View Full Version : Whats Happened??

14-02-2006, 10:03
At the risk of getting into trouble, I just wanted to say something, so mods, feel free to close this immediately afterwards as I am not trying to incite any problems.

I joined this forum mainly because it was a happy community where everyone got on with everyone else, had open discussions knowing that no matter what was said (to a degree), freedom of speech (unless offensive, problematic etc) was allowed. However, over the past few months, something has changed, I don't know what, or what has caused it nor do i want to know, but the whole Oldies vs Younguns thing etc is awful. I used to come on here for enjoyment but almost every thread/post I look at somewhere along the lines, someone is having a go at someone else, and frankly, its starting to get me down.

Im an "oldie" of sorts who definitely doesn't act my age, and i think or at least hope that i get on well with everyone on here so i find it very sad to see all of this happening.....Can't we all just get on again and go back to the way it was before mass desertions happen???

14-02-2006, 10:07
i completely agree. it used to be so friendly, hardley any conflict, apart from a select few. but now as ems has said. its becoming unbearable. every thread near enough, had got at least someone having ago at someone else. it would be nice to have it as it was, where everyone got on. and the oldies vs younguns is a bit unfair, as a semi young one, i sometimes feel unawkward about posting, incase i say something wrong or something. so id like us to get back to normal :D

14-02-2006, 10:11
i completely agree ems it used to be very very friendly but at times now it isnt. i dont come on as much as i used to because when i do come on i read through the threads and someones moaning or having a go at another

please people lets get back to being friendly again

14-02-2006, 10:18
Hi people i would just like to say that i am 100% in an aggrement with emz i think she was very brave to bring this topic forward. I cant speak for everyone when i say this but i think most people have been thinking the same think i know i have.

I dont know an about anyone else but at once stage i loved this board to bits i had real passion real enjoyment for it and it people but for me now it turned boring and the exicitment has gone . I am upset people because i feel i lost an part of me in some respect as funny as may sound. I want the board i loved back.

Most of all i want the community spirit back that i once felt :)

:o :o

14-02-2006, 10:29
Hi people i would just like to say that i am 100% in an aggrement with emz i think she was very brave to bring this topic forward. I cant speak for everyone when i say this but i think most people have been thinking the same think i know i have.

I dont know an about anyone else but at once stage i loved this board to bits i had real passion real enjoyment for it and it people but for me now it turned boring and the exicitment has gone . I am upset people because i feel i lost an part of me in some respect as funny as may sound. I want the board i loved back.

Most of all i want the community spirit back that i once felt :)

:o :o

i agree i loved coming here as it was one of the only boards where you could ay what you wanted and people would not immediatly bitch at you because they thought your opinion was wrong. Now it is chaging i just come on read the bits i want to, post when i want and go, i used ot be on here all the time but now i sometimes cant be botered

14-02-2006, 10:33
ok, i really have to get this off my chest, because this has been a real problem for me for a while.

I'm 15, right. A have a few weeks untill i'm 16. Theres a divide between the under and over 16's- that much is obvious. But the problem i have is that most of my close mates on here, in fact i'd guess at all of them, are over 16. because i'm on that borderline, i feel like i'm meant to kind of "stick up" for the under 16's, when i dont always want to. That whole situation is annoying me now.

I know that a lot of nder 16's were hurt a few weeks back, but come on, can't we all just get over it?! I'm pissed off at being in the middle of the two groups now.

14-02-2006, 10:38
Exactly Abbey - I've made so many younger friends on here that are under 16 - I just want it all over with and for us all to be getting along again.

14-02-2006, 10:46
I'm not going to be pushed off here because of it, it jjst annoys me sometimes. Right now, it only seems to be a few people, but those few people are seriously annoying me. If they'd get over this little vendetor they've got, then problem solved. But those people just seem to be completly against the over 16's and all the mod team.

Also, i dont think that the problem is just with the under 16's. Sometimes i've found comments made by "mature over 16's" that really put us down. That equally annoys me, because its generally those people that moan about our supposed "immaturity". They're really not helping matters.

14-02-2006, 11:17
At the risk of getting into trouble, I just wanted to say something, so mods, feel free to close this immediately afterwards as I am not trying to incite any problems.

I joined this forum mainly because it was a happy community where everyone got on with everyone else, had open discussions knowing that no matter what was said (to a degree), freedom of speech (unless offensive, problematic etc) was allowed. However, over the past few months, something has changed, I don't know what, or what has caused it nor do i want to know, but the whole Oldies vs Younguns thing etc is awful. I used to come on here for enjoyment but almost every thread/post I look at somewhere along the lines, someone is having a go at someone else, and frankly, its starting to get me down.

