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x Amby x
10-05-2006, 19:59
Did anyone watch the First look episode on E4? Its heartbreaking- if you havn't seen it, Watch out for Sarah Dunns amazing performance at the end, its amazing! I started crying when she did!

10-05-2006, 21:25
Haha I actually liked Nicole in this scene which is unusual for me cos she normally really gets on my nerves! :lol:


Liz stood there with her arms folded - *blank face* :| "How could you?" :hmm: :rolleyes: :lol:



10-05-2006, 23:12
Did anyone watch the First look episode on E4? Its heartbreaking- if you havn't seen it, Watch out for Sarah Dunns amazing performance at the end, its amazing! I started crying when she did!It was such a good episode and so sad. :crying: :( I don't really wanna give too much away for the people who haven't seen it. lol :)

di marco
11-05-2006, 21:11
omg how good was tonights epi?! no stupid storylines in it! i wonder if mel really has changed and is going to try and stop drinking, i think she might have done? how brill was sarah dunns acting, well i know shes always great, but she was excellent tonight, i felt so sorry for her and tony :( also felt sorry for hannah and nancy too, the look on their faces. it was really sad at the end, i bet itll be even sadder tomorrow :( loved it tonight, well done hollyaosk, cant wait til tomorrow :)

11-05-2006, 23:27
Woah that episode was so emotional! Sarah Dunn's acting was amazing, glad I wasn't the only one who got upset watching it. I thought Nancy and Hannah were better than usual to, Hannahs improved alot since she first was introduced thought she still pulls alot of funny faces!

Its a hard storyline to watch as its so tragic but I think they will deal with it well.

12-05-2006, 00:44
Tonights episode was soooo sad! I felt so sorry for them all.

On a more cheerful note, it was nice to have an episode filled up with all the best characters from the show

12-05-2006, 12:51
it was really sad at the end, i bet itll be even sadder tomorrow :(I watched tonight's episode last night on E4 and I have to say I thought it was one of the saddest episodes i've ever seen in the show's history. :( Especially the part at the end with the ambulance and the sad music. Mandy's acting tonight is outstanding and practically everyone in the episode is in tears and that made it even more emotional.

It's such a good episode though, one of the best so far this year if you ask me. :clap:

12-05-2006, 18:43
OMG!! How sad is this episode!! I feel so sorry for them all especially Mandy, Tony and Max. How distraught is Hannah!! Great performance by all so far!! :crying:

12-05-2006, 19:09
:crying: OMG that episode was sooo sad i can't believe she is dead she was such a sweet baby felt so sorry for Mandy and Tony plus the rest of the family and Hannah.Great performance from all involved.

12-05-2006, 19:17
awwww that was really sad:crying: poor Mandy and Tony loved the end i thought everyone acted so well brill eppie welldone hollyoaks :clap:

12-05-2006, 19:18
Oh my god that was juts so sad im still recovering, i couldnt stop crying i actually had to leave the room i was that bad

12-05-2006, 19:22
Oh my god that was juts so sad im still recovering, i couldnt stop crying i actually had to leave the room i was that bad Yea i was in tears its ever so sad shes was only a littel baby :(:crying:

x Amby x
12-05-2006, 19:23
It was so sad! Did she die from cot death, if so just out of interest what is it?

12-05-2006, 19:33
Cot death is also called SIDS -- an acronym which stands for sudden infant death syndrome. Cot death isn't any one illness or disease. Rather, it's a diagnosis, given when an apparently healthy baby under the age of one dies without warning. I think she did die from cot death but im not sure :(

12-05-2006, 19:49
Yea i was in tears its ever so sad shes was only a littel baby :(:crying: I know :( how old was she anyway?

12-05-2006, 19:56
I think she was six months awww poor tony and mandy :( and max

12-05-2006, 20:47
I think she was six months awww poor tony and mandy :( and max Oh my gosh i bear to think about the funeral yet thats going to be even more emotional

di marco
13-05-2006, 08:33
omg yesterdays epi was so sad :( i only got to see the second half cos of my stupid sis :angry: (so ill have to remember to watch on sunday) sarah dunns acting was brilliant once again. i was sitting there crying it was so sad. it was a really good epi though, cant wait til mondays

di marco
15-05-2006, 19:38
loved todays epi as well. the max and mandy scenes were really good, but they made me cry again! and the bit where tony was saying about all the things grace couldnt do, that was sad as well :( did anyone else notice that all through last weeks epis and todays epi, tony kept saying hannah whatshername, then he suddenly went ill go round the ashworths, i just thought it was strange that he suddenly knew her surname?

15-05-2006, 19:44
todays was sad i watched it on e4 on friday but today again i cried!!

tomorrows episode will make you cry again( well it didi for me!) theres a scene with tom! he says something so cute bless him!

15-05-2006, 19:48
did anyone else notice that all through last weeks epis and todays epi, tony kept saying hannah whatshername, then he suddenly went ill go round the ashworths, i just thought it was strange that he suddenly knew her surname?lol, that's a very good point di marco. Continuity error.. tut tut. :nono: :p

P.S. - I found Justin completely irritating in this episode. :mad:

di marco
15-05-2006, 19:48
todays was sad i watched it on e4 on friday but today again i cried!!

tomorrows episode will make you cry again( well it didi for me!) theres a scene with tom! he says something so cute bless him!

yeh i cant wait for the tom scenes tomorrow, hes so sweet

di marco
15-05-2006, 19:49
lol, that's a very good point di marco. Continuity error.. tut tut. :nono: :p

P.S. - I found Justin completely irritating in this episode. :mad:

wow im so proud that i actually spotted it cos normally i never notice anything like that lol!
yeh justin was well out of order tonight, he was being so selfish, i laughed at the end when he hurt his hand when he hit the wall lol!

15-05-2006, 21:07
Justin is so pathetic. Its so emotional at the moment, when they film in the hutchinsons flat you can feel the sadness if you know what i mean. Mel and Ob was good as well when she told him how they couldnt see each other anymore.

17-05-2006, 12:35
how cute was tom talking about Grace in heaven. I had a little tear when he said its ok mummy and daddy will look after her. aww little sweety. i thought last nights episode was really good, and we actuallt saw mr and mrs ashworth. Was that a different mum, she seemed to have darker hair but oin the credits it said it was the same woman. Did anyone else notice this.

17-05-2006, 12:49
Was that a different mum, she seemed to have darker hair but oin the credits it said it was the same woman. Did anyone else notice this.I thought that at first too! I thought she'd done a Clare :rotfl: haha! I think she must have just got it dyed. Lets face it, she has plenty of spare time on her hands :rotfl:
Do you think the people who play her and daddy ashworth have another job cos I can't see them earning much on Hollyoaks seeing as they're like practically NEVER in it. :ninja: They're worse than backstage characters! :lol: Last night must have actually been the first time we saw them on screen together since xmas! :ninja:

17-05-2006, 12:53
Mr and Mrs Wooden Owen have disappeared now as well. :ninja: :D

di marco
17-05-2006, 14:49
how cute was tom talking about Grace in heaven. I had a little tear when he said its ok mummy and daddy will look after her. aww little sweety. i thought last nights episode was really good, and we actuallt saw mr and mrs ashworth. Was that a different mum, she seemed to have darker hair but oin the credits it said it was the same woman. Did anyone else notice this.

yeh tom was so sweet bless him, i dont think he fully understands though, but that comment was so cute! i thought that about the ashworth mum too

17-05-2006, 14:51
i think it was the first time weve seen them together since christmas, i can understand why there not on screen alot as there acting isnt really up to much. I also read that the mum was in coronation street years ago ill have to find if thats true as well.

Im getting fed up with the joe story and his money situatin.

18-05-2006, 09:42
Last night i wanted to go and hug Mandy it was so sad how they were not getting along. The guy running off with all Joes stoch was bound to happen, i did feel sorry for him when it happened.

di marco
18-05-2006, 15:27
the scenes between mandy and tony were great yesterday, well obviously not great for them given the circumstances lol but they were good to watch! i know tonys grieving differently to mandy but how horrid was it for him to blame mandy! i sort of felt sorry for joe cos he got ripped off but hes been using a credit card in jez name so its hard to feel that sorry for him

18-05-2006, 19:23
Haha how funny was it when Sarah just got out the pool :D

Poor Mandy again. :(

19-05-2006, 07:21
Far too much Joe and Jez, but the Tony and Mandy scences were great

19-05-2006, 09:39
I've posted on the rumour mill about this but after Grace's funeral, it's confirmed my belief that this sort of storyline is not appropriate for a soap like hollyoaks. It's supposed to be light hearted. Before Grace's death, there was no warning that this was going to happen. They haven't considered how it might affect parents with small babies, let alone parents who have lost babies. The funeral didn't need to be shown. If you've ever buried your own baby then it was horrific. The story line could be addressed if they really felt it necessary in their crusade to increase awareness of absolutely everything (or is it more a crusade to win a soap award??), but there have been a lot of scenes that are gratuitously upsetting.

