View Full Version : Will harry die in next book

22-02-2006, 13:53
Thought i would run a poll on wh thinks JK will kill harry off in the next book

22-02-2006, 14:15
He's got to live - Voldy can't get away with murdering the entire Potter family!!!

22-02-2006, 14:18
i think he will live too could you imagine the flack JK would get if she killed him off all those poor kids (me included) would be after her

22-02-2006, 14:37
let him be the final horcrux and kill him off!

22-02-2006, 14:38
oh bry how dare you!!!!!! he's got to live

22-02-2006, 16:19
he'll live no question. he'll live.
I like the idea of him being the final horcrux

22-02-2006, 18:41
I think he has to die, I really like the idea of him being the final horcrux, would be a fitting end to the books.

22-02-2006, 18:56
although i want him to live, i think that killing him off would be a better idea and more exciting. and if she doesnt kill him off people will expect or want more to be written, whereas if hes dead then there cant.

22-02-2006, 20:21
kill him off please then we will have no more harry potter

22-02-2006, 20:22
kill him off please then we will have no more harry potter

shocking **shakes head*** :( :crying:

Chloe O'brien
22-02-2006, 20:24
i think he will live JK Rowlands knows there would be an outcry if harry was to die. it a fantasy story about good defeating evil therefore harry has to live

22-02-2006, 23:33
I too think he will be the final horocrux and it would be a good way for the book to end, after all what kind of a life can he possibly have after all that but at the same time the books have always been about the triunph of good over evil so it would be a bit hypocritical to kill him off

23-02-2006, 09:15
and think about the little kids who read it and realise that harry dies. They would never sleep again. Unless in the last book she concentrates more on another character like ron or hermione so that his death is nulled down a bit.

23-02-2006, 09:21
I think JK will not really KILL him off but probably will "send" him to some "other world" I don't know, but I can't see him being "killed" off cos kids do read these books, and will think wow i can do so many good deeds and still die, but in real life people do die,, all ages,, sighhhhhh I am sorta torn .:searchme:

25-02-2006, 21:55
I don't think she will kill him off, because she always has that end bit explaining stuff and Harry would have to be there. I mean she could just say 'Ron was devastated by Harry's death ...' and blabla happened but it wouldnt' make sense without Harry there... I don't know how but I think he just HAS to be there for the ending bit...

01-03-2006, 19:29
I don't think she'll kill him off, because of the fact that a lot of young kids read the books and they'd be heartbroken that he dies it. It would be a really good ending if he died, but only really for the older readers. Younger children would be distraught.