View Full Version : Staceys Next Fling!

19-02-2006, 15:20
After telling Bradley she doesnt like him she flirts with Jake Moon in the vic.

Bradley tries to be her knight in shining armour and when he sees Jake dragging her out of the vic he thinks hes attacking stcaye

the pair fight and jake lamps Bradley!

from the daily star sunday

19-02-2006, 15:21
dragging her out in what sort of way?

19-02-2006, 15:24
dragging her out in what sort of way?

in the way that after her flirting with her all night she can no longer resist and they head off to his house....

altough its gonna happen (pics included in article) i cant see how a 16/17 year old girl would go with a man that old? seems a bit strange to me :searchme:

19-02-2006, 15:30
some girls of that age do go with men a lot older than them but i cant understand why jake would want to go with a young girl like that! seem a bit dirty to me im not happy with that storyline

19-02-2006, 16:35
some girls of that age do go with men a lot older than them but i cant understand why jake would want to go with a young girl like that! seem a bit dirty to me im not happy with that storyline

Yes but does she sleep with him? She told Little Mo that she fancies Bradley. So if Jake was to punch Bradley in the face, I wouldn't think she'd still go ahead with what she had planned with Jake. I would have thought Stacey would stand up for Bradley.

I don't know why Jake would sleep with her either, she's only 17. Going from Chrissie to Stacey is a big leap.

Dr. Tangliss
19-02-2006, 18:13
Yes, I want to know, do they do the deed?

19-02-2006, 19:22
Yes, I want to know, do they do the deed?

I would like to read the article from the Daily Star because I haven't seen it. So if anyone can download it that would be great.

I don't think Stacey and Jake sleep together because if Jake punched Bradley I think it would put her off. And if she's drunk I don't think Bradley would leave her in that state anyway. From the webcam it seems that Bradley and Stacey are going to have a relationship, so if she slept with Jake that wouldn't help things along. I'd say it's very unlikely she goes through with it.

Although the title of the thread does seem to say that they do. Which is why I am unsure.

19-02-2006, 19:25
Eww! I can see Stacey denfinately going for an older man but Jake going for Stacey ... I just can't see him doing this! I'm guessing he's really drunk or something...

19-02-2006, 19:32
Eww! I can see Stacey denfinately going for an older man but Jake going for Stacey ... I just can't see him doing this! I'm guessing he's really drunk or something...

It does seem very strange Jake would go for Stacey. Although Garry has made a play for her before now. I think because she's very flirtatious and she reminds people of a younger version of Kat, people don't tend to see her as the kid that she is.

Jake should watch his back because Charlie certainly won't be pleased.

19-02-2006, 19:41
in the way that after her flirting with her all night she can no longer resist and they head off to his house....

altough its gonna happen (pics included in article) i cant see how a 16/17 year old girl would go with a man that old? seems a bit strange to me :searchme:she went for dennis and he was so much older

19-02-2006, 19:47
well jake should not be interested the phedofile

19-02-2006, 19:55
well jake should not be interested the phedofile

she over 16 so he isnt a "pedophile"

19-02-2006, 20:01
she over 16 so he isnt a "paedophile"

No he isn't. I don't think it can be as bad as it sounds, because Jake has always struck me as a decent person. Maybe Jake doesn't know she's not yet 18. She drinks alcohol in the club and hangs out with Deano and Bradley who are both 18. She's not backwards at coming forwards, but if she's drunk he would be taking advantage. I don't think Stacey would be an innocent party though.

19-02-2006, 20:07
It could be that while he drags her out the Vic it's to tell her to stop the flirting or whatever.

What are the pictures of? I know that Stacey flirts with him so if it's just of that The Daily Star could have gotten the rest wrong like they usually do.

If they have Jake flirt back or plan to sleep with her it'll be wrong because while Stacey is over 16, she is still technically a child, and it's just not in Jake's character at all. :angry:

x Amby x
19-02-2006, 20:08
i personally can't see Stacey and Jake together. I think she is suited to someone more her age.

20-02-2006, 07:57
i agree that it is not in jakes character it would be like when ruby had a crush on danny (isnt danny younger than jake and ruby the same age as stacy) jake seems like the type to protect agirl in these circumstances not take advantage

20-02-2006, 10:02
What is so wrong with 17 year old been with an older man. It is not wrong or dirty if they both agree. I was 18 when I met my ex husband and he was 28. Are you saying that is it wrong to have a relationship with someone who is not your own age?

eastenders mad
20-02-2006, 10:22
yeah just look at Juley and Ruby when they were together

20-02-2006, 15:01
she over 16 so he isnt a "pedophile"it was only a figure of speech :lol: but she is still classed has a child so jake should be saying go away you annoying child :lol:

20-02-2006, 15:11
i love Stacey so the more we see of her on screen the better as for the age difference i dont think it mattters at all. Funny to see how dot and jim when they find Bradleys been lamped for the 2nd time.

20-02-2006, 18:34
It will be funny to see Bradley coming to her rescue again. Poor guy. IMO Stacey & Jake don't suit each other or look good together.

