View Full Version : Who Do you want to Win Just the two of us ???

27-02-2006, 16:32
Who ???? I want mark and natasha to win they are amazing !!!!! :cheer: :cheer:

27-02-2006, 16:40
1. Mark and Tash
2. Chris and Jo

27-02-2006, 16:54
Its Gonna Be Soooooooooooo Close !!!

27-02-2006, 19:23
Mark and Natasha. My mum was panicking incase they got put out last night :lol:

27-02-2006, 20:17
chris and jo are great but mark and natasha are great to

28-02-2006, 16:10
Chris and Jo= It not because i fancy Chris- it because i think he can sing and he try to sing - he is not a singer he is a Soapstar who play a bad boy

28-02-2006, 16:13
i've only actually seen 2 episodes, but based on them i think that Mark and Natasha and Sian and Russell are the best so either of them.
I think Penny and Curtis are the worst and Chris and Jo i dont like (dont think Chris can sing) and i cant remember which Nicky and Beverley are... is that the one with the coloured woman? if so they werent bad when i saw them.

28-02-2006, 16:22
i go for talent above anything else... so Sian and Russel should win

28-02-2006, 16:25
i go for talent above anything else... so Sian and Russel should winThink they should win too- more than chris and jo

28-02-2006, 17:06
sian and ussell. They give a good performance everytime, and put loads of effort into it.

28-02-2006, 20:55
Mark and Natasha or Sian and Russell, I love all of their voices and they put so much effort into their performances :D I like Mark and Tash best though :D

28-02-2006, 20:58
Chris & Jo. I just think that they're such a good couple and they deserve to win :D

x Amby x
01-03-2006, 17:46
its a toss between Chris and Jo and Tash and Mark, but i voted for Chris and Jo :):)

03-03-2006, 22:17
Natasha & Mark !!!!!!!!!!!! wooooooooo hoooooooooooo they are the best. Liverpudlians 4eva !!!!!!!!!!! Scousers

03-03-2006, 22:22
Mark and Natasha all the way :cheer: yey!

Chloe O'brien
03-03-2006, 22:40
i want mark and natasha to win they have been brill the whole two weeks

04-03-2006, 00:01
I voted Chris and Jo, but I love Mark and Natasha too. Either of them to win

04-03-2006, 00:11
I voted for Mark and Tash, only because they are the strongest..

04-03-2006, 02:15
Either Chris and Jo or Mark and Natasha, technically if i had my way i would want Chris and natasha to win!

04-03-2006, 09:39
lol, MARK AND NATASHA - the people from bridget jones !!!

04-03-2006, 16:17
defo mark and tash for me, strong throughout.

05-03-2006, 08:47
fingers crossed for them tonight