View Full Version : What do i do?

01-02-2006, 20:19
Hey guys!

Im in a real bad situation right now! Here comes the essay........

Basically ive never had a relationship, things have happened to me in the past which has lost my trust in guys! ill go out and have a giggle with my friends and have a few kisses with guys when im drunk mainly, get there number, wake up the next morning with numerious text messages which i always delete and ignore.
Went out Friday just gone and met this guy who ive seen and kinda known to say hi to, he is drop dead gorgeous, looks the spit of Robbie Williams, always liked him when ive seen him before! We have been texting each other and he came in to see me at work on Sunday!! Theres one big problem though.....

I think im in love with someone else, well i dont know if its love but i have very very strong feelings for a guy at work. He flirts with me, i flirt back, i think both of us think we are both joking, but im not!! The big big issue is......he is married with 5 kids!!! Ive been told that he finds me very attractive and he would go for me, and he seemed serious when he told these people who have told me. Firstly i am not the sort of person to make the first move, let alone on someone who is taken!!! and especially when its his brother who runs the business and the majority of his family work there etc. Ive never ever felt this way about anyone in my life! He is the most funniest guy ever and he makes me smile, we joke about and he makes gestures blah blah blah.

I dont know what to do as this other guy who i met called Ross is coming over on Friday just to chill with me, and i told him i just wanna friendship at the mo, i like him but i cant stop thinkin about this other guy, i cant get with Ross when im feeling these other feelings!! its not fair, i dont know what to do as its really messing up my head. Its easy for people to say "hes married, its not going to happen, move on and forget about him" but i cant, it doesnt help when this guy is making these obvious signs of liking me as well!! So how do i forget about him? and move on?

01-02-2006, 20:26
Heya!! nothing can or should really happen with you and the married guy because its sompletly unethical but then again you cant help who you fall for...i really feel for you as its a really bad situation!! i would say listen to your heart and if your head is telling you to do the wrong thing then go with whatever you think is best!! you know whats the right things to do...go out with the guy you really have feelings for and can TRUST its the main thing in a relationship!!
i have faith that you know what to do...done beat yourself up though...stay cool!! good luck and sorry if i wasnt any help!!
take care xxxx

01-02-2006, 20:29
But thats the thing the guy i really have feelings for is the guy i cant have! its life i know! Its the worst thing that happens to me its not the first time, but this time its worse as ive really fallen for him!
In another world things would be different
Thanks for replying! x

01-02-2006, 20:31
does he know you feel the same? does he feel the same back you cant base a relationship on unrequited love its not fair on you its relly not!! you have to think about everything ...think a bit more you know you can get through this!!! xx

01-02-2006, 20:34
I dont know if he knows, i want him to then ill know if he feels the same, if he doesnt then i can move on, no point in feeling something towards someone who doesnt feel it back! But this other guy we work with says he likes me, and that he would go for me, he says things to me that makes me think he likes me, even my mum thinks he likes me, its the way he looks at me etc. God its the worst feeling! i though id got over him when i met this other guy but we went on a works do on mon and the feelings come flooding back even more! now i have a couple of photos with him which i cant stop looking at x

01-02-2006, 20:37
You should talk to him seriously and find out whats going on and yh then you can get over him! i agree with what you are saying!! dont look at the pics it just makes your feelings worse!! think about the calm before the storm think about how you feel before you tell him! be strong!!xx

01-02-2006, 20:40
But i cant tell him thats the thing because i work with him it will mess everything up, ill feel like an idiot as he is older than me anyway, id rather wait for him to say something, but im making more and more hints! im sure it will get to the point where he will turn around and say something, otherwise the only other option is to get my work colleague to say something! x

01-02-2006, 20:48
i think you should (like mindy said) ask him about it, cause if you wait for him to say something or make a move then you could be waiting forever when in the meantime youcould have found out and either moved on or sorted it like. but if your worried about ruining things then get your colleague to mention something like you said. x

01-02-2006, 20:49
it may make things difficult but at leats you know where you stand otherwise you will be forever wondering does he ?? do it yourself dont let your collegue do it youll feelw worse!! please do it..you will feel heaps better!!xx

01-02-2006, 20:55
Well it looks like ive blown it with Ross anyway! he keeps texting asking me whats wrong why im saying i just wanna be friends and then see what happens, so i tell him the truth and he says that now nothing could happen between us when i feel this about the guy i work with. And i told him but nothing would happen between me and him cos hes married, when he asked me to tell him so i do!! I cant help it im just gonna sit here and cry now!! I thought maybe he would understand and be friends with me and see if anything develops, i cant go out with someone knowing i have feelings for someone else!!!