Im an "oldie" of sorts who definitely doesn't act my age, and i think or at least hope that i get on well with everyone on here so i find it very sad to see all of this happening.....Can't we all just get on again and go back to the way it was before mass desertions happen???


Well said Ems!!

Ive posted more messages than ever on here recently, and was surprised by some of the responses I got. Some were actually quite rude! In one, I merely tried to answer someones question, and that person then accused me of calling them stupid!!

Im an inbetweeny (or at 23 I like to think Im not an oldie!!) but I think the attitude of some on here (old and young) is wrong. I also read messgaes between other people on threads, and a lot of them seem to have a go at each other - its pointless when your trying to read about the actual thread topic, and also seems quite spiteful. theres 2 people ive noticed in particular who seem to hate each other for no reason!

I love these boards, and have spoken to some really nice people (jojo, lea, shaza, chloe, Tamzi etc) but the small few who are not could put other people off joining and that would be a shame. Its turning into digital spy!! (no wait nothing is that bad!!)

Anyway, thats just my two cents :)

14-02-2006, 11:18
There are many great posters on here both young and old. I dont have a problem with anyone because of their age. What I do dislike is the way so many posts drift way off topic or where people post replies which have absolutely no bearing on the thread. I would never dream of posting about a programme which I dont watch yet some folk seem to think its a good idea to post something like '' I dont care because I don't watch it. Thats just plain silly and of no use whatsoever. I try not to get involved in personal arguments on here. If I have a problem I let the Mods decide who is right and who is wrong and would certainly not get involved in arguing with or dissing a Mod on any of the threads. Certainly it is wrong to go on to another board and bad mouth people on here by name just because you disagree with them or some of the decisions they have made. The board is run by the Mods and whether or not you like them or their decisions they have the final say. If anyone has a problem with me feel free to PM me.
Rant Over

Now lets get on with enjoying SB

di marco
14-02-2006, 11:22
I'm not going to be pushed off here because of it, it jjst annoys me sometimes. Right now, it only seems to be a few people, but those few people are seriously annoying me. If they'd get over this little vendetor they've got, then problem solved. But those people just seem to be completly against the over 16's and all the mod team.

Also, i dont think that the problem is just with the under 16's. Sometimes i've found comments made by "mature over 16's" that really put us down. That equally annoys me, because its generally those people that moan about our supposed "immaturity". They're really not helping matters.

i agree abi. i think its unfair that all the under 16s are getting pushed into the same catergory just cos a few of them start arguments (and ive noticed that it is just a minority of those under 16 that do it). also some of the people over 16 on here also start arguments and ive noticed some other people (and not just me) have been snapped at by a few members that are over 16 but may not really be in the "oldie" (i mean this in the nicest possible way) group. so what im trying to say is, i dont think its the under 16s that are causing problems, its just a small minority of members on here and other people shouldnt have to be talked about in the same catergory as them just cos of the age that they are

di marco
14-02-2006, 11:26
If I have a problem I let the Mods decide who is right and who is wrong and would certainly not get involved in arguing with or dissing a Mod on any of the threads. Certainly it is wrong to go on to another board and bad mouth people on here by name just because you disagree with them or some of the decisions they have made. The board is run by the Mods and whether or not you like them or their decisions they have the final say. If anyone has a problem with me feel free to PM me.

that is so true alan. the mods are in charge of running this board so they make the decisions. even if you dont agree with a decision they make you just have to accept it and learn from your mistakes. its not fair on them to get shouted at just cos theyre doing their job

14-02-2006, 12:24
fair enough the mods are doing their "job" but in a forum if one person goes off topic to help someone the mods make a big deal about it so instead of one or two posts being of topic there is a page

14-02-2006, 12:30
i argree- i have even planed to leave as it is not good in here- i come on here to have a good time... rest after my hard day that i have

I have felt in most threads that i post in people have a promblem with me so i don't post...

so if anyone got a promblem than you may e-mail me or pm, as i want this to be a friendly place.

