View Full Version : The pill

26-02-2006, 15:34
i came off the pill just before christmas. Since then I have had on 2 day period in the middle of january and thats it. I saw the nurse at my doctors last month and she told me that It may take a month to settle out. Its now almost march and it still hasnt. Does anyone know when it is likely to settle back into a routine?

26-02-2006, 15:58
It can take 3 months and more for your hormones to settle down again after coming off the pill. I've known people whose periods haven't returned properly for 6 months or more.

26-02-2006, 16:26
Oh I dont mind not having periods. I guess Ill just have to wait then

26-02-2006, 16:43
if you have period than go on the pill than you body has to get back to knowing that the body is not taking the pill- As i only take a week of the pill and my body went wrong back it okay now

22-01-2007, 15:23
Is there anyone on the pill who had a gain in weight when they started and find it hard to lose it?

I got the pill about a year ago and I put on 7lb which I can't seem to lose.. I have dieted and stuff but although I lost inches in other parts of my body, my stomach still is bloated and I can't seem to get rid of it..

i try to exercise and I don't over eat.. any advise?

22-01-2007, 22:35
I did Siobhan - its only since I've had no hormonal birth control that I've been able to lose the weight. Before hand, whether the implant or the pill before that, I put on weight and it didn't matter what I did I couldn't shift it.

Is it worth having a chat with your gp and seeing if there is one more suitable maybe.

22-06-2010, 19:14
Sorry to drag this thread up but Im thinking of going on the pill. So Im guessing all I do is go to my doctor and ask?
Also though I need to go cos I might have tonsilitus, do you think its worth waiting what he says about that before asking about the pill?
Im kinda of worried that I'll gain weight but I still want to go on the pill

Thanks in advance guys! :)

22-06-2010, 20:48
The contraceptive pill doesn't always work if you take antibiotics. As you get tonsillitis a fair bit and are presumably taking antibiotics, you would either need to abstain from sex during the week or two that you're on them or take extra precautions. Also, if you vomit within a certain time frame of taking the pill or don't take it on time, it might not work. There's so many different types of pill.

I don't know if this is the same for all hormone contraceptives, the implant or IUD might be better for you if they're not affected by antibiotics. There's so much on the market, it's worth having a talk with your doctor about what would be best for you and your situation re the antibiotics (if its a regular thing). Don't forget that the pill only protects against pregnancy and not STDs.

Now that I've written all that, its just occurred to me that you might be considering the pill for period related trouble and not contraception! You don't need to say which. I don't know much about that side of the pill, somebody else might know more.

22-06-2010, 21:31
Thanks Abigail, well firstly I plan on going on the pill for contraception, I thought since me and my boyfriend are apart since uni is finished, I'll start going on it now cos I know from my friends experience it can mess up your period when you first go on it

Also Im not on antibiotics well might be, depends what the doc says, I havent had tonsilitis in ages and he should be referring me to have them out this time, but I just thought whether I should bother bringing up I want to go on the pill while im there on wait? Its not an urgent thing, Im not sure when I'll see my boyfriend next

23-06-2010, 08:58
If anyone is worried about weight gain, then never get the contraceptive injection. I put on nearly 2 stone with that and so did my sister in law.

23-06-2010, 13:36
so what does everyone think?
Do you think I should mention it and if I do end up on anitobotics would I still be able to pick up the pill but not start taking it till my course is over?

23-06-2010, 13:37
so what does everyone think?
Do you think I should mention it and if I do end up on anitobotics would I still be able to pick up the pill but not start taking it till my course is over?

Abbie.. with the pill you don't take it until the first day of your next period. If you are off the course by then you should be alright.. if you have to take antibiotics regularly, yes, tell your doctor and they might be able to suggest options

23-06-2010, 13:50
Ok thanks, the good thing is I dont take antibiotics regularly, Im only on antibitics when I have tonsilitis and even then I dont go on antibiotcs whenever I have it, sometimes I just dont bother

23-06-2010, 18:42
i remember the doctor saying to me that antibiotics do make the pill less effective, but you should be ok if you start your first packet when you finish the anti biotics.

23-06-2010, 21:11
good thats all I wanted to know really, cos It saves me two trips to the doctors

24-06-2010, 14:39
Well Ive been to the doctor and got the pill now. She didnt put me on antibiotics for my tonsilitis and explained and it all made sense. She also explained loads about the pill and gave me a leaflet and was really helpful

Thanks for all your advice and stuff :)