View Full Version : Help! My dog!

18-02-2006, 13:24
Help! I am so upset! My mum is getting rid of my dog and there is nothing I can do about it! He is called Pip and I am getting really down over it! I have been crying for about 1 hour over it! Please Help!

18-02-2006, 13:26
sorry that was really from me, my sister must have logged on as me some other time, :( Please help! :(

samantha nixon
18-02-2006, 14:10
why is your mum getting rid of your dog first

18-02-2006, 15:30
When you say get rid off your dog do you mean put down

19-02-2006, 18:07
No, I mean, like sell him. He pooed in the living room which has a really nice carpet and she said that was the final straw!!!

19-02-2006, 18:10
Help! I am so upset! My mum is getting rid of my dog and there is nothing I can do about it! He is called Pip and I am getting really down over it! I have been crying for about 1 hour over it! Please Help!

we cant influence your parents decision so theres no way we can help

sorry to hear about your news but theres nothing that can be done in this thread or on these forums

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