View Full Version : dvd clampdown

23-02-2006, 14:58
Will the new clampdown reduce piracy?

23-02-2006, 15:18
im sure it wont but it should do. im not into pirate copies and always buy legal ones, also enjoy a trip to the cinema which will be finished in a few years with people just illegally copying.

23-02-2006, 15:34
It wont stop it. Unfortunately if people can buy a good quality dvd copy fo £5 or pay £15 for two to go the cinema there is no contest.

23-02-2006, 15:40
especially with cinema prices being so high these days, peopel are far more likely to buy a DVD pirate or not.

23-02-2006, 15:45
i don't think it will help reduce piracy

23-02-2006, 16:23
i dont think it will. but then why would you want to buy a film that cost 15-20quid when you can get one for a fiver (like alan said) maybe if they lowered the prices then people wouldnt want illegal ones as much. its always better to have the orignal ones.

23-02-2006, 16:29
is £5 ones not piracy? i would wait until a film is on DVD as i don't have a cincia(miskate) near me

23-02-2006, 16:32
If people want something they find a way to get it so no clampdown will stop them

23-02-2006, 16:50
people will find a way to do it. i wait until somethings out on DVD becuase then you can watch it as many times as you want, but the cinema- £5 a pop for one viewing. i wouldn't have a pirate though

23-02-2006, 23:03
i dont think it will cos people will alwways find some way

23-02-2006, 23:17
i always buy copies cos there chepaer and there out before the legal ones imean i've got dvds that arn't even out yet in the pictures so instead on waiting i buy them for a fiver

23-02-2006, 23:38
ill stick to piracy i cant be bothered to waste my money on high priced dvds and cinemas!

24-02-2006, 09:30
I don't think it will reduce piracy, people will always find a way to do it anyway. DVDs and going to the cinema are too expensive, whats the point when you can see it so much cheaper?

24-02-2006, 13:32
Whats the new clampdown, what will they be doing?

24-02-2006, 14:18
it wont reduce it they have a clampdown now and again and it does not change a thing

24-02-2006, 15:24
ill stick to piracy i cant be bothered to waste my money on high priced dvds and cinemas!

Me too. I don't make pirate DVDs but I do have them. DVD's are far too expensive and a lot of DVDs are good quality. No clampdown will help :cool:

24-02-2006, 19:27
I don't think it will reduce the amount of pirate dvd's. People buy them because they are so much cheaper than the orginals.

25-02-2006, 00:56
Must admit i've been known to download the odd film or 20.....especially when there is 5 or 6 good films out at a time...i just can't justify the price of cinema, popcorn, soda and sweets. A family trip out ends up costing £30-£40 where as a downloaded movie and a bag of M&M's is a weeks shopping cheaper and i don't have to drive home afterwards

25-02-2006, 07:51
No, I do not think it will reduce piracy. People will make pirate videos because it is cheaper, they won't stop.

25-02-2006, 09:33
The will always be video/dvd piracy around - the cost of dvds are as such that if there is a cheaper option, people will generally go for it. Maybe if they took all of special features off of the dvds (which I never look at) they might be able to reduce the cost of them.

25-02-2006, 10:20
The sweet shop up my road has been known to rent out pirate DVD's and video's. I download a lot of music too. I know it's stealing but it just doesn't seem like it at the time.

25-02-2006, 11:16
The only thing that will stop piracy is not charging 15-20 quid for a new relese DVD. I used to get mine from a dodgy geezer down the pub, until he got put in the slammer for it. I did think his one year sentance was a little harsh, as in the same week, a guy who downloaded a load of kiddie porn got 3 months :angry:

I never make that correlation between "piracy funds terrorism" though as I don't think dodgy Brian has any link with Al Quieda.