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03-02-2006, 11:15
cartoon row:should uk media publish them?

03-02-2006, 11:41
yes, because we have freedom of speech in this country and no one makes a fuss when the likes of christianity is mocked.

03-02-2006, 12:25
I think they should be published. People cannot make a judgement or comment unless they have seen the pictures. Also it reduces people freedom of speech. Just because it is against Muslims believes to have a picture of Mohammed, it is not the only religion and everyone has a right to free Speech.

03-02-2006, 12:56
I think most people are missing the point.

The media here are portraying it that muslims are upset because the printed pictures of Mohammed. The actual problem is that the pictures were insulting - Mohammed is depicted as a terrorist. In the shia branch of Islam they draw pictures of Mohammed all the time.

I'm all for freedom of speech, but when you realise that these pictures were sanctioned (not just drawn on a whim), and you know you are going to piss over one billion people off and encourage Islamophobia, its not freedom of speech anymore, but more incitement to hatred.

The major problem is East meets West - clash of cultures. And I honestly laugh when people say that the Middle East isn't a democracy. There is no democracy because its the Governments in the west that prop the totalitarian reigmes up. Before we talk about freedom of speech lets look in our own back yards for a sec.

03-02-2006, 13:00
yes, because we have freedom of speech in this country and no one makes a fuss when the likes of christianity is mocked.

One of the most intesting things I've learnt since this whole row broke up is that how most Muslims countries ban anything that mocks Jesus.

03-02-2006, 13:01
What causes more offence. A cartoon of a dead prophet or seeing some madman beheading someone in the name of Islam. I know which annoys me more. These complaints are coming from some of the most intolerant people on the planet.

03-02-2006, 13:02
One of the most intesting things I've learnt since this whole row broke up is that how most Muslims countries ban anything that mocks Jesus.

Yes and a lot of them also ban the Bible.

03-02-2006, 13:05
yes, because we apparently freedom of speech in this country, and accors europe meaning we can say what we want within reason.

03-02-2006, 13:06
What causes more offence. A cartoon of a dead prophet or seeing some madman beheading someone in the name of Islam. I know which annoys me more. These complaints are coming from some of the most intolerant people on the planet.

I dunno. Maybe as bad as seeing someone strapped to the electric chair, or some getting a lethal injection?

Intolerant? You wanto to read up on Bush and co's right wing christian fundamentalism that just happens to be in place now.

03-02-2006, 13:08
Yes and a lot of them also ban the Bible.

Which countries? That's nothing to do with Islam.

03-02-2006, 13:14
Which countries? That's nothing to do with Islam.

Maybe not Islam but the interpretation of it by fundaMENTALISTS.

Saudi Arabia and Malaysia are two which sping to mind

but then again a number of British Unis have also banned it.

03-02-2006, 13:15
No, it would be disrespectful.

03-02-2006, 13:24
Fundamentalists are in every religion. Human rights abuses are done by all countries. We don't and never will live in a perfect world.

George Orwell in 1984 was absolutely right when he said we always needed an enemy to fight. The current situation has just enforced that view in many peoples minds.

03-02-2006, 13:54
Fundamentalists are in every religion. Human rights abuses are done by all countries. We don't and never will live in a perfect world.

Probably this country has seen more than its fair share of it. The Bible like the Koran is open to the interpretation who whoever is reading it. People can use either of these two books to find justification for whatever action that is done in the name of religion.

03-02-2006, 14:22
Probably this country has seen more than its fair share of it. The Bible like the Koran is open to the interpretation who whoever is reading it. People can use either of these two books to find justification for whatever action that is done in the name of religion.

I'd agree to a certain extent but any mad-man can find an excuse.

Stalin, Mao etc

03-02-2006, 15:12
i'm all for freedom of speech but there is only so far it can go

di marco
03-02-2006, 20:46
freedom of speech is fine, but when you are disrespecting other people then its going a bit too far