View Full Version : How do i explain this?????

10-02-2006, 17:10
i was watching Richard and Judy this afternoon and pete burns was on, now i see nothing strange about him at all that is just the way he looks but connor came into the room and looked at telly with a confused look on his face :confused: i said Whats wrong? and he looked at the telly and said that woman is talking funny! i said how do you mean ( still thinking nothing of it ) and he said she talks like a man

so at that point i clicked onto what he was saying, to connor pete burns is a woman but he was all confused as he sounds like a man, and the i got the why does she talk like a man mummy"! i didint know quite how to explain it? so i just said well some women do sound like men and some men sound like woman youll understand when you are bigger to which he replied i am bigger now!

how would you explian it??? dave in the end just said oh that lady has a sore throat and showed him his cars!

im dreading all the explainging im going to have to do!

10-02-2006, 17:15
This reminds me of when I was little and my mum used to record all the Top of the Pops shows and then watch them and Boy George used to always be on them, I used to ask my mum why he was called Boy George if he was a girl... I never believed her that he was a man.

10-02-2006, 17:15
i know it sounds weird but tell him the truth, tell him it is man who likes to wear makeup and look like a girl cause some people like doing that. I did it with charley and she was quiet content

10-02-2006, 18:19
i told jay the truth when he asked me,he told me pete is weird lmao

10-02-2006, 18:22
i have no idea on that one as none of mine have come out with that not yet anyway

10-02-2006, 19:21
i told jay the truth when he asked me,he told me pete is weird lmao

i did consider tellong him the truth but he wouldnt have got it! i dont think a 3 year old needs to know all about it at the mo!

samantha nixon
13-02-2006, 19:13
i never got told by my mum about it i dont think i just found out