View Full Version : spoiler from todays sun!

28-04-2005, 17:21
from todays sun newspaper: chrissie finds paulines doorstop at sams house. she washes it and gives it back to pauline. but there are more problems for chrissie when sharon and dennis return and want to know where den is. :)

28-04-2005, 17:48
I read that as well i get the feeling this are going to heat up in the square and i cant wait i am really excited about it :cheer:

28-04-2005, 17:54
wow this sounds intresting did they say anything about shannis anyway the sun most be right becasue they have been in the past about sharon returning and stuff so fingers crossed x

28-04-2005, 17:55
No that all they said but dont worry she coming is back it been confrimed :thumbsup:

28-04-2005, 19:37
ha ha go Chrissie she'l come up with something with Dennis and Sharon one thing we've learnt bout Chrissie is that she's a very resourceful woman

di marco
28-04-2005, 20:13
sam will be annoyed when she finds out that chrisse found the doorstop and has given it back! :)

28-04-2005, 20:14
I reckon that this will all heat up over the next few months. Chrissie is so cunning, and always seems to be one step ahead. I have heard that Michelle Ryan and Kim Medcalfe are leaving, so surely this storyline will have a major say in their particular exits! I think it's safe to say that Dirty Den's body isn't going to be there for ever!!!!

28-04-2005, 20:16
ha ha go Chrissie she'l come up with something with Dennis and Sharon one thing we've learnt bout Chrissie is that she's a very resourceful woman
I totally agree!! (this is like the fourth time now!)
I'm making bannas at the mo, so bored!!!
Luv ya
x x x

28-04-2005, 22:18
Apparently Chrisse convinces them that Den left her and went off with another woman.

I wonder how the friendship between Chrisse and Sharon will be :hmm: cos wouldn't Sharon still be angry with her, for bringing her back under false pretences just to get back at Den.

28-04-2005, 23:20
Oh I didn't know this. Thanks for sharing :)

Chrissie is indeed a sharp women and will continue to lie to the best she can. She needs to follow her tracks. Despite her desperation to keep the truth well hidden, Sharon is no fool and eventually she will find out.

On a realistic note this is eastenders and truth won't stay buried forever. At some point Sharon and Dennis will discover exactly what happened in their absence, expect fireworks! :thumbsup:

28-04-2005, 23:31
I wonder how the friendship between Chrisse and Sharon will be :hmm: cos wouldn't Sharon still be angry with her, for bringing her back under false pretences just to get back at Den.

I think it will be well and truly ruined.
Sharon is fond of Chrissie and I do believe that Chrissie likes her but Sharon is already annoyed at her for dragging her back for nothing in January. However I feel that Sharon will put that behind her and make amends with Chrissie. She knows how manipulative Den can be and she might even sympathise with her because Den has cheated on her once more. However when she finds out what Chrissie did she will be livid and quite understandably too. I like Chrissie a lot. She is a great character but it's only natural for Sharon to become her sworn enemy after this. After all how do you forgive some one for killing your father, burying him under the place you grew up in, let you go on thinking that he is alive and then continue to lie to your face. Despite Den's fault and his vulgar ways, Sharon loves him and it doesn't cancel out what he meant to her.

There is a thread I posted (might be off this page now) but Letitia said very recently that when Sharon comes back she will be a changed women -very strong and a ‘hard faced madam’. Can't wait. I certainly think that she will get her revenge on Zoe and Chrissie will be next on line when Sharon finds out what happened. I was discussing this with someone else today and they came up with a very interesting presumption. Chrissie may have the Vic but how do we know that Den didn't make a will before he died and left it in Sharon's name? After all when he bought it back he made it pretty clear that he got it back for her – just like old times. It wouldn't at all surprise me if this ended up being the case. Sam’s face would be priceless.

28-04-2005, 23:39
Yes but i don't think Sharon will find out it was Chrisssie who murdered him. I think Chrissie will worm her way out of it some how.

28-04-2005, 23:47
Yes but i don't think Sharon will find out it was Chrisssie who murdered him. I think Chrissie will worm her way out of it some how.

