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View Full Version : Shannis

24-02-2005, 01:46
Due to numerous requests regarding a seperate forum/thread for shannis, you can discuss all related shannis stuff here.

Please don't start new shannis threads as they will all be moved into here.

27-02-2005, 16:58
I'm not a Shannis fanatic to be honest. I did like the whole aspect of the storyline when it first started but the tedious will they/won't they and the Zonnis saga ruined it for me. I have to thank Zonnis though for leading us to Dirty Dens demise.

Lizzie Brookes
27-02-2005, 17:24
I love Shannis. Shannis forever...........

27-02-2005, 17:25
If they bring Shannis back they might as well axe the programme because it would have been axed if Shannis had continued.

28-02-2005, 17:53
I was just wondering how many of you actually like Shannis on here because i am orignally from the bbc website but since it shut i have joined here i was just wondering because it was really popular on their i just thought i would ask what the opinion on hear is :)

28-02-2005, 18:40
I was from the BBC board and I can't stand either the Shannis storyline or the word "Shannis"!

I hope that now Sharon and Dennis have both left, it is finally over.

28-02-2005, 18:50
I have never really liked the Sharon and Dennis love thing anyway. I just didnt get the fascination with it. it was good at times and wouldnt make me scream at the TV make it stop but when zoe became involved i wanted the whole shannis/zonnis thing to end. I love both Nigel and Letitia, Sharon and Dennis but just not together. And i also felt really sorry for Zoe, she was getting loads of critisism just because of this, mind you she knew that dennis and sharron loved eachother so why interfere???? EE just cant seem to keep a couple happy! Boo hiss Boo!

Lizzie Brookes
28-02-2005, 21:14
I love Shannis. Shannis forever..............Oh Lettia come back, please..........

28-02-2005, 21:15
It's Letitia lol. I'm glad she's gone.

01-03-2005, 04:50
Well everybody over at the BBC boards couldn't handle conversation unless it was "Dennis iz fit" or "Alfie iz fit" or "Shannis, give me Shannis or I'll spit my dummy out"

01-03-2005, 10:20
I have to say that I really liked the Shannis storyline before EE made Zoe part of it :mad: Like the Kat/Alfie storyline, EE dragged it out for too long and this is one of the main reasons people got bored with it.

But saying that I hope Sharon and Dennis does get back together in the future :D

01-03-2005, 12:51
I agree claire when zoe got in their they made it all about her and that wasnt the case at all but i do hope they get together soon?

01-03-2005, 16:38
Why does everyone want Sharon and Dennis back together? They are far better characters when they are on their own.

01-03-2005, 16:44
I agree that they are better characters on their own - Sharon was a much stronger person before Dennis and I'd like to see her return like that - as her own person. And I liked Dennis when he first arrived - not giving a toss what anyone thought and with a bit of attitude. Not all teary over Sharon and Zoe and "doing the right thing". I didn't mind the Dennis/Sharon storyline initially but then it started going in circles and I hated the "Shannis" hype.

01-03-2005, 16:47
Oh god, me to! All this business with Shannis is really ridiculous. And the word Shannis drives me bonkers.

Lizzie Brookes
01-03-2005, 17:21
Well each to their own but personally I can't wait for Shannis to be reunited.

01-03-2005, 17:34
I think they are okay :)
Its sometimes exciting.