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27-04-2005, 19:56
anyone suffering from bad backs? im only 14 weeks and already by the end of the day my back is killing me,also if i stand up for too long after i feel knackered!

28-04-2005, 16:55
me too it doseent help runging around arfter the other 3 kids i think that is what makes it worse the other thing is sleeping i can not sleep at night its a nightmere trying to get comfey it makes me :mad:

28-04-2005, 18:00
do you know what i do for my bad back which feels marvellous? i ask my five yr old to tred up and down on my back!works wonders but obviously as i get bigger he wont be able to do it!

28-04-2005, 18:22
thats out the question iam big now i cant even fit me jeans iam in jogging bottems all the time and i have got to the stage were i get stuck trying to get up lol

28-04-2005, 18:36
yeah ive got that to look forward too! im in my last fitting pair of jeans but they are becoming tighter by the day! ive already invested in several pAIRS OF JOGGIN BOTTOMS.