View Full Version : university fees

16-02-2006, 15:07
Should university tuition fee's be abolished?

16-02-2006, 15:08
what is this? i sound really thick? is it too pay to go to uni

16-02-2006, 15:18
We once had the best education system in the world. It was the envy of the world.

Now we seem to be copying the american system. I can appreciate the argument that a student should contribute to their education but look at what we are doing. Burdening the next generation with debt. If it isn't already hard enough already to get a job, get ready to work 15 years to pay off your university debt and then maybe if you are lucky you might just be able to get on the housing ladder, spend another 25 years in debt, and then when retirement time comes learn that the govt has shafted your pension and you'll be working till you die.

16-02-2006, 15:20
I think they should pay for Uni. I had noticed that people who paid the fee were willing to work a bit harder as they were getting as much value for money whereas the student that either the government or parents paid for couldn't be bother turning up for many lectures.

I think if you pay,you have a better interest in your education

16-02-2006, 15:25
I think they should pay for Uni. I had noticed that people who paid the fee were willing to work a bit harder as they were getting as much value for money whereas the student that either the government or parents paid for couldn't be bother turning up for many lectures.

I think if you pay,you have a better interest in your education

Why not improve the entry standards instead so you can only get into uni if you are capable. Competition for places would ensure only those that were willing to work got in.

Yes, there is education for all but not at the same level. We have dropped standards so much we are now thinking of introducing A* and A** grades to A levels. How abuot just making the exams harder?

16-02-2006, 15:48
We don't have that problem over here. We have to pay fees and have a high points system for college based on your exam results. You may also have to sit for an interview too. The problem in the past was that only the rich could afford to go to college but with government grants paying fees those who are capable can now go too

16-02-2006, 16:00
The thing is that the government moan that there arent enough english people becoming doctors and nurses and this is why we have to hire people from other countries but how can they moan when its their fault people cant afford to train. I wont get a grant for uni my parents earn too much but that doesnt mean they can afford to pay my tuition fees. A parents earning shouldnt have any bearing on how much financial help a person gets, it should be based on ability and on how much the person deserves the university placement i the first place. I'm all for making the tests harder and having entrance tests because I'm willing to work for them and anyone that isnt shouldnt really be at uni in the first place so why should they get help when deserving students dont. I think university fees should be scrapped and entrance tests enforced

16-02-2006, 16:04
They reduced the fee over here for a while to make uni more accessible for those who's parents earned to much. It lasted for about 4 years and the fee were reasonable but again there was a lot of time wasters who's parent forced them to do degrees that they thought would be better for their kids instead of letting them make the choices themselves

di marco
16-02-2006, 17:03
I wont get a grant for uni my parents earn too much but that doesnt mean they can afford to pay my tuition fees.

i wont get a grant either, and like you my parents arent able to afford to pay for me to go. yes i agree that if youre willing to work but your family is very poor then you should still have the chance to go to uni, but the thing is its unfair on all the people like me. if your family are poor you can afford to go to uni cos you get your fees paid for you, if your family are rich then you can afford to go to uni cos you have a enough to pay for the fees. the majority of people however are in the middle of these 2, the government thinks the family earns too much so they dont get any help paying fees but the family cant actually afford to pay them. instead you have to take out a loan, which means you end up paying more on your fees due to interest needing to be paid as well as the fees

16-02-2006, 17:19
i thought the rule was changing and that you as a student have to pay once your earning a certain amount of wages at work. not sure though. I think in a way it is right to pay as it makes you commited but it shouldnt be so much you are paying it for the rest of your life.

16-02-2006, 18:51
yes it has too!!! some people (like me) couldnt afford to go to uni my family wouldnt have been able support me through it - its horrible the amount of debt people get into just to have an education

16-02-2006, 19:09
Im going to uni in september on top of tuition fees we now have to pay top up fees of an extra 3 grand a year.

Plus housing and food! Thats alot of money a year, and a hell of a lot to pay back. I know you dont have to pay it back until your earning a certain amount. But you wont be able to afford housing once you finish uni.

I need to go and I guess ill have to put up with it but at 18 thats a lot of debt!

di marco
16-02-2006, 19:52
i thought the rule was changing and that you as a student have to pay once your earning a certain amount of wages at work. not sure though. I think in a way it is right to pay as it makes you commited but it shouldnt be so much you are paying it for the rest of your life.

yes you dont have to pay til you are earning £15,000 a year, however if you think about it, £15,00 isnt that much if youve got a degree and have just spent almost that or more on uni and accomodation. plus now you have to pay it back in certain amounts, for example, if you get a really high paid job and have loads of money spare you cant pay it all back quickly, which isnt helping anyone apart from the banks who are getting more money from you through interest!

Dr. Tangliss
18-02-2006, 17:55
I think fees should be abolished, especially with the new state of play, I mean who can afford £3,000 a year, on top of their loan. By the time students graduate, for example, a medical student, will be over £60,000 in debt! Talk about the government causing mass debt, something they want to decrease.

What I find ironic is, Mr. Blair had a free education, no tuition fees, a non-repayable grant, and yet us expects students to now have none of those previlages, doesn't make sense to me in the slightest. The sad thing is that uni's do not hardly get any of the fees, so where the hell are they going?

18-02-2006, 18:47
i think going to uni should be free so people who don't have a lot of money have an equal chance as a millionair who dosn't need to go to college to get a job anyway