View Full Version : Bruno

29-01-2006, 17:21
Is anyone else finding the bruno storyline a bit hard to believe?

How can he be getting away with all the stuff he's doing?

29-01-2006, 17:26
It's getting boring now, but i know it won't be happening for much longer

29-01-2006, 18:46
it is amazing how much he gets away with but then again the story writers have to keep coming up with new stories all the time to keep us interesting. he is such an awful character though bruno i cant wait for him to go!!

29-01-2006, 18:50
io cant believe hes getting away with it. Imagine if it was a real hospital. I dont feel that hes a very believable character. In the olden days you caould relate to Jack and finn and Duffy but with Bruno theres nothing about him.

29-01-2006, 18:53
Is anyone else finding the bruno storyline a bit hard to believe?

How can he be getting away with all the stuff he's doing?

navel piercings, botox injections and USING THE HOSPITAL PROPERTY,, it totally boggles the mind !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is an evil evil man !!!!!
Kelsey better watch her back !!!

29-01-2006, 18:57
it such a shame Kelsey was so good with woody and now they have her with psycho money grabbing Bruno. Hes so greedy anything for money. I love it when he is found out and then he makes up some funny little lie.

14-02-2006, 09:43
omg when is bruno going to go ? get out ? get shot ? run into a heard of chickens ? ok ill be quiet now but he is so annoying . i mean he killedf an old lady basically, and gave another girl serious bellybutton infection. so he needs to be caught. and quick

14-02-2006, 09:58
well he has gone now hasnt he, in saturdays episode he was arrested at the end. yeah no more bruno!!! :cheer:

14-02-2006, 12:16
haha, i found it funny when he got arrested

15-02-2006, 20:41
im glad bruno has gone as it was pretty boring what was going on