I have watched HO from the very start. Pretty people doing funny and silly things. Brilliant. Now it's shamelessly doing what it needs to get awards.

I agree that SIDS awareness is important but not like this.

I sound like a right old grump but if it's just too close to home for me to deal with. Going to start watching EE to cheer myself up!

Lil x

p.s. the acting is brilliant though, especially sarah dunn

19-05-2006, 09:55
i dont see why its innappropiate, i think that they have dealt with it really well. It has been good to watch, and has let people know that it happens. Its not a crusade to win awards because a small soap like Holyoaks doesnt get the audience and the voters to be able to win awards. All the other soaps have babies dying, so i dont see why this is any different. Nobody complains when its done by coronation street. I dont think Hollyoaks should be known as the soap thats full of pretty people who do funny thing, its better than that. If that is what people want they should watch a comedy show.

19-05-2006, 13:38
I have watched HO from the very start. Pretty people doing funny and silly things. Brilliant. Now it's shamelessly doing what it needs to get awards.What on earth are you talking about?? Hollyoaks from the START has always dealt with serious issues and never shyed away from them. Yes, sometimes it is about "pretty people doing funny and silly things" but that is the comic side of the show. On the whole, it's always tackled tough subjects. I don't understand why this storyline has came as such a big shock to you? :confused: I for one am glad Hollyoaks are covering Cot Death, it's real to life and is been portrayed and acted out brilliantly. And what do you mean by "shamelessly doing what it needs to get awards." Shamelessly?? :confused: Care to explain?? :searchme:

19-05-2006, 14:05
Apologies for the harshness of my previous post. Didn't come out as i'd intended. I know that HO is about more that just pretty people etc. I used to watch it as a sort of fullstop to my work day, to clear my head, ready for a lovely evening. Don't watch corrie or emmerdale so i don't know what they do, and EE is notoriously depressing, so i'm always prepared for whatever story lines they throw at me.

I think HO just touched a very painful nerve for me with SIDS. It shocked me and upset me because of personal experience. I honestly didn't see the storyline coming because i thought that the must have put mandy through enough (i'm normally very good at predicting what's going to happen).

I'm honestly not normally a grouch. I think the acting in HO has been exceptional in the past 12 months.

Am i forgiven??

Lil x

x Amby x
19-05-2006, 18:54
The scenes with Mandy and Tony were heartbreaking tonight! Excellent acting again from Sarah Dunn and Nick Pickard! It was sooo sad! Hollyoaks is great at dealing with these sort of storylines! I hope they pick up some awards this year!

di marco
19-05-2006, 20:06
the funeral was so sad, i was crying again! :( the acting from sarah and nick was brill again though. i couldnt help but notice though that clare looked overly happy for someone that was at a funeral! and i think becca should have waited to tell jake about the baby, cos the middle of the funeral was not an appropriate time!

di marco
19-05-2006, 20:11
I've posted on the rumour mill about this but after Grace's funeral, it's confirmed my belief that this sort of storyline is not appropriate for a soap like hollyoaks. It's supposed to be light hearted. Before Grace's death, there was no warning that this was going to happen. They haven't considered how it might affect parents with small babies, let alone parents who have lost babies. The funeral didn't need to be shown. If you've ever buried your own baby then it was horrific. The story line could be addressed if they really felt it necessary in their crusade to increase awareness of absolutely everything (or is it more a crusade to win a soap award??), but there have been a lot of scenes that are gratuitously upsetting.

I have watched HO from the very start. Pretty people doing funny and silly things. Brilliant. Now it's shamelessly doing what it needs to get awards.

I agree that SIDS awareness is important but not like this.

I sound like a right old grump but if it's just too close to home for me to deal with. Going to start watching EE to cheer myself up!

Lil x

p.s. the acting is brilliant though, especially sarah dunn

i have to disagree with you, i think its good that hollyoaks are covering this topic as well as the other serious issues they have dealt with over the past year or so. yeh hollyoaks can be lighthearted at times, which is good as that makes it different from other soaps that are always depressing, but it should also show serious issues and it does these really well. dont get me wrong, im sorry that youve had a personal experience so this storyline has upset you, but other storylines might upset other people who have experienced them (like the date rape one for instance), soaps cant not show things just cos it might affect someone watching it (sorry if that sounds harsh, as it wasnt intended to be)

20-05-2006, 12:35
i noticed Clairelooking really happy, the funeral was really well done especially Tony talking to her when the classical music was on in the background. Never mind Jake finding out Becca was pregnant on the day of the funeral was innapropiate what about getting engaged.

di marco
20-05-2006, 13:41
Never mind Jake finding out Becca was pregnant on the day of the funeral was innapropiate what about getting engaged.

oh yeh i forgot about that, but then i wouldnt expect anything else from clare, poor max

20-05-2006, 13:52
I did find the whole Max/Clare thing really inappropiate. Sure get engaged but don't make a big deal of it, especially to the extent they did. :mad:

di marco
20-05-2006, 13:53
I did find the whole Max/Clare thing really inappropiate. Sure get engaged but don't make a big deal of it, especially to the extent they did. :mad:

yeh at least becca told jake not to celebrate there

20-05-2006, 15:09
I thought the funeral was really sad and i agree it was very inappropiate for Becca to tell Jake she was pregnant especially since it was a baby's funeral but at least they did not go about smiling and celebrating like Clare did because of her engagement which was even more inappropiate.Was a good episode.

20-05-2006, 16:49
this week's omnibus has been compelling viewing! great acting from all involved regarding the baby Grace storyline!

If they dont win most dramatic storyline award at the soap awards tonight then i will be very shocked!

20-05-2006, 17:24
what i thought was good was that the storylines other than Graces death did not let it down, usually in soaps there are stupid storys running alongside the major ones.

20-05-2006, 19:13
am loving hollyoaks at the moment i think the story abut baby grace dying has been really sad but very well acted.


20-05-2006, 19:24
did you see KATHYS FACE WHEN SARAH GOT BACK WITH REESE"What do you want me to do? Throw a party?!" :moonie:

Classic! :rotfl:

di marco
20-05-2006, 20:18
If they dont win most dramatic storyline award at the soap awards tonight then i will be very shocked!

me too, but i think the storyline might be too recent for it to have been nominated for this year?

21-05-2006, 00:45
What a brilliant week in Hollyoaks. Sarah Dunn and Nick Pickard have been on top form!

I see we heard a mention of Auntie Joan again last night! :p I hope Mandy comes back soon. :)

22-05-2006, 20:16
Another good episode tonight. Mummy and daddy ashworth made another appearance. :eek: That's twice in one week! I see that creepy music made a comeback when Sarah & Rhys were sat talking. I don't think i've heard it since the serial killer storyline. lol

23-05-2006, 18:41
Steph looks nice tonight. :)

24-05-2006, 12:31
how much does OB hate Claire, its so funny. Grandad ashworth made another appearence along with Josh and Fletch.

25-05-2006, 20:28
i really enjoyed tonights episode, shame about Justin moping about though, loved the three girls winding him up. Liz made me laugh when she said if you want it that loud at least put something on we can all enjoy. The obitury was quite funny as well "joe we will miss you", fancy saying he was dead. Looking forward to tomorrow. I thought Nicole was a bit out of order in telling Nancy, it wasnt her secret to tell.

26-05-2006, 00:35
I thought Nicole was a bit out of order in telling Nancy, it wasnt her secret to tell.I'm so looking forward to it all coming out! Roll on next week!! :cool:

26-05-2006, 08:52
Has anyone seen the advert for next week? It looks great!! I'm a Justin and Becca fan but I don't liking Becca right now so I'm happy to watch her get whats coming to her!!:D

29-05-2006, 19:38
What a great episode tonight, you can really tell why they won best storyline but its just getting better and better. When i saw the ads i thought oooo great but it might be one of those things where the ads look better that the actual program but it so wasnt , im jusy speechless.

