View Full Version : dead tasty

01-02-2006, 09:46
Hedgehog carbonara, badger sandwiches and even labrador are meat and drink for Arthur Boyt.

The retired civil servant from Cornwall has spent a lifetime eating roadkill animals.

He is so keen to share his enthusiam for the delights of weasel, fox, sparrow and - more conventionally - pigeon and deer, that he has written a cookbook.

Mr Boyt, 66, says his recipes are perfectly safe as long as the creatures are skinned and cooked properly and he has never been ill.

"It's good meat for free and I know nobody has been messing with it and feeding it hormones," he insists.

"It adds to the pleasure of a meal to know I haven't paid for it."

Mr Boyt says he can use virtually all of any whole animal he finds in the countryside near his Davidstow home.

Most go into casseroles which cook for a long time and tenderises the meat.

As for the labrador - it was said to taste like lamb.

The dog had no collar or identification so Mr Boyt could not trace the owners.

So he ate it.

01-02-2006, 13:17
Eurgh this is disgusting! I read this in a magazine at work and I was almost sick with the thought! Still, I suppose it takes all sorts to make the world go round!

01-02-2006, 13:21
Hedgehog carbonara, badger sandwiches and even labrador are meat and drink for Arthur Boyt.

The retired civil servant from Cornwall has spent a lifetime eating roadkill animals.

He is so keen to share his enthusiam for the delights of weasel, fox, sparrow and - more conventionally - pigeon and deer, that he has written a cookbook.

Mr Boyt, 66, says his recipes are perfectly safe as long as the creatures are skinned and cooked properly and he has never been ill.

"It's good meat for free and I know nobody has been messing with it and feeding it hormones," he insists.

"It adds to the pleasure of a meal to know I haven't paid for it."

Mr Boyt says he can use virtually all of any whole animal he finds in the countryside near his Davidstow home.

Most go into casseroles which cook for a long time and tenderises the meat.

As for the labrador - it was said to taste like lamb.

The dog had no collar or identification so Mr Boyt could not trace the owners.

So he ate it.

thats is disgusting :sick: :sick: and labrador yuck!

01-02-2006, 14:02
My my, what a thing to admit to!!! As long as people don't start thinking that all people from the South West are the same :rotfl:

01-02-2006, 14:15
:eek:omg! Thats so cruel. And i bet it aint even nice either!!!!

01-02-2006, 14:41
that is totally yukky!!!

i read it in a mag a while ago, he is s very strange man!!

01-02-2006, 15:16
thats Disgusting how can anyone do that

01-02-2006, 15:59
Thats wrong you cant just eat someones pet. Anyone who lost a labradore is going to be feeling really sick now. Just hope they dont start thinking evryone from cornwall is the same!

01-02-2006, 16:03
Thats wrong you cant just eat someones pet. Anyone who lost a labradore is going to be feeling really sick now. Just hope they dont start thinking evryone from cornwall is the same!

Imagine if you live in that area and you lost your lab,now your thinking to yourself has that man ate my dog? Makes me feel ill.

01-02-2006, 16:09
theres nothing wrong with Eating Pigeon and deer but it's wrong to Eat Labradors,fox Weasel etc

01-02-2006, 16:13
what gets me is that he picks it up off the road!!!!!!

thats just not right!!

01-02-2006, 19:58
Thats disgusting, you never know what he could get from eating a labrador or something like that.

01-02-2006, 20:03
Thats disgusting, you never know what he could get from eating a labrador or something like that.

if you think of the desise a wild animal could have!!
and they have ticks and fleas!!.......................:sick: ...........:sick: ...........:sick: ...........................................:sick: ........................:sick: ...............:sick:

02-02-2006, 13:22
:eek:omg! Thats so cruel. And i bet it aint even nice either!!!!

its not really cruel if they are dead already! why do we decide some things are ok to eat and other not, like a weasel? (not that i would try it!!!!)

02-02-2006, 14:31
omg that is one sick individual, I have heard of people taking just "hit" deer off the roads and take them home and eat them, but what this guy said is disgusting, and as JOJO said and he admits it too !!! I just looked at my dog and said no you probably do not taste like lambchops:sick:

02-02-2006, 14:49
Ugh, thats horrible. I can't understand how anyone can do that!