View Full Version : Minty finds doorstop

29-04-2005, 19:14
according to sharom marshall on this morning minty will soon find doorstop.Ee are in talks with charlie brooks to bring back janine but she's saying NO for the moment.they showed a clip of jim giving dot a driving lesson and it looked funny,worth watching.she alo said sharon and dennis will be back soon.and jessie wallace is not leaving

29-04-2005, 19:41
good cant wait

di marco
29-04-2005, 21:13
i thought chrissie found the doorstop? maybe minty finds it and chrissie quickly takes it off him or something?

29-04-2005, 21:22
Sam's flat gets broken into, and chrissie offers to help Minty clear it up, so minty must find the doorstop under the sink (don't forget its all wrapped up in a plastic bag!)
He must say something or chrissie sees it, maybe she offers to get rid if it aor something???
Luv ya
x x x

29-04-2005, 21:51
i cant wait to see that

29-04-2005, 21:52
where did you find this info from

29-04-2005, 21:55
this sounds good :)

29-04-2005, 22:19
where did you find this info from

Look at the first post Shron Marshall on This Morning

30-04-2005, 00:39
according to sharom marshall on this morning minty will soon find doorstop.Ee are in talks with charlie brooks to bring back janine but she's saying NO for the moment.they showed a clip of jim giving dot a driving lesson and it looked funny,worth watching.she alo said sharon and dennis will be back soon.and jessie wallace is not leaving
This woman has got to be the most rubbish soap 'phychic' she gives us so few new tit-bits :crying:

30-04-2005, 00:43
I know I prefer Tina on Mondays she tells you loads although I missed her this week

30-04-2005, 00:46
silly question!! does the doorstop still have blood on it???

30-04-2005, 00:51
Well last time we saw it yes cos Sam put her hand in it (Dumb yes) and she hasn't washed it she just shoved it under the sink

Come to think of it I bet it really smells

30-04-2005, 00:54
so minty must see the blood and ask questions then????

yeah i bet it stinks :sick:

30-04-2005, 00:56
Well I would have said yes but this is Minty and as for the smell yuck

30-04-2005, 01:01
why has sam got it?? :confused: i think chrissie's made sam keep it, so the police will not have any evidence on her, she's so sly :nono:

30-04-2005, 01:03
No Chrissie thought Sam buried it with Den but Sam kept it so she could blackmail Chrissie but Chrissie finds it in the flat and gives it back to Pauline so Sam has no evidence against Chrissie now

30-04-2005, 01:07
No Chrissie thought Sam buried it with Denbut chrissie buried him, not sam :confused: lol

30-04-2005, 01:08
They all helped Chrissie needed their help with carrying the body burying it and cleaning up I guess

30-04-2005, 01:09
From what she said it gets washed and returned to pauline,and the evidence is gone and sam can;t blackmail chrissy no more then

30-04-2005, 01:11
Ooh i see, thanx, i think i understand it a bit better now :D :) btw, is chrissie still giving sam a £1000 a week or however much it was ?? :)

30-04-2005, 01:13
I don't think so I think one epi Chrissie agreed to hand over half the pub I'm not sure though

30-04-2005, 01:15
yeah i think thats right, thanx :)

30-04-2005, 01:17
It's ok can't sleep so it keeps the mind ticking and its my fave subject EE

30-04-2005, 01:22
mine too :) ive kinda gone off corrie a bit lately, not sure why, just im not finding the storylines that interesting :o emmerdale's been good though :)

30-04-2005, 01:26
Yeah I'm loving Emmerdale too I'm not a big corrie fan I catch it occasionally Emmerdale have a good mix of characters that's why I like it at the mo

30-04-2005, 01:30
yeah, ive loved the scenes with paddy & emily lately...emily going mad in the shop :D and where she told everyone in the pub :thumbsup: quite funny :)

30-04-2005, 01:32
That was ace and when she dumped his case in the middle of the pub and said my husband has been having it off with the post mistress classic and what about Matthew and Louise

30-04-2005, 01:39
that quote from emily was great! :cheer: ive really gone off louise, did you see it tonight? she's well out of order doing that to terry :mad:

30-04-2005, 01:41
I know what did Terry ever do to her apart from treat like a princess and as for Matthew I think he'll soon lose interest you know when the novelty wears off it's the same with most affairs really

30-04-2005, 02:02
yeah I think matthew is just after one thing, (and you know what I mean) I hope terry doesn't forgive her when he finds out, which he probably will.

30-04-2005, 02:05
I think he will but they'll find it hard to carry on Matthew I think is maing all the right noises (No not those noises) and Louise is falling for it silly girl cos she'll lose her man and friends cos of this while Matthew will escape unscathed but I have to say i have a thing for Matthew king I think it is the bad boy thing

30-04-2005, 02:36
I dont know what it is that people find attractive about him :searchme: He just does nothing for me! lol :rolleyes: :D

30-04-2005, 09:30
Going back to the doorstop and saying that Sam can't blackmail Chrissie anymore, all Sam needs to do is tell the police he's buried under the cellar, but having said that, that kind of lands herself right in it too but I can't see it being the end of it..........but then again?

30-04-2005, 09:48
I think that it is Chrissie who finds the doorstep. She helps Minty clean up after the burgulary during which she makes a surprising discovery, later she washes the doorstep and gives it back to Pauline.

30-04-2005, 09:57
if sam tells the police that he is under the cellar they will want to know how she knows and they will get her for being an acsessory to murder?

eastenders mad
30-04-2005, 10:01
i also thought Chrisse finds it and cleans up and gives it back to Pauline.
well we should find out who finds it soon

30-04-2005, 10:13
if sam tells the police that he is under the cellar they will want to know how she knows and they will get her for being an acsessory to murder?

yeah thats what I meant by landing herself in it... was just thinking out loud really!

30-04-2005, 11:30
If i remerder right chrissy told sam to get rid of the doorstop,i can't see how the body can be found cos with forensic science being so good today all 3 of the witches would have dna on den plus the wife would be no1 suspect and her dna would be checked-case closed throw away the key

30-04-2005, 11:33
If i remerder right chrissy told sam to get rid of the doorstop,i can't see how the body can be found cos with forensic science being so good today all 3 of the witches would have dna on den plus the wife would be no1 suspect and her dna would be checked-case closed throw away the key

very true!!! have you been watching csi like me???:bow:

30-04-2005, 11:51
yes your right i hace been watching csi,to be honest i'm finding csi and a lot of other stuff more interesting than EE at the moment,for me ee up to christmas was great but since it's just gone downhill

Bad Wolf
30-04-2005, 11:52
can we stay on topic?