29-05-2006, 20:37
Has anyone noticed the changes on the show over the past few weeks since the new producer took over? There seems to be more interaction between some of the characters & families. And there's also less stupid scenes with the students spoiling it nowadays aswell. Anyone else noticed any of this?? It's definitely going in the right direction. :) Anyway brill episode tonight and tomorrow's (watched it on E4) is outstanding if you ask me. :bow:

Time's up Becca. :cool: :D

di marco
29-05-2006, 20:39
tonights epi was great, i was shouting at the tv to mel not to have a drink lol! and nancy was getting quite scary when she was all upset, nicoles an idiot though!

29-05-2006, 21:05
Has anyone noticed the changes on the show over the past few weeks since the new producer took over? There seems to be more interaction between some of the characters & families. And there's also less stupid scenes with the students spoiling it nowadays aswell. Anyone else noticed any of this?? It's definitely going in the right direction. :) Anyway brill episode tonight and tomorrow's (watched it on E4) is outstanding if you ask me. :bow:

Time's up Becca. :cool: :D
Ive noticed too and its great i mean these past few weeks have been amzing and they are still getting better

30-05-2006, 09:48
I really is improving, Not that it was bad before its just getting better and Better. Nancy was pretty violent with Justin i liked it, I really cant stand Nicole though, and since weve seen Hannah more with her family shes growing on me as well. I saw the E4 episode to, and it is Outstanding. I liked the grandad scenes at the Ashworths,

30-05-2006, 18:20
I can't get that shanks & bigfoot song out of my head now. I hadn't heard it in years till last night lol

01-06-2006, 10:03
Holyoaks is on top form at the moment, i am so gripped that I have been watching the e4 first show at 7pm for the past few days!

Hollyoaks should realise that this kind of high drama as seen with the jake/becca/justin affair aswell as grace dying, mel's acholoism and tom dissapearing last year is all great entertainment and strengths of the show!

instead of all this pointlessa comedy that doesnt use the actors to their full potenitals they should focus on drama and make it a soap to rival the top 3!

Hollyoaks deserve a great cheer for the past 3 weeks! :bow: :cheer:

di marco
01-06-2006, 20:08
i loved the scene today where ob was reading the story to tom and he was saying that clare was the evil stepmother, that made me laugh, and tom is so cute bless him, i really hope max finds out what clares like, i feel sorry for ob

02-06-2006, 09:58
Tom is really sweet and his other comment "woman" the other night.

Good to see Mandy and Tony back. There has been an awful lot of tears in Hollyoaks recently. So sad. OB is so funny, at the minute also i liked when Max was saying I tell you why girlfriends are better than mates, you can dump a girlfriend but how do you dump a mate.

02-06-2006, 14:44
Good to see Mandy and Tony back. There has been an awful lot of tears in Hollyoaks recently. So sad.I know it's been so miserable lately. Although Darren certainly brought a bit of humour to all the drama this week with all his one liners :lol:

x Amby x
03-06-2006, 10:10
has anyone got a link to the Justin and Becca advert as i wasn't able to see it as i was on holiday?

03-06-2006, 10:32
has anyone got a link to the Justin and Becca advert as i wasn't able to see it as i was on holiday?

You can download it from here. http://chrisfountain.forumup.co.uk/about137-chrisfountain.html:) :D

x Amby x
03-06-2006, 10:42
Thanks Hun! I was well gutted i missed all the episodes last week so im going to watch the omnibus on E4 today! lol

x Amby x
03-06-2006, 15:12
Im watching the omnibus now! Poor Justin bless him! Why can;t everyone just accept that Justin and Becca Love each other! Loved the bit when Sophie was having a go at Darren! lol

03-06-2006, 19:07
i no yeah he loves her so much i watched that aswell lol

04-06-2006, 20:34
I like the direction the new producer is taking the show in, Hollyoaks is brillant at the moment.

I think the Ashworths are going to become my new favourite family, I just wish they would give them more screentime. Hannah needs a big storyline!

The episode with Jake finding out about the affair and attacking Justin and almost hitting becca was a bit risky for Tea tim tv dont u think! It was very entertaining though.

05-06-2006, 21:01
I did feel sorry for Tony tonight, i mean its not his fault he is unable to grieve properly, the sooner Joe goes the better in my opinion, i thought his seens were pretty useless tonight in my opinion. I felt sorry for Nancy with the becca storyline as at the end of the day shes done nothing wrong but will have to face up to beccas consequences. Liz was a bit out of order to turn up when she was leaving the school. I bet that headteacher didnt know what shed let herself infor accepting the job. The whole episode was really good though especially Jake having a bit of a fit in Il Gnosh throwing that womans dish on the floor, she looked extremly shocked.

di marco
09-06-2006, 20:09
the epis have been great this week! :) at the end of todays epi, you could so see it building up between mandy and dom, but the kiss was a bit disappointing though imo. cant wait for next weeks epis

10-06-2006, 16:14
How funny was sarah and her mum in Drive and Buy, she was more mature than her mother. I bet Max thought no wonder the childs disterbed. Reall really good episodes all week.

12-06-2006, 11:18
i have to give the writers of graces death 10/10 because they are also showing how the death of a child can cause the parents to drift appart into their own little world and neither of them know how the other is truly feeling

12-06-2006, 11:18
oh and didnt justin burtons face clear up quickly

di marco
12-06-2006, 16:14
oh and didnt justin burtons face clear up quickly

i was thinking that lol! it looked really awful and suddenly there was nothing there almost!

12-06-2006, 19:36
its soapland it takes half the time to heal as it dioes in real life.

Really good episode tongith. liked the introduction to mother mcQueen, I like her. Jake and the matress i know its not meant to be funny but i was nearly on the floor, i was in hysterics. Frankie " dont do it" just as he drops the match, class.

di marco
12-06-2006, 19:43
its soapland it takes half the time to heal as it dioes in real life.

Really good episode tongith. liked the introduction to mother mcQueen, I like her. Jake and the matress i know its not meant to be funny but i was nearly on the floor, i was in hysterics. Frankie " dont do it" just as he drops the match, class.

his eye looked a bit more bruised today than it did on friday lol! michaelas mum was quite funny and max didnt know what to do lol! yeh what jake did with the matress was funny, i also liked how when liz was shouting at becca loads of people were standing around watching lol!

12-06-2006, 19:43
Liz cracked me up tonight. OTT as always but we wouldn't have her any other way :rotfl:

"I bet you were the school bicycle when you were 16 weren't you!!!!" :lol:

lmao she's handling this all wrong, Mel the drunk seems to be the most sensible out the lot! :eek: haha!

12-06-2006, 19:50
that was so funny, then she said something like " i bet you were sleeping with the teachers" I like the way Darren kept appearing in the background of all the arguments. I like th eway Liz sees Justinas some little angel. Do you even know your som woman.

12-06-2006, 20:03
Liz was so funny what with her assertion that Becca lured Justin round to her flat. With a bag of sweets and a bottle of fizzy pop no doubt. :rolleyes: :D :D

Mel has been great through this. So understanding. I wish she wasn't leaving. :(

13-06-2006, 20:14
Darren at the end LMAO! :rotfl:

14-06-2006, 09:25
Typical tony at the support group. darren is making hollyoaks at the minute playing that song had me in hysterics. Very moving but funny episode.

di marco
14-06-2006, 09:42
yeh darrens been really funny these past few epis! steph was starting to annoy me keep going on practising for her audition. i feel so sorry for mandy :( oh and it was funny when liz was all excited about her new job and they just all sat there and mel was like im not going and justin was like nor am i!

14-06-2006, 14:35
jake is going a bit extreme is he not? with all this hard done by act....fair enough when he beat up justin but now its sad i mean remember that lisa hunter girl jake

14-06-2006, 19:26
Poor old Jack, he always end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Darren had it coming, he was absolutly hilarious though. Tony, was just Tony, that was a little close for comfort with dom and mandy at the end. Mandy was really harsh towards him. I really cant imagine the shpw without her.

14-06-2006, 23:06
Great episode tonight. Loved all of it. It's so much better without Jessica, Olivia, Jez, and those planks of wood who bring the show down. There's been so much more interaction between the characters these past 4 or 5 weeks. Everyone together at Craig's birthday party tonight is a prime example. There's more than just a few people in one episode nowadays aswell, and they're using characters more often, i.e. the hilarious Darren. :rotfl: I mean a couple of months ago we'd usually only see him maybe three or four times a fortnight or something like that, but now he's been in nearly every episode these past couple of weeks and his one-liners are just great! :thumbsup:

Yep I think 2006 is definitely going to be a year to remember for Hollyoaks and with the

big explosion
coming up soon things look set to get even better! :bow: Just a shame we've only got less than a fortnight left of Mandy. :crying: :(

Three cheers for the new producer Bryan Kirkwood! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

15-06-2006, 09:50
am loving hollyoaks at the moment too. i love the becca/justin/jake storyline and i love craig and darren there really funny and although i hate claire the whole max/clare/ob storyline is good.

