View Full Version : boy trouble

31-01-2006, 14:49
hey guys see theres this guy who i really like and i think he likes me but i dont have the guts to go up to him and say hey wanna go out so what do i do thanks
bree x.x.x.x.x.x

31-01-2006, 15:21
I used to be like that, so I used to make subtle gestures - smiling, eye contact etc and 8 times out of 10 they then used to make the first move :D Either that or take him to one side away from everyone and ask, but I always did the subtle bit - give you a really good idea of what they think of you too.

31-01-2006, 15:27
I did what Em- did it never worked for me- so i would say be his friend first than ask your mates to chat to him and see what they talk about- if it about you than you can take him aside and tell him how you are feeling and see how he is feeling too

31-01-2006, 15:36
well see the thing is im really shy in real life and i dont think i have the guts to go up to him

di marco
31-01-2006, 15:45
well see the thing is im really shy in real life and i dont think i have the guts to go up to him

yeh i never go up to guys and ask them out, i always wait for them to ask me lol!

31-01-2006, 15:48
but my mte old me that he said that he thought i was cute and one week we get so close and then the next week we dont speak so i really dunno anymore

01-02-2006, 14:20
i got a call yeaterday night from carl (thats his name) and he asked me out thanks too my friend :p

01-02-2006, 14:53
Awwww what did you say? That is so sweet!

01-02-2006, 14:57
well i got a call on my mobile and it said carl so i awnserd it and he said look i know you like me my god i was so embaressed and i said ok and he said do you wanna go out with me so i said yeah ok but i could of killed emma my friend for telling him that ohh well at least its all out in the open :wub:

01-02-2006, 15:06
Yeah at least it is all out in the open!

01-02-2006, 15:13
And i dont have too blottel it up anymore :p

01-02-2006, 16:21
Wish my friends would do that for me

01-02-2006, 16:49
aww well tigs at the time i was in shock so i dident thank her but shes the best mate ever :p

05-02-2006, 15:40
If you really like him, you should tell him! The worst thing he could do is say no! And then your friends are there to help you!

14-02-2006, 11:42
does he have a locker? or msn ? - you could try writing him a letter and posting it in his locker or give it to him. just be open and honest you dont know what the answer will be untill you ask !! - good luck hunni xxxxxxx:...:steff:...:xxxxxxx

14-02-2006, 12:46
They are dating now-- her friend told him that bree liked him

16-02-2006, 16:11
yea well we had our first big row last night i love him too bits but he is not going to tell me what too do and who i can see and who i cant but he called me and said he was sorry so i have forgiven him but i will not be ruled by my boyfriend :) thanks for the surport guys :p x.x.x