-2006, 11:18
So is Danny back on the 21st as it says Jake is shocked when a familar face returns. Phil is back soon yes.

03-03-2006, 11:19
Thanks for posting.

Is the familar face that Jake sees his brother Danny?

Sonia and Naomi storyline sounds boring and awful. There are a terrible characters who should just leave.

03-03-2006, 11:23
I'm assuming it's Danny. The preview for the next issue of Soaplife, which will cover Weeks 11 and 12 mentioned Danny returning. :)

03-03-2006, 11:46
Jack isn't mentioned? :searchme:

I'm annoyed with Bert sticking around as well. Really annoying me - I hope they tone him down if he's a permanent character.

sorry read jake as jack.. oops

03-03-2006, 13:34
sharon marshall said that sonia and niaomi's relashionship is going to go on a while

03-03-2006, 13:55
Bit confused because there's nothing for Monday's episode. :searchme: Don't know whether it's a mistake and they've missed it off, it isn't on that night, or they're hiding a big spoiler. :searchme:

I think it might be because there is an FA Cup match that is being shown on BBC 1 on Monday night. Not 100% sure on that though.

Booooooooo to the Naomi/Sonia stuff. What a load of tosh that is! :thumbsdow :wall:

03-03-2006, 14:21
Looks like I'll be back to Sky +ing again during this weeks yawnfest then :rotfl:

03-03-2006, 16:24
Any1 know what Joe's secret past is? :hmm:

03-03-2006, 16:28
is bert the hobo looking guy :eek:?

03-03-2006, 17:21
I think it might be because there is an FA Cup match that is being shown on BBC 1 on Monday night. Not 100% sure on that though.

Yes, there's no episode on the Monday because of football coverage...looks like the best episode of the week to me! :)

03-03-2006, 18:02
no eastenders on monday! so will there be a double episode at some point next week

03-03-2006, 18:12
Yes, there's no episode on the Monday because of football coverage...looks like the best episode of the week to me! :)

Me too, funnily enough Parker. :)

They should play the FA Cup on weekdays more often. :cool:

03-03-2006, 18:53
Sonia and Naomi storyline sounds boring and awful. There are a terrible characters who should just leave.

I know that everyone is entitled to their opinion and I have no problem with that. However, it gets very boring when you say that characters should be axed/leave over and over again. And it is annoying to people who like them.
I haven't made up my mind about Naomi yet, but Sonia is certainly not a terrible character and never has been.

If you really hate a character, why talk about them? There are many characters that I don't like but I simply ignore them. I'm looking forward to the drama of this storyline. It is certainly going to shake things up for a lot of characters so I don't think it sounds boring or awful at all. Why not wait until it airs before making a decision.

03-03-2006, 21:27
No Bradley and Stacey again! Are they just not mentioning them because they didn't get together until tonight and they didn't want to spoil things, because they are mentioning stuff about the Johnny situation and Phil. I don't know why they can't say anything about them. I want to know what happens!

03-03-2006, 21:31
Any1 know what Joe's secret past is? :hmm:

He's been in jail for fraud and robbery. I think that's where he knows Bert from. His daughter seems to know the truth. Also he helped his wife die (euthanasia), which I don't think he did time for.

03-03-2006, 21:48
No Bradley and Stacey again! Are they just not mentioning them because they didn't get together until tonight and they didn't want to spoil things, because they are mentioning stuff about the Johnny situation and Phil. I don't know why they can't say anything about them. I want to know what happens!

It could just be that nothing major happens with them. They're together now so until the first relationship hurdle, I suspect they'll just be doing coupley things. The POs spoilers don't mention everything that happens - the scenes mentioned won't be the only ones that are in it. I wouldn't worry. :)

Mr Humphries
04-03-2006, 08:56
So is grant back the following week ?

04-03-2006, 09:01
No EastEnders on Monday? :eek: Oh well, half an hour to spare!

04-03-2006, 09:46
Me too, funnily enough Parker. :)

They should play the FA Cup on weekdays more often. :cool:

I expect that during the summer EE will be moved about because of the World Cup. Hopefully, but that time, EE is better than it is now.

04-03-2006, 10:37
cant wait to see them sounds good i cant belive sonia and naomi

di marco
04-03-2006, 12:55
sounds like an ok week i suppose, i assume the familiar face is danny, and unfortunately it looks like bert is still there, he is so annoying i was hoping he would have left by now!

04-03-2006, 13:57
I expect that during the summer EE will be moved about because of the World Cup. Hopefully, but that time, EE is better than it is now.
Wishful thinking. :rolleyes:

Corrie and Emmerdale will also fall foul of the schedule changes for Germany 2006. I just hope they don't squeeze extra episodes around the disruptions like they normally do. :thumbsdow

05-03-2006, 12:20
I thought Eastenders wouldn't be on on Monday because of football coverage. The Bert/Mo stuff doesn't sound very exciting but i will see what happens before judging it. The Niaomi/Sonia story sounds great especially Jim struggling to accept Sonia's relationship with Niaomi. Hopefully the familiar face is Danny Moon and i am glad Phil is returning, hopefully Grant isn't too far away. Overall, it looks like a good week in the Square :)

Johnny Allen
05-03-2006, 12:28
I know that everyone is entitled to their opinion and I have no problem with that. However, it gets very boring when you say that characters should be axed/leave over and over again. And it is annoying to people who like them.
I haven't made up my mind about Naomi yet, but Sonia is certainly not a terrible character and never has been.

