View Full Version : Can It Ever Improve?

26-02-2006, 11:15
I've clear that standards are slipping on this show, as much as i love it, it just hasnt got the same appeal as it did in the olden days... i liked the original few as it had that superb gritness and hard edge to it, and i think if they ever want to improve they need to return to this approach.

do you think its possible after theyve spent the last few series trying to lighten it up and glam it up to the style of its sister show footballers wives? theyve tried to appeal to a younger audience, which is where the viewers come from, by i say we need to return back to the old days of Bad Girls... is this ever possible and how could they do so?

26-02-2006, 11:20
i think it can improve if it trys. I think a new batch of prisoners should do the trick. I thought it got slightly better with that pat kerrigan woman but i agree it is trying to be like footballers wivesin the sense of glamming it up, and that really does not work as its set in a prison so they should look like prisoners.

26-02-2006, 11:31
its hard to return to an old format when the current format is a million miles away from that, and this format draws in more viewers...

the thing with bad girls is its a confined location, so there is only a limited amount of storylines and issues that can be dealt with without repetiton, it boils down to drugs/lesbianism/corrupt screws and thats about it...

id rather see it go out on a high then fizzle out slowly over time. we need a stella cast to come in.... good actresses as apose to good looking women... anna friel ive always seen as someone who could join the show... it needs to stop being popular and go back to its cult following if possible.

26-02-2006, 13:08
The first 3 series were brilliant. Really gritty. It kind of lost it after Christopher Biggins came in a randomly adopted Buki Lester's disabled son. I think they wrung every last drop out the prisoners v Jim Fenner storyline, and as a result, it all started to get a bit silly.

I think they should invest more in the existing characters, maybe exploring those who haven't had much chance to shine yet. And PLEASE no more p.o./con relationships!!!!!!

26-02-2006, 14:35
It will never get back to its originailty like it was in the first 3 series! They will never be another Shell Dockley or Helen Stewart! No matter how much they try!
Its getting far to OTT which is understandable by Footie Wives. I still prefer the original series of Fottie Wives back in the day!

Im looking forward to Amanada Donahue arriving at Larkhall though! Shes a great actress! If they brought back Claire King (Karen Betts) then i think the show will be slightly back to its old self! But thats the thing with TV shows, its the actors/actresses they decided whether they appear or not!

26-03-2006, 21:00
I think Bad Girls has been great but i only started watching from the prison fire where Shaz was killed so i haven't really seen the first few series so i don't know how great it was back before. I loved the last series though when Julie J killed Jim Fenner!! and she explained how she did it. It kept me hooked! I hope the upcoming series is just as good and i can't wait until Amanda Donohoe joins! :)

26-03-2006, 21:17
it was better the in teh first and second series now its appealing to a younger audience so its a bit moe ott they are still good now but not as good as it used to be

26-03-2006, 21:22
I stopped watching it about 2 series ago, as it was going down hill. I did catch some off the last series but it was all to far fetched. Nope it's lost it for me.

26-03-2006, 21:24
The first moment i remember of Bad Girls is where Maxi lost that fight against that other prisoner and Al stuffed tissues in her mouth and she choked to death.