View Full Version : Soul Mates

02-02-2006, 15:25
I was just thinking and it came to me, is there such thing in soul mates. Is they one perfect person for everyone in this world?So...
Do you belive in soul mates?

02-02-2006, 15:44
i think there is but i don't think it's just one for each person. then again mayne i haven't met mine yet.

02-02-2006, 15:45
I believe in Soul Mates.. I believe that somewhere there is someone who compliments you that you can't believe that you never met them before.. and the thing is, a soul mates does not have to be a partner, it can be a really good friend with whom you share everything with. It is just cool if it is a partner

02-02-2006, 16:00
yes i think that there is, it could be your partner or a friend as siobhan says. my husband is my soul mate i would say.

02-02-2006, 16:07
i've not met mine yet so i don't know but there's still time

di marco
02-02-2006, 16:17
im not sure, i would like to think there is though

02-02-2006, 16:47
i definately believe in soul mates, not sure if you only get one though.

02-02-2006, 16:47
No, I don't believe in that. I don't believe in any sort of fate. If you believe in fate then you don't believe in free will and I don't like the idea of not being in control of my life.

02-02-2006, 16:51
i do believe there is someone out for there for everyone even if you havent found them you will....just keep your eyes open :lol:

02-02-2006, 16:51
No, I don't believe in that. I don't believe in any sort of fate. If you believe in fate then you don't believe in free will and I don't like the idea of not being in control of my life.

I think Fate has a way of letting people with strong freewill to think they have it.. for example Fate will let you have a choice but knows which way you will choose leaving you to think you have actually made that choice. Fate doesn't have to lead you down one path, it gives you option along the way that eventually lead you back to where you were meant to go

02-02-2006, 18:43
Yeah, i beleive in Soul Mates, i just dont think that people always find them. I dont just think everyone has 1 soulmate though, but maybe a few. I say that, because i think that a soulmate is someone that compliments you completly, and who you can put all your trust into. I think this could be a partner, your friend, maybe even some of your family too.

02-02-2006, 18:49
I don't believe in soulmates, I think you have control over your life and you are not destined to meet one person.

02-02-2006, 19:06
i believe in soul mates and believe that dave is mine! but soul mates can alos be a friend me and my best mate julie met at work and although at firts it seemed we were completely different it was just a chance night out together that made us realise we both had the same sense of humour, and evilness!! we been best mates since shes ace

02-02-2006, 19:35
i wud say yes but i find if you was to look through everycounty ur find 1 person who wud be perfect as a friend maybe more

02-02-2006, 20:08
I think there can be more than one for each peron. so if you loose that one you can have another