16-06-2006, 15:08
Yesterday was quite good i missed most off it. I saw Mandy at the end saying how shed just explained to Grace she doesnt love her daddy anymore. It was so sad.

16-06-2006, 15:31
Anyone else feel that this whole Mandy and Dom thing has happened way too quickly? I can understand her wanting to leave Tony but her being "in love" with Dom doesn't wash with me as it feels too rushed.

di marco
16-06-2006, 16:05
Anyone else feel that this whole Mandy and Dom thing has happened way too quickly? I can understand her wanting to leave Tony but her being "in love" with Dom doesn't wash with me as it feels too rushed.

i agree, i feel sorry for mandy atm, but the other day in the loft when she told dom that she loved him, it just seemed a bit fake to me

16-06-2006, 16:05
Anyone else feel that this whole Mandy and Dom thing has happened way too quickly? I can understand her wanting to leave Tony but her being "in love" with Dom doesn't wash with me as it feels too rushed.Yeah I can see exactly where you're coming from here. It all seems to have just came out of nowhere? :confused:

17-06-2006, 14:27
A good episode last night. Quite an emotional scene at the end there with Mandy. You have to feel sorry for her because she can tell that everyone's moved on with their lives and settled down, i.e. - Max & Clare, and as usual she's just back to square one as always. :(

17-06-2006, 14:53
I still cant believe that there will be no Mandy, it will be hard to get used to. I mean who are the going to give all the tragedys to now. I suppose Tonys always left to live a Sorry life.

di marco
17-06-2006, 18:07
A good episode last night. Quite an emotional scene at the end there with Mandy. You have to feel sorry for her because she can tell that everyone's moved on with their lives and settled down, i.e. - Max & Clare, and as usual she's just back to square one as always. :(

yeh it was really sad, her just standing there, and then waving to tom and then tom runs out and asks where shes gone! :(

18-06-2006, 10:25
Teh Tom bit was really sad, and Max just said shes gone home mate. She was really sweet to him in the Il Gnosh as well. It was a really well written episode i think.

18-06-2006, 17:21
i agree, i feel sorry for mandy atm, but the other day in the loft when she told dom that she loved him, it just seemed a bit fake to me I totally agree with that,I have seen this coming even since graces birth when dom was there for her but they dont seem that suited

dom and tony are so similair it wouldnt be long before mandy would leave dom

also going onto last weeks episodes as anyone noticed how rhy seems to have gone off sarah,

20-06-2006, 16:12
Aww, last night as really sad when they realised she d gone. At the end when the officer was like "mr Hutchinson, you need to calm dowm" however Doms pink jumper doesntdo anything for him

20-06-2006, 21:25
Watched the E4 episode.

I am sad to see Liz and her hysterics go. Was so sweet with Mel, Sophie and Justin sitting there eating especially when he said Becca was defrosting some homemade falafals and telling the twins he and Becca had sex in the morning.

Poor Tony as well. :(

21-06-2006, 21:21
Aww was a really good epidsode tonight. Loved Amy Micheala and Mike in the launderette very funny.

di marco
22-06-2006, 11:30
Aww was a really good epidsode tonight. Loved Amy Micheala and Mike in the launderette very funny.

yeh that was really funny lol! and i think it was tuesdays epi when tony literally dragged max out of the flat and threw him on the floor lol! i know it wasnt meant to be funny but it was!

22-06-2006, 21:50
im getting really irritated by claire is it just me or does she remind anyone else of mandy's stalker laura burns?

22-06-2006, 22:41
she reminds of nigels daughter from EASTENDERS but not laura not at all

22-06-2006, 22:43
she reminds of nigels daughter from EASTENDERS but not laura not at allThat's because it's the same person :rotfl: :rotfl: :)

22-06-2006, 22:47
That's because it's the same person :rotfl: :rotfl: :) i dont really want to say this now but i was being sarcastic my fault i should of put a lol or something she was a claire in that too wasnt she?

22-06-2006, 22:50
i dont really want to say this now but i was being sarcastic my fault i should of put a lol or something she was a claire in that too wasnt she?lol yeah she was :D I can't really remember much of her in EastEnders, I was quite young.. :hmm: lol

22-06-2006, 23:00
lol yeah she was :D I can't really remember much of her in EastEnders, I was quite young.. :hmm: lol
well she was really a innocent school girl back then....so good job she dont return to walford the way she is now in h/o garry and minty would go blind and pauline fowlers hair will turn even whiter:eek:

dont know if anyones noticed tha the hollyoaks characters are getting better with the like claire,mercedez,the valentines,warren and hopefully the new students in september we wont be missing miss dunn.

23-06-2006, 09:52
she reminds of nigels daughter from EASTENDERS but not laura not at all

i didnt mean looks i was thinking more of her actions and slyness

24-06-2006, 17:01
holy ******* that was the best episode ever:cheer: :bow: I never cry over anything on tv and I didnt during that but I was damn close:crying: ....how heartfelt was that episode all the memories of lewis,ruth,luke,ben,grace and mr c came flooding back-Fantastic choice of song :clap: I am so glad I watched it and I am so gonna miss mandy:crying:

24-06-2006, 17:17
It was a brill episode, and the script was very well written. The last scene was so sad with the flashbacks of Grace and then her walking away. :(
I can't believe she's gone. :crying: It won't be the same without her at all.

But the big question is now.. what next for Tony?? :hmm:

24-06-2006, 18:22
Such a sweet episode! :D Her and Tony talk were great, and the little flashbacks were a bit cheesey but still fab, especially the ones at the end. I like how she walked away and didn't turn back like he said her not to do... cos it looked like she might and just run back into his arms again but she didn't. Also loved the music, really suited the scenes. :D

But as for the rest of the episode... pure rubbish lol :p

24-06-2006, 18:36
What an episode i loved the flashbacks especially the one of the two young children, who i assume were meant to be Mandy and Lewis when they were little. It was so sad and the song in the background was perfect. It was Charlotte Church i think, not sure though. I thought the rest of the episode wasnt that bad. Toms little face was so cute. I want to hug Tony at the end when he was sad on the bench crying. It was really emotional and a great exit for such a tremendous character. It wasnt just leaving in the back of a cab and there wasnt any need for a funeral. At least the doors been left open if Sarah ever wanted to return, though i doubt that she would.

di marco
25-06-2006, 08:07
that epi was great, it was really sad at the end though with the song and the flashbacks, me and my sis were almost crying! :( it was a really good exit i thought. cant really remember what else happened in the epi lol seeing as that was the best part! oh yeh tom was really sweet too! :)

x Amby x
25-06-2006, 12:19
i just caught the omnibus as i missed Fridays episode! OMG how sad was Mandys exit! i was in tears! I cant beleiev shes gone, It was soo sweet when they showed flashbacks from the past 10 years :(:(:(:( Im going to miss Mandy so much!

26-06-2006, 16:37
im watching it again now...that was one of the best exits in soap history from where i stand there was'nt no need for any murder,bomb,car crash etc but pure good acting from nick pickard and sarah j dunn:thumbsup: but its not all bad I cannot wait for warrens debut on H/O and more of rhys and sarah's rocky realtionship,what will claire scheme this week,any more of the mcqueens and how will tony cope?

so many things going on, hollyoaks is so good at the minute and theres so much more to come over the summer hopefully h/o will win an award next year at the soap awards:thumbsup:

26-06-2006, 18:26
I thought mandy exit was great the flashbacks were sad and i am going to miss Mandy.There are other good storylines going on the now too and i agree Hollyoaks is really good the now.

x Amby x
26-06-2006, 18:33
Awwww Toms face when Clare said Mandy wasnt coming back! bless him! I hate Clare. bribing a child with sweets just so she gets a picture which shes probably going to throw away anyway!

26-06-2006, 18:35
Omg I can't believe she just said that! She's such a bitch! :eek:

26-06-2006, 18:36
I know how evil yet :angel: i like her

warrens so cool him and louise old freinds but him and sean....hmm

i cannot wait for whats to come!!

