View Full Version : EE 21st birthday

15-02-2006, 23:06
To celebrate 21 years of EE, BBC Breakfast will be live in Albert Square all morning tomorrow. They will be joined by members of the cast.

That should please all you EE fans on
half term.

Those of us at work will miss it

15-02-2006, 23:18
Those of us at work will miss itI didn't think you'd be bothered anyway alan :D

Chloe O'brien
15-02-2006, 23:28
:eek:oh no i will miss it misery

15-02-2006, 23:28
Well for fun I will get up and watch it and be all covered up with blankies on the couch and probably fall asleep before it is over :rotfl:

15-02-2006, 23:30
I'll miss it! Im not on half term yet :(

15-02-2006, 23:33
I'll miss it! Im not on half term yet :(

me either. but im not too bothered to be honest. im not really into that sort of celebration programme.

16-02-2006, 08:35
I'm not on half term yet either so I have put in a video to record it. :)

di marco
16-02-2006, 08:40
im on half term so if i can be bothered to walk down the stairs ill watch it! im not that bothered if i miss it though

16-02-2006, 13:03
cant wait to see it they have also got a magazine out i got it it is really good

di marco
16-02-2006, 13:48
cant wait to see it they have also got a magazine out i got it it is really good

i think it was on today, so if it was youve missed it!

16-02-2006, 13:55
Did any one catch the Breakfast show this morning ?? I was in and out of the living room, they talked to Sonia, Joe ,Billy and Deano and some gal named Kelly ( ????????? ) it was a nice tribute, no Pauline no Peggy or Pat..... ( or at least that I saw )

di marco
16-02-2006, 13:56
Did any one catch the Breakfast show this morning ?? I was in and out of the living room, they talked to Sonia, Joe ,Billy and Deano and some gal named Kelly ( ????????? ) it was a nice tribute, no Pauline no Peggy or Pat..... ( or at least that I saw )

did they talk about much? like whats coming up and stuff? i missed it so was just wondering

16-02-2006, 13:59
did they talk about much? like whats coming up and stuff? i missed it so was just wondering

they showed clips of the wedding for tomorrow, the interviewer asked joe something and Joe said,, sorry can't say any more.. Sonia was not really thrilled about the lesbian kiss ( from her expression and body language) Billy mostly talked about the Vic..I missed the bits with Deano and some girl named Kelly ( who they said is a NEW GIRL ??? )

di marco
16-02-2006, 14:01
they showed clips of the wedding for tomorrow, the interviewer asked joe something and Joe said,, sorry can't say any more.. Sonia was not really thrilled about the lesbian kiss ( from her expression and body language) Billy mostly talked about the Vic..I missed the bits with Deano and some girl named Kelly ( who they said is a NEW GIRL ??? )

oh ok thanks, sounded quite good :) hmmmm there was someone called kelly before so surely they wouldnt use the same name..............hang on could it have been carley?

16-02-2006, 14:12
When i turned on they were talking to phil daniels and Pat and deano and another girl not sure who she was.

16-02-2006, 14:42
When i turned on they were talking to phil daniels and Pat and deano and another girl not sure who she was.

Maybe the girls real name is Kelly, so do we have any one NEW coming on EE by that name.. She has long blonde hair,, :searchme:

16-02-2006, 14:44
Carly has blonde hair jodi, so could be her - I didn't see it though, so haven't a clue

16-02-2006, 16:09
It was Kellie Shirley -- she's playing Carly Wicks who I think either arrives tomorrow or on Monday. :)

They did interview Pam St Clement -- she sounds really posh in real life. I knew her voice was different from Pat's, but didn't know it was that different.

They also interviewed Kate Harwood. :)

It wasn't that good -- no real new information or insight. And the interviewer was bloody annoying.

16-02-2006, 16:13
It was Kellie Shirley -- she's playing Carly Wicks who I think either arrives tomorrow or on Monday. :)

They did interview Pam St Clement -- she sounds really posh in real life. I knew her voice was different from Pat's, but didn't know it was that different.

They also interviewed Kate Harwood. :)

It wasn't that good -- no real new information or insight. And the interview was bloody annoying.

I must have missed the one with Pam, cos I was running in and out of the living room .. missed Deano, and Carly too,, oh well as u said it was quite annoying cos the guy doing the interview was making it very annoying:rolleyes:

17-02-2006, 14:26
I seen a bit of it only by fluke because we were going a way thats the only reason i was up and my dad was setting a tape up and it happened to go onto BBC1 and i heard them say something about EastEnders so i turned over i only seen the interview with Natile Cassidy though.

eastenders mad
17-02-2006, 15:47
aww i missed it will it be on teleport for all you people who have telewest know what i am talking about???

17-02-2006, 15:48
http://img102.imageshack.us/img102/8784/small6qk.gif (http://imageshack.us)

17-02-2006, 15:52
Happy Birthday EE! :cheer:

Shame you used to be so good, now you are a load of crud, though the last couple of weeks have been a bit better.

I will miss tonight's episode and the Omnibus. Oh well.

17-02-2006, 15:55
you cant miss tonights its gonna be a good one

17-02-2006, 15:56
Eeeh just think, this time last year dirty den was getting whacked over the head with Pauline's doggy doorstop! :)

17-02-2006, 15:57
So it seems, with Pauline's wedding and the arrival of Kevin & Carly Wicks on offer. Typical a rare decent EE episode (hopefully) and I'll miss it. :mad:

17-02-2006, 15:57
Eeeh just think, this time last year dirty den was getting whacked over the head with Pauline's doggy doorstop! :)
Serves him right for playing with his stupid stupid webcam. :sick: :nono:

17-02-2006, 15:58
Eeeh just think, this time last year dirty den was getting whacked over the head with Pauline's doggy doorstop! :)

Oh yeah. wow that was a quick year. Our SoapBoard birthday should be soon too

04-05-2008, 21:04
You Can Watch Pam Phil Matt Kellie Interveiw On Youtube And Phil And Pam On Interveiw On Youtube