If you really hate a character, why talk about them? There are many characters that I don't like but I simply ignore them. I'm looking forward to the drama of this storyline. It is certainly going to shake things up for a lot of characters so I don't think it sounds boring or awful at all. Why not wait until it airs before making a decision.

well I think the thing is that Sonia is a very good character and Natalie Cassidy has produced fine performances over the years, however her character has become very boring recently with this Naomi storyline. Sonia never showed any signs of having affections for the same sex before so its out of character. And In fairness this storyline has gone on a bit.

05-03-2006, 12:54
sharon marshall said that sonia and niaomi's relashionship is going to go on a while

Does it? I heard that she realises that it is Martin that she wants after all,but it's too late,Rebecca's grandmother hears all about sonia's fling and takes Rebecca away.I can't for the life of remember where i heard that from.

05-03-2006, 15:07
Does it? I heard that she realises that it is Martin that she wants after all,but it's too late,Rebecca's grandmother hears all about sonia's fling and takes Rebecca away.I can't for the life of remember where i heard that from.

I heard that too, but I don't think it was confirmed. Mind you I seem to remember reading that after she decides she wants Martin back, he doesn't want her. And she goes to stay with Naomi. I think it takes about two weeks for Martin to go around and ask Sonia to come home, by that time Sonia probably feels like she'd prefer to stay with Naomi. It's sad about Sonia and Martin's relationship falling apart, but I do think she will go back to him in the long run.

I read an interview with Natalie Cassidy, and she said the storyline isn't really about being in a same sex relationship, it's about loving somebody, and that it doesn't have a label. Therefore Sonia isn't saying she's a lesbian, just that she's attracted to somebody other than Martin, and she could go back at some point.

Dr. Tangliss
05-03-2006, 17:21
Sounds a boring week, *yawns*....

05-03-2006, 20:53
GLad Phil 's back! When is Grant back?

Boo to the Naomi n Sonia stuff - i personally dont like this storyline

05-03-2006, 20:54
I think Grunt's back at the end of this month.

05-03-2006, 21:05
I think Grunt's back at the end of this month.

:cheer: :cheer: Im glad! I loved his and Phils scenes last time they were so funny!

06-03-2006, 02:27
yeah grant's back last week in march

06-03-2006, 06:05
So is Danny back on the 21st as it says Jake is shocked when a familar face returns. Phil is back soon yes.

But it does not say DANNY does it ?? How do you know it isn't Alfie :rotfl: or Spencer even:lol:

07-03-2006, 16:32
thanks for posting

cant believe they have taken naomi and sonia one step further how annoying.... cant wait phil back on bens birthday then?!? and i wonder what joes secret is??

08-03-2006, 11:09
How can then turn sonia and naomi's kiss into a relationship. shes no more a lesbian than phil mitchel is a virgin.Glad to see that phil and danny are back

12-03-2006, 18:10
i really do not like naomi and sonia thing! i cant believe theyve ruined martin and sonia i liked them two and wen they were with rebecca, that i didnt mind. but this is just awful!! i think they think that us viewers like this sort of thing noooooo i dont think so (well i dont anyway lol!) on a positive note im glad that phil is back!

12-03-2006, 18:19
i really do not like naomi and sonia thing! i cant believe theyve ruined martin and sonia i liked them two and wen they were with rebecca, that i didnt mind. but this is just awful!! i think they think that us viewers like this sort of thing noooooo i dont think so (well i dont anyway lol!) on a positive note im glad that phil is back!

What don't you like? lesbians? or just the fact that Martin and Sonia have split up? I think it's quite a good storyline, I'm upset about Martin and Sonia's relationship being over (for the time being) but it shows a different side to Sonia's personality. She hasn't been happy with Martin for a long time, and although it will hurt him, something has to change for her to happy in that relationship. Naomi is probably just a crush for Sonia, but it's something she needs to explore otherwise she'll never be happy with herself. I think she's unsure about what she wants.

13-03-2006, 07:32
I think people are more upset that it was a one off kiss, and now its a full blown relationship. Rather than just the lesbian part of it, if they'd done it differently or got someone else for Naomi then people wouldn't be so upset.

19-03-2006, 15:27
I read in The Tv Mag that on Friday, Mo finds a surprise when she rips Bert's shirt of. I'm thinking that this is an electronic tag.

di marco
19-03-2006, 16:36
I read in The Tv Mag that on Friday, Mo finds a surprise when she rips Bert's shirt of. I'm thinking that this is an electronic tag.

its a prison tattoo i read somewhere

20-03-2006, 00:30
That is correct, it's a prison tattoo.

The thought of Big Mo getting down and d..... :sick:

20-03-2006, 08:03
I am sort of curious how Mo indentifies his tattoo as being a "prison tattoo".. I know there are some differences, with just using ink from pens and needles in the lock up, should be interesting ..... and Richie I agree I am not sure I wanna even THINK about Big Mo and Bert doing ANY THING horizonal or otherwise:sick: :rotfl:

20-03-2006, 14:15
The thought of Big Mo and Bert is almost as bad as Frank in his bowtie and nothing else *shudder* http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/7470/bowtie0ut.gif

20-03-2006, 14:21
it is not that bad at least mo and bert are at the same age and at least mo is falling in love with some one lol

20-03-2006, 14:28
Falling in lust I think you mean!

20-03-2006, 14:29
yer i did thank lol did u see stacey and badley

20-03-2006, 14:31
Big Mo is at that age when her hormones are raging , so I don't think it is LOVE at all cuz she is just looking for something to calm the raging fires below :rotfl: