View Full Version : Thoughts on anorexia

19-02-2006, 19:14
I was wondering if anyone has or knows anyone who has suffered with anorexia. All the channels are having special shows against the pro anna movement. Do you think such sites should be banned

19-02-2006, 19:39
I definitely think pro ana and mia sites should be closed. They encourage anorexia and bulimia and no girl should feel like that :angry: I really hate these sites, they are absoutely shocking and there is no need in them at all.

19-02-2006, 19:41
i think they are totally sick and should be banned!!!!!

19-02-2006, 19:41
I hate the point of the sites but go on them. It makes you feel like your not alone and meet like minded people. But what you really need is to get better

19-02-2006, 19:54
anorexia (all eating disorders actualy) is without doubt a psychological disease, and everyone (who suffers from it) has a different experience. Some people start out because they dont like how they look, for others it goes into deeper emotional issues.

i think if you suffer from this you should try to go to your doctor - believe me, dont let it go on, it will just get worse and you will wonder how you let it go on so long.....

19-02-2006, 19:58
anorexia (all eating disorders actualy) is without doubt a psychological disease, and everyone (who suffers from it) has a different experience. Some people start out because they dont like how they look, for others it goes into deeper emotional issues.

i think if you suffer from this you should try to go to your doctor - believe me, dont let it go on, it will just get worse and you will wonder how you let it go on so long.....

Thats easier said than done when your under 18. some people dont know where to turn espceilay when youve been suffering from it for a long time

19-02-2006, 20:07
I just looked for some anorexia pics and found this site (http://www.geocities.com/tania_cheung/apicpage.html).

I wouldn't say its an eating disorder, more a mental illness. But how on earth anyone could want to look like anyone in those pics is beyond belief!

19-02-2006, 20:11
Thats easier said than done when your under 18. some people dont know where to turn espceilay when youve been suffering from it for a long time

Im speaking from personal experience and it started long before i turned 18. If you let your doctor know, its confidential, they can put you in touch with support groups and give you the best advice.

If an eating disorder goes on for months, years even, it becomes a habit, a way of life and its much harder to get out of that cycle

19-02-2006, 21:54
i think they should, there was something on the sunday surgery last week and i tbh think its really bad becuase i understand its a state of mind, but how can people do this to themselves?

19-02-2006, 21:58
I just looked for some anorexia pics and found this site (http://www.geocities.com/tania_cheung/apicpage.html).

I wouldn't say its an eating disorder, more a mental illness. But how on earth anyone could want to look like anyone in those pics is beyond belief!

i have just had a quick look and it is disturbing to see

19-02-2006, 22:03
i'm not gonna look, it'll make me feel ill. i'm bad with that kind of stuff

19-02-2006, 22:27
Ive just looked on the site. They arnt all that skinny. Some are dreadfully ill tho. But I am sure they didnt intend to look like that when they started

19-02-2006, 22:39
Ive just looked on the site. They arnt all that skinny. Some are dreadfully ill tho. But I am sure they didnt intend to look like that when they started

how could you say they werent skinny?!! some looked like pure skeletons with a layer of skin on them!! they were awful!

20-02-2006, 10:26
i need some advice about his i have this friend, and i wouldn't say she eats loads but she doesn't starve herself either but she is soooo skinny, if you hold her arm all you can feel is pure bone, no skin hardly, it got that bad a doctor suggested putting a tube down her to feed her but in the end nothing came of that, do you think she is just naturally thin or anorexic, she always wears baggy jumpers so no one can actually see how thin she is but her wrists and arms are like sticks you coudl snap them, she tells me she just doesn't binge, we hav kind of fell out at the moment so Im not as concerned as i was but i just wondered what your takes on it was

20-02-2006, 14:28
some people are naturally Skinny but if your really worried you should talk to her.

As for the pro Ana sites its completly sick no one should suggest that its a good thing, its an illness and people need help not encouragement.

20-02-2006, 16:02
i feel really sorry with people with it, but i think that the word is very over used.

lots of the girls in my year call me anorexic because im naturally skinny but im not anorexic and it really annoys me.

20-02-2006, 16:06
same here- they think i'm too slim and people just say it and it's not fair because they don't believe me and i eat more than most people but it just doesn't stay on me.

23-02-2006, 20:18
i used to make my self sick a while ago after every meal and i wouldn't eat breakfast or lunch, and excercise alot, because i thought i was fat. and i was shown some of the pictures on a site by one of my friends who was bulimic and it made me change my attitude completely. it just makes you realise you dont want to look like that and its not attractive!. and the girls and boys who become anerexic can sometimes die or find it very hard to get out of. I think people should stop and think befor they take actions on diets and stuff and start to like themselves as they are because if you show to be happy with yourself other people of the opposite sex will like you, and more importantly you would gain confidence and have a happy life style as you are and not dreaming of a "super-models" body.

23-02-2006, 23:10
I just want to be normal and go out and eat properly. But Ive been like this for so long I cant anymore. I dont want to be like this but cant see a way out

Jessie Wallace
27-03-2006, 16:48
I had 2 friends at school who had anorixia, one of them ended up in a home to help her, as she was self harming too, and her Mum was disabled, so the girl used to be her main carer, but it all got too much for her. Her brothers and sisters went into care, and her Mum, ahd to be looked after as well. From missing one meal, it all went out of control from there, it was really sad to watch it all happen. I used to go and visit her every Sunday but in the end it all got to much for me, and i felt i'd done all i could to help and support her, and she needed to do the rest herself. We chatted about it together and she agreed that she'd call me, when she needed me. 2 years later i got a call from her, saying she was out of the home, had got her own flat. i went round to see her, and she told me it was where i'd stopped going to see her, she realised that she needed to do something about it, and only she could help herself. And well she did. now day's the lovely lady is married with 2 kids and another on the way!

27-03-2006, 18:29
I think Pro anna sites should be banned because they make anorexics feel good about themselves when really they should know the dangers and how they can get help.

13-04-2006, 11:30
what are pro anna sites, sorry if i sound dense

Jessie Wallace
13-04-2006, 12:08
Site where people encourage you to be anorexic etc....

24-04-2006, 10:54
I watched some of the programmes that was on TV about Pro Anna - it seems to be more about people who "choose" to be anorexic rather than are mentally ill with the disease and have no choice over it - they say that Pro Anna is a "life style choice" and the sites dont encourage people to become anorexic but are a support network for people who are choosing to be Anorexic - that is the theory anyway

The programme I watched followed 3 people who were Pro Anna - and I am sorry but if thoose 3 women were all mentally ill - they didnt choose anorexia it choose them - they claimed to have control - where it was obvious that they had none - I think that Pro Anna sites are in some ways a good thing as it does give sufferes somewhere to go BUT it is such a bad thing in the sence that it makes them think that this is normal.

24-04-2006, 21:01
I think Pro anna sites should be banned because they make anorexics feel good about themselves when really they should know the dangers and how they can get help.Exactly i cant think why their would be such sites in the first place

06-07-2006, 21:30
I know this thread was about Pro ana websites but....

has anyone been to the doctors about anorexia? and how did you say what you wanted to. because ive been twice and never actulary been able to say what i wanted