26-06-2006, 18:42
well sean didnt look so happy to see warren did he! evil claire! what a bitch ha whats a let down in bed? bless tom

26-06-2006, 18:46
warrens already my faviroute character,you can see the hatrid for sean already...maybe an underlying feeling for louise seems like theres a detailed history there,

cant wait for the rest of the week!!

26-06-2006, 19:40
So glad Warrens finally here hes so good. Seans face was a picture. Tom was so adorable i didnt even think that even Clare could sink that low. "claire, whats not great in bed"

di marco
29-06-2006, 12:33
wahoo, is that the last of jez?! :)

29-06-2006, 13:45
looks like it, it was true but a shame when joe read the note after he left i bet he felt like crap eh.

29-06-2006, 14:47
:cheer: :thumbsup: :cheer: Party Time!!!!!!!!!! :cheer: :thumbsup: :cheer: :rotfl:

29-06-2006, 17:38
crap exit for a crap character,he really should have been given a decentr storyline. lares plan backfired on her the evil witch.

29-06-2006, 17:46
I actually feel a bit sorry for the guy cos he went to all the trouble of going through that 'on the pull' thing only to get on the show and do literally nothing! It's a bit of an insult to the actor, don't you think? I mean Louise started out on that same competition but atleast they've used her properly now and she's part of the show.

29-06-2006, 17:48
yeh i agree completly i thought Louise was awful to begin with but the show gave her something to do so we get used to the character, the never really diod that with Jez. I mean On the Pull was how Izzy, Ben, Theo and Lauras characters all started and we loved there characters as we got to know them. I think as Luoise has had some storylines like the Ghb and the one at the minute id be insulted if i was Jez as they came from the same competition.

30-06-2006, 15:09
Aww poor Sean even he doesnt deserve to be beaten up the way he did. I thought the mel and Tom scenes were really sweet, i miss OB. Amy was very funny coming in drunk shes the real stroppy teenager. It was good to see a little bit of Psycho Mike not just Kathy.

30-06-2006, 19:04
Ohh Max.. what have you done! :rolleyes: :mad:

02-07-2006, 22:59
Is max full time now in the loft?
well done you idiot you sold everything that your dad worked for and sold it for her.....what about toms future that was his legacy as well :clap: well done max pat on the back!!!you have lost your best mate,your shop,it looks like you will lose tom if you carry on and soon you will lose your dignity

02-07-2006, 23:02
no his dignity is well and truly gone now

i enjoyed the drunk rebellious amy scenes too its about time she started being a nightmare teen rather than leaving it to michaela she played it well also

03-07-2006, 19:04
poor tom that was so sad when clare started yelling at him because he drew on the invites it was obviously an accident and he is just a kid.

the last i saw of amy was when she was drunk and her dad went off his head at her, but today shes back to being daddy's little girl

03-07-2006, 20:05
poor tom that was so sad when clare started yelling at him because he drew on the invites it was obviously an accident and he is just a kid.

the last i saw of amy was when she was drunk and her dad went off his head at her, but today shes back to being daddy's little girl

speaking of tom, who was looking after him? :searchme: clare let herself in and tom had drawn all over her invites, noone else in the house? was tom home alone!! :eek:

Clare is so vile, im so glad tom told him about clare being horrid to him!

03-07-2006, 20:21
Clare is so vile, im so glad tom told him about clare being horrid to him!
I know she really is such a cow i hope she gets whats coming to her.

03-07-2006, 21:07
She went too far tonight over those invites. :nono: And is it just me or is she constantly wearing red? :searchme: I think it might be to represent the type of character she is if you know what I mean, i.e. - like fiery & evil.

04-07-2006, 07:32
She does ware an awful lot of red but i really liked that top she had on. I still cant believe the Neville actually owns the shop. Rhys and Gilly made me laugh with their going birdwatching in Chester.

04-07-2006, 12:12
I am really starting to like OB he isnt the idiot I once saw him as....Ive liked OB dont get me wrong but Im seeing him in a new light now he has got a backbone and this claire stoyline line has brought out a new side to OB's character

04-07-2006, 13:47
OB loverly i still cant believe the witch managed to ruin his an Maxs freidship. He so cute aswell. I love when he films with Tom.

05-07-2006, 19:05
Max wasnt very good tongiht with the guys and the drugs. Without OB they would have been stuffed. How irritating is Sarah she does my head in, i cant believe Louise is going to go through with the whole Warren sistuation it was a really good episode tonight.

05-07-2006, 19:12
I liked the scenes between Suzanne & Frankie tonight. :)

05-07-2006, 20:23
yes i did as well, shes growing on me as a character. I liked Darren and Steph as well. Her sihging really was atrocious

08-07-2006, 16:57
im not sure if i missed hollyoaks on friday can anyone help me the last i saw was when max was away to open joint bank account and clare booked a ticket one way to get away from chester.....was that fridays

di marco
09-07-2006, 10:08
im not sure if i missed hollyoaks on friday can anyone help me the last i saw was when max was away to open joint bank account and clare booked a ticket one way to get away from chester.....was that fridays

nope that was thursdays i think, fridays was maxs stag do and was meant to be clares hen party, i dont really wanna say too much incase youll going to watch the omnibus lol!

09-07-2006, 12:21
Great episode on Friday.

Frankie & Mother Mcqueen - Hilarious! The mutton dressed as spam line from Frankie was just brilliant. :rotfl:

x Amby x
10-07-2006, 19:04
Hahahah how funny was Stephs audition! lol bless her! Aww poor OB! Why doesnt anyone believe him except poor little Tom!

10-07-2006, 19:09
Hahahah how funny was Stephs audition! lol bless her! Aww poor OB! Why doesnt anyone believe him except poor little Tom!

poor Steph, maybe now she'll realise how baf she is!

10-07-2006, 21:20
Hahahah how funny was Stephs audition! lol bless her!Lmao it was hilarious! :D Especially when she hit herself in the face :rotfl:

11-07-2006, 19:00
superb episode! SUPERB! yay claire married max! :cheer: :bow: :thumbsup: Bring on more of Mz Devine or should I say Mrs Cunningham!? :rotfl:

Im a bit confused as to the ending, i thought Max already owned the loft so how can he have brought it? :confused:

11-07-2006, 19:10
The Loft isn't actually Max's, Mandy had a share in it when Scott owed it but then once she married Tony he bought it. And then OB and Max both wanted to manage it so they went head to head but eventually Mandy let them both be the mangers. Mandy use to pop in from time to time to check the books, as Tony wouldn't let her run it as she was pregnant.
I'm really glad Clare didn't get what she wanted, great twist for the end of the episode. Did you see Tom's face when they actually got married, don't think he was to inpressed.

12-07-2006, 20:25
Right was it Sean's idea for Louise to sleep with Warren or was it Warren's idea cos I can't remember now? :confused: :searchme:

di marco
12-07-2006, 20:27
Right was it Sean's idea for Louise to sleep with Warren or was it Warren's idea cos I can't remember now? :confused: :searchme:

it was seans idea..............i think lol!

12-07-2006, 20:30
it was seans idea..............i think lol!you see I thought it was Warren's up until yesterday. I can't remember at all now lol


di marco
12-07-2006, 20:32
you see I thought it was Warren's up until yesterday. I can't remember at all now lol


no i think it was seans idea cos warren kept saying things about louise and sean made the suggestion that he could sleep with her instead of having the money, sean told louise it was warrens idea but warren told louise it was actually seans idea, so to conclude it was seans idea lol!

13-07-2006, 19:03
I've never seen such cringeworthy crying in all my life. :ninja:

14-07-2006, 18:54
Blimey Becca certainly got it in the neck there :eek:

16-07-2006, 12:06
a good weeks worth of stuff....loved the car washing stuff so funny when jake knew about the bumper

and im glad russ is with mercedes, russ and sophie (yawn)noooo

I like mel all of a sudden since her change to brunette she actually seems diffrent

what the hell is rhys doing,a decent character made stupid, him and sarah are so tedious all of a sudden

and OB best character in it.....still

18-07-2006, 20:06
Mother Valentine is so annoying it's unbelieveable. Thank God we've only got 2 more eps left of her.

:ninja: :p

19-07-2006, 10:37
how funny was Becca when Nancy came back with that Tatoo and the burton twins moving in. I loved how everything Becca said she had a comeback to. Loved last nights episode. Mummy Valentine isnt that bad a little annoying but there are worst.