I doubt that very much. Chrissie may worm out of going to prison but keeping the truth from Sharon is something else all together. I also feel that it won't do the story any justice if his own daughter never discovers the truth. Now that Sharon is returning, it's only a matter of time. May be not in a month, may be not in 6 -but eventually secrets will be exposed. Soap secrets lurk out eventually, its inevitable. The only ee secret in soap history that I can think of that hasn't been revealed is the identity of Michelle’s baby (which is indeed Grants). However if Michelle and Grant were both on the square there is no doubt that ee would revive it. It's no different with Sharon and Chrissie. For as long as they are both in the square the storyline will not come to a halt and discontinue. It needs closure and once the police get wind that he is missing, there will be no stopping Sharon from getting to the bottom of it especially if/when the search will get more frantic.

Interesting times ahead!

29-04-2005, 10:14
I think Zoe might feel so guilty she might confess that she killed Den to Dennis and/or Sharon. This would explain her exit and Chrissie getting away scot free though i'm sure that Sam wouldn't be happy about this!

29-04-2005, 11:22
Zoe still doesnt realise that it was chrissy that finished Den of does she?

29-04-2005, 13:25
Zoe still doesnt realise that it was chrissy that finished Den of does she?

no she doesn't. I wonder whether she will find out :hmm:

Even so though, I do feel that Sharon is the one person who will unmask her fathers killer's true identiy. It would be criminal for her to never find out and as a viewer I would feel cheated. The one thing I want is for Sharon to find out everything. I dont at all undermine the possibility of Chrissie getting away with it. I have a strong feeling that she will.

However ee needs drama and for Sharon to find out, it's all going to spark of between her and Chrissie. :lol:

29-04-2005, 14:02
Chrissie will think of somthing

29-04-2005, 14:20
I don't know if anyone has watched it but they had 'curse of the queen Vic' revealed on BBC3 not long ago and Tracey Ann said that for who ever lives in the queen Vic and crosses her that they will get there revenge which implied that soon it will be Chrissie's turn. I don't think she will go to prison though. She is too important to the show and she will get out of it. She is a strong women. When I think of revenge I think it's more on the lines of guilt and having to see Sharon and Dennis everyday knowing what she knows while she watches them (mostly Sharon) worry to deathabout his disapearance. Chrissie is strong but she is not made out of steel. She is human after all and I really do with that with Sharon and Dennis back her conscience may well eat away at her. However she will have to put on a front to maintain that strong posture

Interesting times ahead. :cheer:

29-04-2005, 17:37
so sharon and dennis comes bk as a couple

29-04-2005, 17:41
so sharon and dennis comes bk as a couple

We don't know for certain but it does look more than likely. They were both spotted on webcam abut a week ago so I do predict that they will come back together and not separately. :wub:

29-04-2005, 18:28
I think Zoe might feel so guilty she might confess that she killed Den to Dennis and/or Sharon. This would explain her exit and Chrissie getting away scot free though i'm sure that Sam wouldn't be happy about this!

I certainly think it will bring it all back for Zoe to have Sharon adn Dennis around again, which may be the reason she leaves.

Or maybe Sharon will get her revenge on Zoe for the fantom pregnancy. Hope so!! :cheer:

29-04-2005, 18:32
Or maybe Sharon will get her revenge on Zoe for the fantom pregnancy. Hope so!! :cheer:

Taking into consideration the recent comment about Sharon coming back ‘as hard faced madam’, I wouldn't like to be Zoe when Sharon sees her. What Zoe did was low - she used her infertility against her and as a result Sharon lost Dennis. I do think the pistils will be out of her. I hope it's somewhere public like the Vic.

30-04-2005, 20:25
sharon is an extremely boring character

30-04-2005, 21:41
sharon is an extremely boring character


She is one of the most complex on the show.

Anyway from what I've heard she is supposed to be hard faced when she gets back. Hopefully she can take Zoe down a peg or two.

Can't wait.

30-04-2005, 21:42
Face it!! We all love Den and we can't forget him :( I miss you Den!!

30-04-2005, 21:47
I don't love Den but I do miss him. I always thought it was a mistake for tptb to let him go. I dont think anyone can forget ghinm though. He is one of the squares most important characters -ever.