View Full Version : Road safety

08-02-2006, 16:13
Britney Spears has outraged road safety campaigners by getting caught on camera driving with her baby sat in her lap.

The singer was snapped leaving a Malibu Starbucks in her black SUV with one hand on the wheel and the other wrapped around four-month-old Sean Preston.

The young mum had stopped for coffee but apparently became alarmed by a crowd of photographers and when her bodyguard got back in the car she drove off with the tot still in her lap. Under Californian law babies must be strapped into approved car seats – or face a £160 fine.

In a statement she said: "I instinctively took measures to get my baby and me out of harm's way. I love my child and would do anything to protect him."

But an AA expert warned: "Anyone with half a brain must know a child in that situation is very vulnerable." Lucky it was Britney and not Kevin driving then…

08-02-2006, 16:15
I saw that, does she know how dangerous that it. I know from experience how terrible it is. Even if Britney wasn't driving she's still putting her baby at risk.

Dr. Tangliss
08-02-2006, 16:28
She is an idiot, simple as that! 'Stupid is as stupid does'.

08-02-2006, 16:30
i saw it on the news the picture of her baby on her lap and thought well if you crash you really do have yourself to blame.

being alaarmed by photographers is no excuse a good mum would always make sure her baby was safe and that would mean securing him in his baby seat. silly cow!

Dr. Tangliss
08-02-2006, 16:31
I totally agree with you, Debs! What the heck she was thinking, I don't know.

08-02-2006, 16:34
I totally agree with you, Debs! What the heck she was thinking, I don't know.

and if she had had anaccident and that baby had died or something who would she ahve blamed? not herslef thats for sure

Dr. Tangliss
08-02-2006, 16:42
In my book, children always come first. She is clearly putting herself first though, which in turn is putting her childs life in potential danger. I am just hoping the rumour of her being pregnant again, is not true.

08-02-2006, 16:49
what a careless thing to do has she never heard of a baby seat

08-02-2006, 16:54
That was a ridiculous thing to do, she carelessly put her baby at risk.

08-02-2006, 16:54
what a careless thing to do has she never heard of a baby seat

your forgetting, celebs are above the law

08-02-2006, 16:57
My opinion of britney did start to go up until I heard this :angry: Ive just read that the merican social services are looking to it now so who knows what will happen.

08-02-2006, 17:42
If she was being stalked by photographs she could have least out the top of her car on or whatever you call it :p I'd rather have a couple of pictures in a magazine than put my baby at risk

08-02-2006, 19:58
your forgetting, celebs are above the law They certainly are, they said on the news that she is not going to be fined,but the police are going to visit her and give advice.

Dr. Tangliss
09-02-2006, 12:15
Police are now looking into it. Serves her right!

09-02-2006, 15:18
can't believe Britney could be so stupid

Dr. Tangliss
09-02-2006, 15:21
Oh I can. I hope she gets a good telling off.

samantha nixon
09-02-2006, 20:58
this is wrong as she could have killed her child , but maybe she just wanted to keepher child safe so didnt think

16-02-2006, 18:45
idiot idiot idiot!!!! really how stupid can you get

16-02-2006, 19:16
Whats a photograph in a magazine compared to your childs life?