14-02-2006, 12:31
fair enough the mods are doing their "job" but in a forum if one person goes off topic to help someone the mods make a big deal about it so instead of one or two posts being of topic there is a page

this is because of members who can not accept that they have broken the rules and they see it necessary to argue against the mods decison.

decisons such as alerts/warnings/bans are given with great thought, and there is no need to argue them...if a member does have wish to dispute it then they can contact a mod via pm/email rather than doing it on the boards infront of an audience, as it only encourages more off topic disucssions and stirs up uneccesary arguments and group divides.

i for one would like to aplogise for any upset i have caused members in the past few months, i have had some family troubles at home with various relatives in hospital, so the slighest iriatation has annoyed me, as far as i see it a mods decision is final, we only give out warnings/alerts/bans when members have broken the rules... its a fact of life that if someone breaks a rule they are punished for it, no one likes punishment... but maturity comes from those who can accept it, move on and adapt to them.

samantha nixon
14-02-2006, 13:22
ems all i can say is that you are brave for starting this thread
i prefered the old soapboards but it changed just before xmas and its not nice here anymore everyone is fighting with one another (yeah i know i do aswell) this board aint ment to be about fights its ment to be where people can talk about their favourite shows i know people who posted on here a lot who have left now cause of all this, all the other forums i go on alsways have fights either about peoples sexuality or there fantasies about people and fights, when this board was started it wasnt like that but it is heading the same way

14-02-2006, 13:37
ems all i can say is that you are brave for starting this thread
i prefered the old soapboards but it changed just before xmas and its not nice here anymore everyone is fighting with one another (yeah i know i do aswell) this board aint ment to be about fights its ment to be where people can talk about their favourite shows i know people who posted on here a lot who have left now cause of all this, all the other forums i go on alsways have fights either about peoples sexuality or there fantasies about people and fights, when this board was started it wasnt like that but it is heading the same way
And there I was thinking that everyone had a problem with me- as many people never believe me- which did upset me. As I was going through a hard time around Christmas time..

But like I said before anyone who have a problem with me than please do private message me or e-mail me- as I want everyone to be happy…

samantha nixon
14-02-2006, 13:40
tigs i for one dont have a problem with you as your great and really nice your one of the nicest people i know on here

14-02-2006, 13:41
i was not talking about you Samantha dear...

14-02-2006, 13:41
ems all i can say is that you are brave for starting this thread
i prefered the old soapboards but it changed just before xmas and its not nice here anymore everyone is fighting with one another (yeah i know i do aswell) this board aint ment to be about fights its ment to be where people can talk about their favourite shows i know people who posted on here a lot who have left now cause of all this, all the other forums i go on alsways have fights either about peoples sexuality or there fantasies about people and fights, when this board was started it wasnt like that but it is heading the same wayBrave or daft Sam, I'm not sure, but I would just like the board to get back to being the great place it was to be, not somewhere i fear to come - being a stay at home mum running a business, I don't get to chat to many people old or young and do enjoy myself here, but I just don't want it spoilt

I started this thread to air my views, hoping that others felt the same and hope arguments aren't caused by this :D

samantha nixon
14-02-2006, 13:42
i know i was just leting you know you do have mates on here as im sure there are others who like you aswell

samantha nixon
14-02-2006, 13:43
Brave or daft Sam, I'm not sure, but I would just like the board to get back to being the great place it was to be, not somewhere i fear to come - being a stay at home mum running a business, I don't get to chat to many people old or young and do enjoy myself here, but I just don't want it spoilt

I started this thread to air my views, hoping that others felt the same and hope arguments aren't caused by this :D

i think it was a great idea you doing it as maybe if people talk it through then it will go back to normal

14-02-2006, 13:46

This is a line. Lets draw this under this subject and start again. Best thing all around :)

14-02-2006, 13:47
somepeople have hurt people to much- but i am willing to give it a go

14-02-2006, 13:48
I honestly don't understand what the problem is or how it began? Maybe it would help if people say why they have gotten the hump with someone or why they feel it went this way. As a Mod, I just do what the rules say, I close posts if they go off topic, delete posts if they are in the wrong place and warn people of the rules i.e. no text talk. The problem seem to stem, or so I think, for the pointless post rule. I think that is a good rule, I was sick of reading messages that add little to the topic and was just posted to clock up posts. Maybe I am wrong but there is too much arguments back and forth and I don't think it is all under 16's, some over 16's can be very very immature too

samantha nixon
14-02-2006, 13:50
yeah i think the thing did start to get bigger when that thread was done in mile high about the under 16's
alan can i ask why you done the line thing

14-02-2006, 13:53
yeah i think the thing did start to get bigger when that thread was done in mile high about the under 16's
alan can i ask why you done the line thing

The line thing just means "lets be done with this and start over" and old saying

samantha nixon
14-02-2006, 13:54
oh right thanks siobhan so i agree with alan then (we actually agree alan lol)