19-07-2006, 20:14
Umm.. Becca's bump is a bit big to say she's only a few months gone isn't it? :| :confused:

di marco
19-07-2006, 20:21
Umm.. Becca's bump is a bit big to say she's only a few months gone isn't it? :| :confused:

i was thinking that lol! its grown huge all of a sudden!

19-07-2006, 21:17
Umm.. Becca's bump is a bit big to say she's only a few months gone isn't it? :| :confused: I know i like really shocked it was just last week when it was half that size.

20-07-2006, 15:46
the big bump could mean twins rather than 1 baby :eek:

di marco
20-07-2006, 15:48
the big bump could mean twins rather than 1 baby :eek:

yeh i was going to say that lol! well i was actually going to say quadruplets lol cos i saw a programme on that and the women got really big really early on!

20-07-2006, 15:53
hahaha quads is even better! That could be a very interesting storyline, with Becca without a job, Justin on child benefit and 4 babies - hehehe

20-07-2006, 20:05
Well that whole hit & run tonight was absolutely pathetic in my opinion. Nothing exciting about it what so ever. Why couldn't they have just shown it to happen in a normal way instead of with these stupid flashback situations. :thumbsdow Not impressed Hollyoaks.. at all. :nono:

di marco
20-07-2006, 20:09
Well that whole hit & run tonight was absolutely pathetic in my opinion. Nothing exciting about it what so ever. Why couldn't they have just shown it to happen in a normal way instead of with these stupid flashback situations. :thumbsdow Not impressed Hollyoaks.. at all. :nono:

i quite liked the flashbacks, but i was disappointed that we didnt get to see it happening properly

20-07-2006, 20:23
I thought that seeing the flashback was quite dramatic. Poor Calvin. Foz and Nancy were funny at Beccas. poor Poor Jake he really doesnt have much luck does he.

21-07-2006, 03:42
i felt sorry for steph today, i know shes a terrible singer but i think jake was a bit rough when he said theres a lot prettier girls out there who can actually sing i really dont blame her for saying i dont blame becca for prefering justin to you

21-07-2006, 11:09
I cant beliee Steph is actually going to do the lap dancing for Darren. I thought Jake was going to punch his lights out when Darren suggested to it. I cant wait for tonights episode it will be really sad when Calvin has to tell Sonny and Sasha, even if Sonny is a complete muppet who i cant stick. Maybe this will change it.

22-07-2006, 13:25
awww I feel really sorry for calvin

the family are a bit like the truemans on ee
calvins a anthony type character,sonny,a paul trueman type,the mum of the valentines is like the truemans old mum,

knowing about the mum I found it upsetting seeing calvin taking that cake with the police car on it and even more distressing was the watch he found:crying:

22-07-2006, 17:06
Oh i know it was so sad. I mean i felt more sorry for Sonny as he was trying to be the hard man but he just broke down on the steps. It was so sad. I no exactly what you mean about the truemans as i sad that a few posts back. I think Ricky is doing a grweat job at the emotional scenes.

22-07-2006, 17:10
Grr, I missed it. :mad:

24-07-2006, 20:06
omg how gullible poor steph looked today, imagine daz giving the money over before the audition, how stupid could you get and to make it worse steph actually gave lapdances in a seedy club to get that money

24-07-2006, 20:12
I do wish they'd give Steph some decent storylines. She's been given nothing but crap for I don't know how long now and this stupid auditioning thing is a prime example. I feel sorry for Carly Stenson having to put up with this rubbish.

25-07-2006, 10:50
Poor Jake, how much Trauma can the scriptwriters give to one character. Hes really having a rough time of it. I liked the scenes between Calvin and his brother is it Sonny. However it is really reminding me of the truemans in Eastenders. Two Brothers, Mum dies, have to phone dad up for the funeral, a bit simular dont you think.

Enjoyed the scenes with Louise and th etwins especially the clip with the fridge.

25-07-2006, 12:57
I do wish they'd give Steph some decent storylines. She's been given nothing but crap for I don't know how long now and this stupid auditioning thing is a prime example. I feel sorry for Carly Stenson having to put up with this rubbish. I totally agree with you there,
she is always in total nonsense storylines,I liked the ocd thing with cameron other than that last time she was used right was when dan was alive,

shes one of the better cast members yet is given no direction,why dont they give olivia or jessica all this rubbish

26-07-2006, 20:13
Poor Frankie shes really having a time of it. I mean i know sonny and the valentines have just lost there mother but theres no need to hurt Frankie, Justin was well out of order saying thats what he should have done. I thought he was meant to be mature. Dom was so funny pulling that woman. Max and the with are back unfortunatly.

28-07-2006, 16:12
Foz and Nancy make such a nice couple. I didnt like Calvin threataning poor Jack. He needs to control that brother of his. Tony made me laugh suggesting he though Dom was gay. What is he like. Im liking his hair though.

28-07-2006, 16:33
Yeah totally agree about Tony's hair. Liking the fact that Justin and Nancy actually talked to each other last night. Really want to find out what Clare is going to do now though as she is going to be doing up the club.

28-07-2006, 16:37
my guess is she spend a grand on Materials and keeps the other 4 grand max gives her to herself. I still cant believe the writers really have split up Max and OB. Its like Bread and butter.

01-08-2006, 15:03
Poor old Dom, What is Tony like. I thought the scenes in the prison were really good as well. CAnt believe Sam said to Nicole that hell kill himself as she didnt forgive him. Dramatic stuff.

01-08-2006, 15:21
i couldnt help but feel sorry for sam, i know he did the wrong thing and he is like the total lowest of the low but if my memory serves me right wasnt he getting blackmailed by andy. because at the start sam didnt know what andy was up to and when he found out he did threaten andy with the police but andy told him him that he would take him down with him.

anyway i couldnt believe it when he expected nicole to forgive him just like that, she was narly raped thanks to him and now she is being emotionally blackmailed in a way if she doesnt forgive him he will kill himself, he shouldnt do that to her hasnt she been through enough

01-08-2006, 19:08
hahaha Jack fainting! :D

01-08-2006, 19:38
i couldnt help but feel sorry for sam, i know he did the wrong thing and he is like the total lowest of the low but if my memory serves me right wasnt he getting blackmailed by andy. because at the start sam didnt know what andy was up to and when he found out he did threaten andy with the police but andy told him him that he would take him down with him.

anyway i couldnt believe it when he expected nicole to forgive him just like that, she was narly raped thanks to him and now she is being emotionally blackmailed in a way if she doesnt forgive him he will kill himself, he shouldnt do that to her hasnt she been through enough

You might not feel sorry for him in tommorows ep!

02-08-2006, 19:27
Who else thinks Warren had something to do with that break-in? :cool: lol how funny was Tony going round the salon pretending he was all concerned when all he was bothered about was dropping the bill off haha! :rotfl: Classic Tony! :rotfl:

Can't wait for this stuff with Sam to unfold!! :thumbsup:

03-08-2006, 10:40
The scenes with the owens were great stuff. How could they let him escape. Prisons these days.

07-08-2006, 21:01
Poor Frankie, Cant believe she lost the babie, i wish theyd have had a happy ending far too much tragedy in Holyoaks recently.

Any one else spot the major continuity error, Russ Shirt was two different colours.

11-08-2006, 12:09
eeh i've missed so much this week, really need to catch up. One episode I did see though was when Becca went to that 'ganja party' the other night lmaoo :D "Can we go home please Justin.. the music's too loud!" lmao n he was just sat there getting all friendly with them all haha it was soo funny! :rotfl:

14-08-2006, 21:42
I liked the effects they had on the screen when Nancy was on drugs!

21-08-2006, 16:33
Blimey does nobody watch Hollyoaks anymore. Quite good episodes last week although Mel really over-stepped the line trashing Louise's kitchen. After all she's done for her and Sophie! :angry: Some good scenes between Gilly & Sarah. I really prefer her with him rather than Rhys, and it's improved Gilly & Sarah's characters too in my opinion. Mercedes is another character which I really like at the moment. She can be a bit bitchy but she's also got a heart if you know what I mean. :) Looking forward to the arrival of her family this week. :cool:

21-08-2006, 18:06
Agree, with all you said :)

Loving Jake, he really feels guilty and knows what he has done and also to the V family and is ready to accept his punishment, good to see that he wasnt happy about the verdict they gave him.

di marco
21-08-2006, 20:55
so what grades did craig actually get? was it C C E? liked russ little chat with mel, i think that was nice. rhys is so annoying me though

21-08-2006, 20:59
no the grades were 2 c's and a B but he needed 2 B's and an A to get into that trinity uni/college

di marco
21-08-2006, 21:00
no the grades were 2 c's and a B but he needed 2 B's and an A to get into that trinity uni/college

oh right thanks, i knew it was 2 Cs but my sis said the other one was an E, thought that was a bit low lol!