20-02-2006, 18:40
It could be that while he drags her out the Vic it's to tell her to stop the flirting or whatever.

What are the pictures of? I know that Stacey flirts with him so if it's just of that The Daily Star could have gotten the rest wrong like they usually do.

If they have Jake flirt back or plan to sleep with her it'll be wrong because while Stacey is over 16, she is still technically a child, and it's just not in Jake's character at all. :angry:

I agree with Kat, its really not Jake AT ALL!, and he deffinatly wouldn't sleep with her :eek: ,

20-02-2006, 18:44
oooooo errrrrr !!! wouldnt have thought she'd have done that!!!

20-02-2006, 21:20
that bradley aint very lucky is he !! 1bless. but he and stacey sooooo make a brilliantt couple i thinlkk .. stacey likess him deep down - dont ya think ?

21-02-2006, 12:00
that bradley aint very lucky is he !! 1bless. but he and stacey sooooo make a brilliantt couple i thinlkk .. stacey likess him deep down - dont ya think ?

Definetely! We know that she's going to admit to Little Mo that she fancies him, which I think is fantastic!

We know Stacey's a hand full but I still think Bradley should try and get to know Stacey a bit better, so he can see that she's not all she makes out to be. They belong together.

21-02-2006, 12:04
i don't think they belong together. I think Bradley has a lot more in common with Ruby and Stacey gets bored easily with people.

21-02-2006, 12:21
i agree he would prob get on well with ruby never thought of that before now

21-02-2006, 13:54
Nothing actually happens between them according to the soap mags (Jake and Stacey I mean). She tries it on but he isn't interested. He's taking her home when Bradley thinks he's trying it on and tries to beat him up (he fails). Stacey then throws up on Jake's shoes, and Jake leaves in disgust. Then Bradley tells Stacey that he's mad about her.

21-02-2006, 14:17
Nothing actually happens between them according to the soap mags (Jake and Stacey I mean). She tries it on but he isn't interested. He's taking her home when Bradley thinks he's trying it on and tries to beat him up (he fails). Stacey then throws up on Jake's shoes, and Jake leaves in disgust. Then Bradley tells Stacey that he's mad about her.

So it's very romantic then! lol. She tries it on with another guy, throws up on his shoes, and then Bradley declares his undying love. He must be crazy about her! I heard Jake hits Bradley as well.

I am so glad Bradley and Stacey are getting together. Bradley is such a nice guy, and would be great for Stacey.

21-02-2006, 14:31
thank god for that i actually like jake as a character and feel it would have ruined him for me

21-02-2006, 17:18
thank god for that i actually like jake as a character and feel it would have ruined him for me

Yes but the way Jake reacts to Stacey being sick, doesn't sound nice either. Fair enough it wasn't a pleasant situation, but he still should have offered to walk her home. She's just a kid after all.

Bradley's such a nice guy. Stacey behaves quite badly, and he's declaring how much he cares about her. Clearly he's somebody she can rely on, no matter what. It doesn't appear that way at the moment, but maybe he'll come to realise he likes her a lot more than he thought.

21-02-2006, 17:22
Yes but the way Jake reacts to Stacey being sick, doesn't sound nice either. Fair enough it wasn't a pleasant situation, but he still should have offered to walk her home. She's just a kid after all.

But at that point Bradley's there so she isn't on her own. Plus it sounds like Bradley tells her there and then, so when you have a big declaration of love, Jake hanging around in the background to walk them home with vomit on his shoes rather puts a dampner on the situation. :lol:

21-02-2006, 17:28
But at that point Bradley's there so she isn't on her own. Plus it sounds like Bradley tells her there and then, so when you have a big declaration of love, Jake hanging around in the background to walk them home with vomit on his shoes rather puts a dampner on the situation. :lol:

ha ha ha! lol. That sounds really funny. Yes your right it would put a dampner on the situation. I hope Bradley does declare his love for Stacey in front of Jake, it would show he's really serious. And I hope she finally admits her feelings.

I suppose with Bradley being there it wouldn't really be necessary for Jake to walk her home. Although the way it sounds Jake does seem to be a bit off with her.

Has anyone read all the soap magazines for today? Are any of them worth buying? Are there any in depth articles about Stacey and Bradley, if so which magazine would you suggest, that has the best quality information about them?

21-02-2006, 17:53
ha ha ha! lol. That sounds really funny. Yes your right it would put a dampner on the situation. I hope Bradley does declare his love for Stacey in front of Jake, it would show he's really serious. And I hope she finally admits her feelings.

I suppose with Bradley being there it wouldn't really be necessary for Jake to walk her home. Although the way it sounds Jake does seem to be a bit off with her.

Has anyone read all the soap magazines for today? Are any of them worth buying? Are there any in depth articles about Stacey and Bradley, if so which magazine would you suggest, that has the best quality information about them?