14-02-2006, 13:56
well i will try and get on with people if they try and get on with me

14-02-2006, 14:00
As Alan has already said lets draw a line under the thread and lets all start being nice to each other again. In life not everyone will get on and that is a fact of life,If you don't get on with someone in real life what do you do,you ignore them, so why don't you do that here...why waste your time arguing with some one when you could be posting something good, and enjoy yourself on here, after all that is why we come on here. I may be in my fifties but I dont have any problem with the under 16's on here in fact your are a great bunch of guys.Its Valentines Day so lets spread the love back into this board

End of moan :)

14-02-2006, 14:04

lots of love going everyones way today hahahaha

14-02-2006, 14:19
oh right thanks siobhan so i agree with alan then (we actually agree alan lol)
You see it is quite possible to learn some things from us old fogies after all. :)

14-02-2006, 14:25
i am giving it a go but what happens if people still are rude to you

14-02-2006, 14:26
i am giving it a go but what happens if people still are rude to you

Ignore them, move on and forget it. PM a mod and tell them or report the post, there is a little warning thing on each post and you can report it

14-02-2006, 14:27
okay will do so.. will do that from now on

14-02-2006, 14:27
i am giving it a go but what happens if people still are rude to you either report it or as I said in my thread ignore them,that is the best thing to do,they will give up in the end.

14-02-2006, 14:58
Totally agree with this, there seems to be agruements going on everywhere and I'm really fed up with them - though I do try my best to ignore them even when I do feel there a bit directed at me :)
Also agree with the line thing and spreading the love around - especially with the SB birthday coming soon :)

14-02-2006, 15:06
it has all just got a bit silly and people are picking at each other, lets just spread the love and forget all about it!!

14-02-2006, 15:36
everybody should just get on
treat everyone as you want to be treated

14-02-2006, 16:08
There has been animosity between certain members and I know for a fact that certain members have set out deliberately to cause this disruption to Soapboards. The rules are there for a reason: it makes the board accessible to everyone. Just looking at the logs, it's apparent that there are a few people who continuously break the rules and they are the same ones that will then challenge the mods openly (which is another rule break!).
Yes, there are instances where the mods have called it wrong and it has been fixed without much-a-do behind the scenes by myself.

It's little to do with age and more to do with acting with responsibility. We have many 'lurkers' on this board who don't contribute as they see too much childish attitude on the boards. One of the biggest issues recently has been 'chat'. As someone has pointed out, there are several dedicated threads in which you can chat in, as well as the shoutbox and the dedicated chat.

If anyone has any grievances, lets get them out in this thread. I know its Valentines Day, but I don't celebrate it :D (and yes, my wife does hate me for it)

14-02-2006, 16:16
There has been animosity between certain members and I know for a fact that certain members have set out deliberately to cause this disruption to Soapboards. The rules are there for a reason: it makes the board accessible to everyone. Just looking at the logs, it's apparent that there are a few people who continuously break the rules and they are the same ones that will then challenge the mods openly (which is another rule break!).
Yes, there are instances where the mods have called it wrong and it has been fixed without much-a-do behind the scenes by myself.

It's little to do with age and more to do with acting with responsibility. We have many 'lurkers' on this board who don't contribute as they see too much childish attitude on the boards. One of the biggest issues recently has been 'chat'. As someone has pointed out, there are several dedicated threads in which you can chat in, as well as the shoutbox and the dedicated chat.

If anyone has any grievances, lets get them out in this thread. I know its Valentines Day, but I don't celebrate it :D (and yes, my wife does hate me for it)Don't worry NB - my hubby and I don't celebrate it either, after 10 years we don't see why we should show how we feel on just one day of the year.

If my starting this thread enables the community (which I fully believe we are) sort out problems and forge friendships like I have over the past year, then I am so pleased I did this - I can't say there is one member on this board that I don't like/get on with (if I am wrong please raise your hand :D ) so although I was extremely nervous about posting this, I am glad I did. Lets use the boards as they are intended, report posts if they we deem them offensive (and let the mods decide what to do) rather than have a go (words have a great way of reading completely different to the way in which they were intended :D ) Lets all be happy in time for the first anniversary!

14-02-2006, 16:21
people who don't wan't to follow the rules and just cause Arguments and upset other users should be Banned. i like everyone on the board good community sometimes

14-02-2006, 16:28
I expect you may have noticed im not on sb much as i used to be partly due to the fact that i have had another baby but also because i found that when i was posing a certain person (no names mentioned) kept making sarcastic remarks about what i was saying especially in the pregnancy and family forum,not all the time but enough for me to notice and take offence.