21-08-2006, 22:28
I have started watching Hollyoaks a few weeks ago and i am really enjoying it..i can't believe Craig lied about his a level results! So what if he got 2 cs and a b?! Atleast he tried his best!

I really like Gilly and Sarah together, they would make a good couple i think!

I am really enjoying Mel's drinking problem storyline, i guess she had the drinking problem before and she overcame it but has started drinking again?! Anyway i think it's a good storyline, i am getting to grips with the characters and storylines and i am really enjoying it!

22-08-2006, 08:42
Typical Darren Last night winding up craig. "miss i forgot my gym kit" and "ill c c you later". Hes so funny. I think it will be good to show craig going back to school because loads off people do it. Loved the Gilly and Rhys scenes in the van and they were telling stories about Gillys "cousin".

di marco
22-08-2006, 08:55
I am really enjoying Mel's drinking problem storyline, i guess she had the drinking problem before and she overcame it but has started drinking again?!

yeh she eventually went to the meetings (she went once the first time but carried on drinking then she started to go properly) and she hadnt had a drink even when people offered her one, but i think it started again when she went to the pub after work with those people

another thing about last nights epi, did anyone notice how when frankie was talking to craig she said she was proud of him and proud of steph and proud of jake, but she didnt mention debbie, is she not proud of her or something?or has she forgotten she has 4 kids lol!

22-08-2006, 09:11
I thought that about Debs as well as it was only Friday or Thursdays episode when she was meant to have been on the phone to her.

I dont like the way Mels started drinking again, but its so funny how she kept interupting Sophie and Russ. i think they could have left it a little longer but its acted well adn she does make a good psycho when shes after booze.

22-08-2006, 09:46
Am loving the twins (:( ) I feel so sorry for Mel - she's a really lovely person when she's sober but nasty when she is drunk. Am happy for Sophie too that she has finally got a man.

Hating Rhys right now - he is such a pig!! Gilly is a sweetheart though.

di marco
22-08-2006, 10:13
I thought that about Debs as well as it was only Friday or Thursdays episode when she was meant to have been on the phone to her.

I dont like the way Mels started drinking again, but its so funny how she kept interupting Sophie and Russ. i think they could have left it a little longer but its acted well adn she does make a good psycho when shes after booze.

yeh it was thursdays epi cos she was talking to craig about his exam results. yeh its a shame mels started drinking again but i like this storyline and it shows just how hard it is to stop completely and how just one drink can make the problem come back again. i agree that its well acted, mel is quite scary when shes drunk, like when she smashed louises kitchen up, but then you sort of feel sorry for her afterwards, like when she was talking to russ yesterday

23-08-2006, 21:30
An hilarious episode tonight. Lovin' Carmel McQueen, I think she's great! Mercedes still my fave though. :D Tina can't act for toffee IMO, although i'm not sure whether that's just the way she's supposed to play her type of character.. if that makes sense? :confused: Oh and while i'm on about acting, Sasha is another one who is just as bad if not WORST. :thumbsdow Those scenes with Jake at the graveside were cringeworthy. Some good scenes with Gilly & Rhys although I think it's time we had a break from these two now, especially Rhys. He's really getting on my nerves lately! :angry:

di marco
23-08-2006, 21:34
Oh and while i'm on about acting, Sasha is another one who is just as bad if not WORST. :thumbsdow Those scenes with Jake at the graveside were cringeworthy.

yeh i agree, her acting was dreadful, i think she was meant to be angry but it didnt seem like it, it seemed to me like she was trying to shout but wasnt actually able to lol!

24-08-2006, 16:59
I thought the scenes between Jake/Sasha were good - especialy the scene where they were both sitting down and talking, i agree that Sasha's acting is not all that, i think her body language is ok but needs to work on her dialogue delivery.

x Amby x
24-08-2006, 20:21
I love Mercedes shes the best character in it at the moment, loving Carmel as well! She cracks me up! Loved the bit where Nicole was like Oi Dom ya dropped ya filthy prono mag! Hilarious! Rhys was annoying me expecting Sarah to pay when he sent that picture in! Sasha annoys the hell out of me as well, she cannot act at all!

di marco
24-08-2006, 21:08
when becca was telling off justin it reminded me of a parent telling off a kid rather than a girlfriend moaning at their boyfriend lol! plus didnt becca say that she didnt want justin to leave school and get a job, now shes moaning at him for not having any money?

24-08-2006, 21:23
Crap acting from Becca tonight when she was telling Justin off.

24-08-2006, 22:12
Rhys annoys me thinking he can get Sarah back when he clicks his fingers..i hope Sarah and Gilly get together. :)

24-08-2006, 22:17
yeah i think gilly is kinda cute and doesnt think hes the best thing since sliced bread the way rhys does, i would love to see rhys' face if the 2 of them ended up together

i mean remember the day when they got a free meal due to the bravery award the cheeky remarks from rhys just show his jealousy like " you'll need a face transplant for a girl like sarah to go for you" great mate huh he would still have sarah if he didnt broadcast to darren that he had saucy pics of sarah in his phone ( oh and im pretty sure gilly woulnt sleep with her mum like rhys did)

25-08-2006, 19:01
Aww poor Gilly, he so loverly. I think the McQueens are a great addition to the show. Especially CArmel. Finally Dom and Tina will go out hopefully there will no dsitruptions from Siblings. Poor Jake he alsways seem to get beat up doesnt he. Calvin was relly out of order. She was only talking.

25-08-2006, 19:29
yeah so much for calvin staying on the right side of the law not very police man like is'nt it

25-08-2006, 20:58
I thought Gilly and Sarah would make a good couple, shame that she said she only liked him as a mate.

I agree, Calvin was out of order...he shouldn't have beat Jake up..but the grief of Jake killing his mum may have got too much for him and he just lashed out.

I hope Dom and Tina get together..hopefully their date will go well, they would make a good couple.

I was surprised Justin lashed out like that and broke the baby's cot..i don't know if that is what he's really like though as i haven't been watching for long.

25-08-2006, 21:11
He was more childish than the unborn baby when he smashed up the cot the idiot. I m not a Justin fan, The scene with Becca and Jake at the fountain showed how much they should be together. They were one of Hollyoaks great couples behind Dan and Debbie, Jack and Frankie and Mandy and Tony.

25-08-2006, 21:23
Mandy & Tony :sick: Mandy & Luke :cheer:

25-08-2006, 21:30
Gilly is just so sweet, would like if Sarah and Gilly got together

I do like this bonding between Jake/Sasha - they talked, he listened and Sasha felt comfortable with him, Its good that they are bonding, she will get to know him and find out he isnt a bad guy, a very nice and good guy, who just made a mistake and is desperately hurting and very sorry about.
It will be good for Jake as well, finding about Diane and so on and hopefully make him move forward in his life.

Justin and his temper - The funny thing is that she came around to accepting the dodgy stuff and then Justin went mad coz she didnt want sex, Dont know what made him take it out on the cot when she had actually accepted it lol, He must try and understand that she is also pregnant, so she might not want it and could actually be tired. :wall:

25-08-2006, 21:33
Mandy & Tony :sick: Mandy & Luke :cheer:

Yeah fair point actually. You know what i mean though. THey should never have been broken up as Justin is a hopeless waste of sapce.

25-08-2006, 21:35
I think Jake and Becca were a good couple, i did like their scene today

I just hope Jake doesnt take her back, he's better of without her.

I want him with Merc :D

25-08-2006, 23:10
Justin is not a waste of space. Becca is the one who couldn't even be bothered to even go looking for a job until today! Yet she's moaning about money and at the same time she's telling Justin not to leave school! The solution to this (i.e her getting a job) should have been done weeks ago.

As for Jake and Becca being a good couple. I think they were dull and an awful couple. They have both lied and cheated on each other and Becca obviously cheated as things wern't right with Jake.

26-08-2006, 00:11
Justin is not a waste of space. Becca is the one who couldn't even be bothered to even go looking for a job until today! Yet she's moaning about money and at the same time she's telling Justin not to leave school! The solution to this (i.e her getting a job) should have been done weeks ago.

As for Jake and Becca being a good couple. I think they were dull and an awful couple. They have both lied and cheated on each other and Becca obviously cheated as things wern't right with Jake.