When im back at work and theres any sort of conversation and i feel its the time to say something i will x

02-02-2006, 10:16
you poor thing but ross is right. nothing could happen when you feel the way you do about the other guy. i wish i could give you some good advice but i can't. i know what it's like to want someone that you can't have. i've been there. he wasn't married but he didn't treat me properly so i had to stay away from him as much as it broke my heart. try talking to the married guy and see what happens, but please just talk first. i'd hate to think he used you. sorry i couldn't give you better advice. :( :(

03-02-2006, 19:15
Well i havent heard from Ross today, he was meant to be coming round tonight as friends as thats what i want from im, a friendhsip. He text me last night asking how my work experience went i said it was boring and now im at work, but he thought i meant work was boring, so he replied "oh why is HE not there" obviously referring to (ill call him Mr X). So i replied saying no i was just bored at work experience and i really didnt want to go tomorrow (today) so he said i had him to look forward to (as he was coming round tonight). As i was at work i couldnt reply. He then returned a message saying "obviously not then". As im typing this now i have just recieved a text off him saying " Im assuming its off tonight, so ive made other plans, hopefully see you soon grumpy"

Back to Mr X! He was in work last night, he didnt say hello, didnt say goodbye, infact he didnt even look or speak to me!!! I dont know why!! Its messing up my head i dont know what its supposed to mean, he said to my friend, as she come round mon night after the works do with our other colleague, why didnt i get an invite, and she replied, you drove off home! So i dont know if he has the **** because he never come round as well and is ignoring me over it!! or the fact he was just in a bad mood yesterday!!!

I showed my mum the photos from Monday night and she turned around and said "its just ashame he has 5 kids and is married" she always drinks at the pub where i work and is pretty good friends with the people who run it and knows Mr X to say hey to and speak to etc, so i dunno if she has this vibe with him liking me i just dont know!! So now im all paranoid thinking he either knows i like him and he isnt speaking to me because of it, or the fact he was just in a bad mood, which the only reason i can think of would be down to his family ie: wife + kids i just dont know!!

I feel really bad about Ross cos he is so good looking and seems a nice guy! But i feel guilty with him, like spending time with him, him thinking he is in for a chance when he isnt!! Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lol

Very long post i do appologise

24-06-2006, 19:02
Hey, sorry to bring my post up again lol. Need to get things off my chest again!!

So i got over Mr X for a bit but then went right back to square 1! This time i want him even more!

Was his b'day a month or so ago, and happened to be my good friends dads wedding at the place we all work at. Anyway me and my friend, who also works with me and Mr X bought him a b'day pressie. Because of the whole rose thing on valentines day, i thought id do the same, and leave one on his car! To which he was very flattered about and happy.

That same night i was drunk, he was drunk, infact we were all drunk lol. Me and my other guy friend who also works with us, was coming back to mine for a smoke, and Mr X said he would come. In the end he never turned up, his reason being, he told my guy friend Ben this " i couldnt as we were both drunk and you know what would have happened" so in other words he was implying that me and him would have given in to our feelings!! Grrr i really wanted him to come round, i know it was probably good that he didnt on the reality side of things.

So i went on holiday and i pulled a guy, just kissed him but all i could imagine was me kissing Mr X!! What the hell does that say?!?!?! I truly believe im in love with him!!

So now ive been back at work and he continues to flirt with me, and yeah i do it back! My friend Ben and I and my other friend from the wedding, were off out next Friday, and this guy i used to go to school with, Richard, is also coming, he really likes me, i like him. But i dont think its fair once again to go there when i have these feelings for Mr X!! I need to get over him, ive tried so damn hard but its not working! I keep thinking about him all the time, and dreaming about him. Its really frustrating me, why cant things be different?!?! What can i do to move on?!?! Even when he gets mad it still doesnt put me off him. Do you think i could really be in love with this guy?!?!

So thats my waffling over and done with, if anyone gets the chance to read this without being bored lol then please give me some more advice.

Thanks guys and gals xxx