14-02-2006, 21:13
Well i have to admit, snide comments have become more frequent on here recently, which is why i don't post as often as i did. I must admit, the age divide has never bothered me. I've met a lot of fantastic people, some of them youngsters (hi smelly steff) some of them *cough* a few months older than me, and i have to say for the most part people are great. There is always advice available, jokes to read, and things that make you smile at the end of a hard day. Lets not ruin a good thing. Soapboards has been a great help to me over the last 12 months and i want to be able to sign in at the end of a hard days work and smile because of the people who are online. Not cringe at some of the posts. I have a lot of respect for peoples opinions in general but there is a fine line between opinion and insults. Lets keep it behind the line. I love this board and the people on it. Lets keep it like that.

15-02-2006, 23:42
Remember how the BBC closed their soap and drama boards? Now they're having the same problem with their sports boards.


I really do feel sorry for them.

15-02-2006, 23:47
That is a shame - if i were a member on there, i wouldn't be able to access it anymore, as i am an evening poster generally and not until late. Can't do weekends either (unless hubby working lol).

15-02-2006, 23:53
The problem is that people who want to make sensible posts have to wade through pages of tripe to see if anything worth reading has been posted

16-02-2006, 00:18
Quote from the above article:

We explained our position then and these requests still hold true: please control the amount you post, don't write off-topic material or be abusive to other users.

Exactly what the rules here are for. So why do people ignore them?

16-02-2006, 00:20
Quote from the above article:

Exactly what the rules here are for. So why do people ignore them?

Probably because they think they know more than the Mods.. They should set up their own board and see what its like

16-02-2006, 09:13
Quote from the above article:

Exactly what the rules here are for. So why do people ignore them?

some people don't think rules apply to them and then they are the very ones to complain and moan if the forum gets shut down

16-02-2006, 18:54
im quite glad that this thread has been created i think its about time someone came out and said it. Everyone has been thinking about it for a long time and we run the risk of loosing some valued members just because of a few people ruining it for them.

Hope this clears the air

18-02-2006, 09:56
I personally have been on here a lot less over the last 6 months than I was when it first opened. Now that has been mostly due to personal reasons, but when I have logged on now and again, I just haven't felt the warmth and as welcome as I was, and I think that has contributed to the frequency that I now come here.

18-02-2006, 10:07
I haven't been on here for a while, so I don't really understand how everyone feels and how everything has changed. But, I hope it changed as I know people are unhappy.

23-02-2006, 10:47
Well all i am going to say is if anyone has a promblem with me and i know people have- even though they don't want to- pm or e-mail me

23-02-2006, 19:55
i completely agree with you too ems!! theres no need for it all, the "oldies" for one are no way old!! and most of you older guys help the younger ones out, and sometimes us younger ones help you guys out. i think were all equal on here and should look forward to coming home and chatting to our friends on here - not being at war , youngsters against adults shall we say :).

23-02-2006, 22:57
well maybe i havent been around alot but i havent noticed this at all, i never knew people had goes at each other

samantha nixon
24-02-2006, 17:25
it does happen abblette but it sometimes hapens without being noticed if that makes sense but it hasnt been as bad since this thread was started i dont think

24-02-2006, 18:05
i have to agree, it has got better since this thread opened and dare i say ask the mods was closed. no offence to anyone but i have a feeling that was something to do with the arguments.

if anyone has any problems with me, please PM me to get them out in the open... :)

samantha nixon
24-02-2006, 18:34
i no i needed to ask a question the other day and i couldnt :( and the same what vikki and tigs have said if anyone has a problem with me feel free to pm me or email me and hopefull we will sort it out *clears pm folder*

24-02-2006, 19:24
it does happen abblette but it sometimes hapens without being noticed if that makes sense but it hasnt been as bad since this thread was started i dont thinkwell i am shocked ive honestly never noticed this but im glad its stopping

24-02-2006, 21:26
it does happen abblette but it sometimes hapens without being noticed if that makes sense but it hasnt been as bad since this thread was started i dont think

No one has a go at other people. What i think you're talking about is either the mods doing their jobs, or people debating something. just because people have a different opinion to you, so challenge your's doesn't mean they're getting at you :)

samantha nixon
25-02-2006, 14:14
no i mean in threads if people are deliberately horable to someone ive seen that a bit aimed at one person in particular so they do like i said in my above post