They were a good couple before the Lisa thing happened :)

26-08-2006, 16:35
Justin and his temper - The funny thing is that she came around to accepting the dodgy stuff and then Justin went mad coz she didnt want sex, Dont know what made him take it out on the cot when she had actually accepted it lol, He must try and understand that she is also pregnant, so she might not want it and could actually be tired. :wall:

That was exactly my thoughts when i watched yesterday, didn't Justin think that Becca might not want sex because she's pregnant?! He must understand it from her point of view.

EE Rocks
26-08-2006, 22:01
Really liking Hollyoaks at the moment. I used to hate this Show!!

The Valentines are fantastic, and i really like the McQueens. I think it's Mercedes, she's my favourite.

Justin is an idiot. I think Becca is better with Jake.:angel:

27-08-2006, 03:16
oh no jake blew it with becca when he first bedded lisa hunter, if that had never happened then i dont think becca would have went away with justin

27-08-2006, 11:20
Agree, what you are saying Shaza, Jake's one mistake ended Becca and him, but the main thing is that they got back together and got married and he has been fully committed to her, been the best a husband he can be, and i think Jake has paid for the mistake he did - he has been totally devoted to Becca, and realises that he made a mistake, which is a good thing that he did realise.

I think Jake is a lovely bloke and i hope he finds someone who actually respects him and values him :)

27-08-2006, 15:25
Good episodes last week. Poor Jake. Justin was pathetic smashing the cot up. :thumbsdow I see no ones bothered to mention poor Ali! Well if they have I missed it. lol

x Amby x
27-08-2006, 16:56
Yeh i was thinkning that as well, It was the anniversary of Ali's death a couple of weeks ago and no one mentioned it, you'd think they would've! Loved all the episodes this week! The thing about this week for me was the McQueens singing, they cracked me up especially Michaela singing Sugababes! lol classic! I must admit Justin was being a little pathetic smashing up the cot, but i can see why he did it, Becca hasn't exactly been helping!

27-08-2006, 17:16
All she said was that she didnt want sex and was tired, why smash the cot up when she actually accepted it before that :hmm:

29-08-2006, 20:18
A good episode tonight. Trust Tony to put his foot in it haha. Becca was wrong to lie, but I suppose you would if you were in her position. The make-up artist seems to have gone a bit OTT on Jake's bruises. Calvin didn't beat him up THAT much. :rolleyes:

And I see Mrs Cunningham is back on the scene. :cool:

29-08-2006, 20:21
Warren was snifing round clare a bit tonight wasnt he. Glad Jake got a suspended sentence hes been through enough heartache. I think it was so sad when he was crying ath the end. Cant believe Becca got sacked. Flip shes haveing a tough time. Laughed when Justin was bawling his eyes out cutting the onions.

30-08-2006, 09:46
So glad to see Jake, i really like the way he feels so guilty and distraught not for himself but mainly for the Valentines, and what they have lost, i thought Jake's acting at the end was really good, i could feel his pain and the way he cried, i think Kevin did well here :)

I also really like Sasha, she is very strong - she stands up to Sonny and tells him like it is and also Calvin.

30-08-2006, 10:37
A good episode yesterday, i am about getting the jist of things now. :) I agree the actor who plays Jake was really good yesterday especially the scene with him crying at the end.

I thought it was a mistake for Becca to lie to Justin about her job...he's bound to find out the truth eventually that she in fact lost her job.

Dom and Tina are so sweet together...i really hope they get together. :)

30-08-2006, 12:20
Justin needs to know he ruined peoples lives. I mean it was only a job in a call centre but it was still his fault that Becca lost the job and ther going to be skint. Fed up of Rhys getting screen time hes such a bad actor and an even worse Character.

di marco
30-08-2006, 12:55
Justin needs to know he ruined peoples lives. I mean it was only a job in a call centre but it was still his fault that Becca lost the job and ther going to be skint.

its not just justins fault, its beccas as well! so am i right in thinking that becca lost the job cos she lied on her application?

30-08-2006, 13:20
its not just justins fault, its beccas as well! so am i right in thinking that becca lost the job cos she lied on her application?

Yeah that's right, she lied on her application and said she had been travelling the world loads. I agree it's Becca's fault too.

di marco
30-08-2006, 19:25
Yeah that's right, she lied on her application and said she had been travelling the world loads. I agree it's Becca's fault too.

yeh thanks. i knew she lied on the application and stuff, but i was just seeing if thats why she was sacked, i thought it was, cos i didnt think they could sack her cos she was with justin, it was just slightly confusing (well for me anyway lol!)

30-08-2006, 19:44
Justin needs to know he ruined peoples lives. I mean it was only a job in a call centre but it was still his fault that Becca lost the job and ther going to be skint. Fed up of Rhys getting screen time hes such a bad actor and an even worse Character.

Oh, please! Becca has a mind of her own, their affair and the situation Becca finds herself in is just as much her fault as it is Justin's. Becca ruined her own life the second she jumped into bed with Justin.

di marco
30-08-2006, 19:47
Oh, please! Becca has a mind of her own, their affair and the situation Becca finds herself in is just as much her fault as it is Justin's. Becca ruined her own life the second she jumped into bed with Justin.

i agree, its as much beccas fault as justins, maybe even more so beccas fault cos she was married and justins teacher, hes just a kid, but they are both to blame

30-08-2006, 19:54
But everyone's forgetting how much he used to pester her all the time. She did try and say no to his advances for months on end. Justin is no angel. :nono:

di marco
30-08-2006, 20:02
But everyone's forgetting how much he used to pester her all the time. She did try and say no to his advances for months on end. Justin is no angel. :nono:

im not saying justins an angel, but hes not totally to blame, beccas at fault too

30-08-2006, 20:09
But everyone's forgetting how much he used to pester her all the time. She did try and say no to his advances for months on end. Justin is no angel. :nono:

That's true but SHE came to him on Christmas Eve/Day. Both are as bad as each other and should accept whatever comes their way. In her heart I think Becca knows she is as much to blame but she has been humililated all day at that chicken shop and she just lost it.

01-09-2006, 12:41
oh my god, the tatoo. that was hilarious. I thought Becca throwing the sweet and sour pork over justin was great. Thought it was a good episode last night especially Foz i hpe he sticks around as he is one of my favourite characters.

01-09-2006, 12:46
"What can i cockle-doodle do for you?" :lol: That was so funny! I felt sorry for Becca but imagine to have to say something like that, i found it quite funny.

01-09-2006, 12:49
And when she said to the boy are you allowed out front because with a face likethat yourll pu tthe custermors off there food. Andhe said dont talk to your boss like that. It was very funny.

04-09-2006, 20:12
Poor Gilly, he really likes Sarah, i think Sarah is not realising the fact that she might actually like him back and is hiding that by taking the mick out of Gilly.

Justin is really deluding himself by refusing to believe that this could might even be Jake's baby - he's totally refusing to believe it, what Sophie said to him was right, has he thought this through??? :mad: :rolleyes:

I dont like Russ/Sophie pairing or Russ/Merc

x Amby x
04-09-2006, 20:58
that new student Kris is really annoying me! He just seems to pick on the second year students apart from Olivia! I think hes quite mean to Jessica as well, i mean what has she ever done to him? I like Zoe and Will though they seem alright! Loved it when Gilly was like OMG its the Countdown champ! lol great episode and Sam is back... AGAIn! lol Oh yeh and Sarah needs to get her head out of her ass as well! lol

05-09-2006, 08:50
Yeah typical Gilly. I knew that was Sam. I dont like the Russ Sophie Pairing and im fed up of Nicoles whining. Grow up for gods sake.

06-09-2006, 10:00
Jake looking good, he actually had his hair up instead of it being messy

He was so calm and good when Sonny and Justin came in the SU Bar, and was ignoring them, so they wouldnt get to him, Jake could have complained to the staff about them being underage and not being in there but didn, i did like him standing up for Craig at the end with Sonny, coz Sonny was backing Craig up against the wall.
Didnt like Sonny saying that Becca must of left him coz he smacked her and called him a pyscho freakk - i would love to see Sonny in a situation where he gets scared and runs away and leaving someone lying on the floor

06-09-2006, 21:04
Would someone please dio me the honour of giving sonny one hell of a smack. Is that John paul the McQueen brother. I recognise him from somewhere i just cant put a name to it. poor old Craig. How they didnt realise Sam was in Evissa i dont know. Claire was very nearly caought out. Cant believe Max is so in Love with her. Shes vile.