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View Full Version : tj to die?

30-04-2005, 15:11
Emmerdale is set to be rocked to its foundations when baby Tj is killed in a horrific car crash.

in scenes to be shown next months Dawn and her dad Bob go for a drive not realising that the car is a death trap. as they turn a corner she loses control sending the car flipping wildly through the air.

its set to be heartbreaking for Dawn who will suffer a complete mental breakdown and leave scott with an awful lot of explainng to do.

saw this on digital spy forums,whether its true or not.......
the guy claims the source is emmerdALE Past and present whatever that is...

Bad Wolf
30-04-2005, 15:14
i hope its not true, maybe dawn will die and terry will be left with tj???

30-04-2005, 15:15
Oh my god that's dreadful I hope it's not true but DS are usually right

30-04-2005, 18:02
:eek: :crying: Awwww! No poor TJ! I think it would be a good storyline though! Hopefully Dawn would leave!

30-04-2005, 20:00
Someone on emmerdale past and present says it has been confrmed that the car crash wont happen, someone says they have seen a car crash being filmed. Who knows.i

01-05-2005, 09:40
Horrible, but I guess horrible things do happen an awful lot in Emmerdale!

Bad Wolf
01-05-2005, 11:14
this is what i would like to see as the outcome, there is a accident, dawn dies, scott is full of remorse and viv and bob are reunited in caring for little tj!!!

01-05-2005, 15:40
Uh that sounds really awful.

Dawn does need SOME use milling round the village complaining about life and tking a driving test just isn't enough.

Sounds interesting but whether its true, we'll have to wait and see!

01-05-2005, 18:04
Sounds like a horrible storyline to me. Would be better if someone stepped in at the last minute so TJ doesn't happen to be in the car but they're all cut up cos he could have been in there or something like that.

01-05-2005, 18:42
sounds gr8
emmerdale past and present is the officcail website

03-05-2005, 12:59
Poor Terry, Louise cheats, his son dies. I would prefer if Dawn dies. Brookside did a storyline like this where Susannah had a car accident and her kids died and she had a breakdown. Emmerdale seems to be covering the same territory. At least it is better from the affairs that seem to be happening every week in Emmerdale.

03-05-2005, 14:50
Poor Terry, Louise cheats, his son dies. I would prefer if Dawn dies. Brookside did a storyline like this where Susannah had a car accident and her kids died and she had a breakdown. Emmerdale seems to be covering the same territory. At least it is better from the affairs that seem to be happening every week in Emmerdale.

You know Tammy you are right, Emmerdale is full of people having affairs......must be all that good country air LOL

03-05-2005, 15:07
oh no poor tj thats sad

05-05-2005, 11:36
do they really h8 terry so much they want him to lose everything!