I'd be off with someone too if they kept trying it on all night, wouldn't leave me alone, nearly got me beaten up by their sortofboyfriend and then to top it off vomited on me. :lol:

I've got All About Soap and Soaplife. I haven't had a proper read yet, but I can't see anything about it in Soaplife. All About Soap has an article and some pictures (a really nice picture of Bradley and Stacey hugging.) The cover is also hilarious -- picture of Stacey and Jake with the caption "I Want You," making it sound like they have a big affair then when you read it you find out nothing actually happens. :lol: I think Inside Soap also has something on it, but I didn't buy that. :)

It sounds like quite a good week for Stacey and Bradley -- she realises she has feelings for him, but then Ruby turns up briefly but isn't interested in talking to Stacey and leaves once she's got her things. Stacey gets cold feet because she's scared of Bradley being the next person to let her down, and that's when she tells him to get lost and starts trying it on with Jake. :(

21-02-2006, 20:25
another fling for stacey!! shes been woth so many people in that square lol

21-02-2006, 20:27
I want Stacey and Bradley to get it together again they are the odd couple but they have so much chemistry between them.

21-02-2006, 20:28
I've bought All About Soap now. I read the article with Bradley and Stacey, it doesn't really say much. But they are getting together, which is really great! Well Lacey said that Stacey reacts very well to Bradley's declaration of love (paraphrasing), and they show pictures of them hugging and almost kissing. I think it might become a long term thing as well. Looking at the webcam it seems they are going out until at least April.

I love Bradley being Stacey's knight in shining armour.

21-02-2006, 20:33
another fling for stacey!! shes been woth so many people in that square lol

I wouldn't say so. She's not sleeping with Jake, and the only person she has slept with since arriving is Spencer (as far as I know). There's been one or two flirtations, but most have been nothing more than that.

As Stacey says she has a reputation to uphold. And part of that is being fun loving. But she very rarely carries it through.

22-02-2006, 07:44
Did she sleep with Spencer i thought Spencer had left before she arrived.

di marco
22-02-2006, 08:06
Did she sleep with Spencer i thought Spencer had left before she arrived.

no spencer was there for a while when she was

22-02-2006, 08:27
I cant remember her having anything to do with Spencer for the life of me.

22-02-2006, 09:34
When Stacey first turned up she went out with Spencer and im not entirely sure if they slept together but if they didnt they was going to until Stacey told Spencer that she would tell Charlie he slept with someone under age (meaning Stacey) Spencer knew Charlie would flip so he agreed to give Stacey some money to keep her quiet.

22-02-2006, 09:55
oh i remember now the storyline where she conned him into thinking that she was older than she was i remember spencer having that storyline but didnt think it was with stacy until now but i remember her threatening to get her uncle charlie onto him. thanks for reminding me ablut that

22-02-2006, 14:05
Thats alright glad i could help x

22-02-2006, 16:20
Jake and Stacey no way she is too young. If she tried Deano it might be better.

22-02-2006, 17:35
i think stacey and deano would make a good couple

22-02-2006, 17:37
I liked it when they were friends before he admitted to spikeing her drink so yeah it would be great if they got together

22-02-2006, 18:23
I cant remember her having anything to do with Spencer for the life of me.

Yes they did sleep together. As it says above, they had sex and Stacey pretended she was underage to con money out of him (threatening to tell Charlie).

I think it was Alfie that finally told him she was 16.

22-02-2006, 19:56
Yes they did sleep together. As it says above, they had sex and Stacey pretended she was underage to con money out of him (threatening to tell Charlie).

I think it was Alfie that finally told him she was 16.you have a good memory :) :) :)

22-02-2006, 22:37
you have a good memory :) :) :)

Yes, i've always been a huge fan of EE.

I think I might have said it before but I wondered whether Bradley was a virgin. He's quite a, I don't want to use the word geek, but something to that effect. I really like him, but he's not the kind of guy that a lot of women go for.

Reading the webcam it seems that he feels very inadequate with Stacey. That bit where he was saying that he didn't realise Robbie Williams was her type, it sounds like he's worried it is and that he doesn't cut it with her somehow. It's just a thought.

23-02-2006, 20:23
Fabulous episode tonight with Bradley, it makes me realise how suited he is to Stacey. He's not as innocent and clean cut as he makes out. They would make such a great double act. Both manipulators. The only difference is Bradley does it in a friendly way.

24-02-2006, 15:54
When does this Stacey flirting with Jake thing happen? because i thought stacey was going out with Bradley by week 11 as it says in the listings "Stacey takes her relationship with Bradley a step further". :confused:

24-02-2006, 16:01
When does this Stacey flirting with Jake thing happen? because i thought stacey was going out with Bradley by week 11 as it says in the listings "Stacey takes her relationship with Bradley a step further". :confused:

Next week I think - the Friday. :)

25-02-2006, 22:50
Next week I think - the Friday. :)

Yes, I'm really excited to see it!

As well as putting Bradley and Stacey together, I also hope they expand the storyline with Stacey's family. The whole mother/brother things seems important to Stacey's character development.I also think Bradley should be involved with this, so he can help her through it, and get to know her better.

I think Stacey's mum would love Bradley, he's the ideal boyfriend. Stacey needs somebody stable in her life like him.