View Full Version : Piercings

29-01-2006, 12:20
Do you have any or are planning to get one. My friend has a belly button pierce and she has to bathe it in salt lol
I only have my ears pierced but I can't imagine getting my tongue done, if I got it done it'd probably get infected :sick:

29-01-2006, 14:17
Ive had both eyebrows done and my bellybutton, my eyebrow piercings grew out tho so I dont have them no more.

29-01-2006, 14:22
I got my ears done when I was a little baby, glad my parents did it because Im to worried now!! I want to get my 2nd holes done on both side... worried but shall do it when Im 16 something :searchme:

29-01-2006, 14:37
i have my ears done and want my bellybutton done but i can't because of my burns

29-01-2006, 14:47
i have my ears and there bad enough. Im way tpo scared to have anythjing else done.

29-01-2006, 15:00
i have 3 on my right ear and 2 on my left. My friend hasher tongue web done though...

29-01-2006, 16:09
I've only had my ears done and thats enough for me but my mum has her ears done six times (she only ever wears 2 earrings though lol), her nose pierced, her tongue pierced, she used to have her lip done but hated it so let it close up, she's had her bellybutton done 3 times but it never really worked and she has just had her nipple pierced

29-01-2006, 16:17
ive got ears twice, bellbutton and tongue and nipple

29-01-2006, 16:31
I got my ears done when I was a little baby, glad my parents did it because Im to worried now!! I want to get my 2nd holes done on both side... worried but shall do it when Im 16 something :searchme:i have got my ears done and i had them done when i was a baby as well spicey but i did my top bit of my ear pirced but i had to take it out

29-01-2006, 16:46
i have had my ears done about 6 times each side but only wear 2 in each ear, one right at the top and one a the bottom.
i have had my tounge done for about 6 1/2 years, i did hvae my eyebrow done but took it out when i had my daughter as she likes to grab things!!! i also have my belly button done and managed to keep it in while i was pregnant!!!!

29-01-2006, 16:51
ive got my ears done twice my belly button done and salt water doesnt really work the best thing to use on it is savlon spray. i found the yellow one worked better because it left a yellow stain on your belly so you new where you had cleaned it until you wash it off with water. i want the top of my ear pierced or a tattoo at the bottom of my back but im to chicken to get either of them done coz ive heard the piercing hurts more then anything and im not sure about the tattoo . lol

29-01-2006, 18:07
ive got ears twice, bellbutton and tongue and nipple

Did the one on your nipple hurt? Sorry to be nosy but I really can't imagine

29-01-2006, 18:08
I watched when my mum had hers done it didnt look like it hurt she didnt flinch and she said it just stung a bit, she said her belly button hurt more

29-01-2006, 18:09
yup it hurt!!! almost fainted!! and woke up with blood everwhere the next morning!! if your thinking about getting it done think about it carefully ive seen grown men faint over it

29-01-2006, 18:10
ive not got any peircings im too much of a baby really.

29-01-2006, 18:13
yup it hurt!!! almost fainted!! and woke up with blood everwhere the next morning!! if your thinking about getting it done think about it carefully ive seen grown men faint over it

My mum was really lucky hers didnt bleed at all but she heals easy, we got told it hurts men more because their skin has less give in it. I think it depends on which way you have it done, top to bottom or left to right

29-01-2006, 18:15
yup it hurt!!! almost fainted!! and woke up with blood everwhere the next morning!! if your thinking about getting it done think about it carefully ive seen grown men faint over it

apparantly i have heard that it hurts more if you are a bloke!!

out of all the ones i have a had done and my tatoo, the thing that hurt the most was .................................................. .......having my eyebrows waxed!!! my lord that is really painful!!!!!

29-01-2006, 18:16
apparantly i have heard that it hurts more if you are a bloke!!

out of all the ones i have a had done and my tatoo, the thing that hurt the most was .................................................. .......having my eyebrows waxed!!! my lord that is really painful!!!!!

lmao...god it's not that bad!!!

29-01-2006, 18:21

29-01-2006, 18:22
im getting a new tattoo next week but cant decide between eeor or a purple rose

29-01-2006, 18:32
sorry my computer is really playing up, i accdently did a double post!!!

i really want another one!!! i just can't find the money to yet!!!!

i have got one on the top of my right arm, it is a heart with thorns round it

29-01-2006, 18:34
yup ive already got angle in chinese, a triquatra and a tweety

29-01-2006, 19:15
aw i dont know what one i want on my back i dont wnat one thats 2 big that covers your whole back i liek the small ones but not too small so it looks like a mole. lol ive seen a really nice one with a heart and a squilly lines with roses on it but i dont know. plus i think my dad would go made even though he has 2. lol so it doesn hurt as much as having your eyebrows waxed?

29-01-2006, 19:25
I got my ears pierced when i was younger (about 5) but last year they went all mucked up, so i let them heal up and got them re-pierced today! :cheer:
It didn't really hurt it (but then again my head was hurting more as i banged it on a shelf just before the lady pierced my ear! :P) stung a little afterwards!

I want to get my belly button done and my second hole, i am gonna get my 2nd hole done when i am 15 or 16 and as for my belly button well i am gonna lose some weight and tone up first! :p

29-01-2006, 19:29
When I got my ears pierced I screamed so much it didn't hurt. I think they've closed up cos I'm too lazy to find 2 matching earrings

29-01-2006, 19:35
i have my ears done and i got them done when i was younger some of my friends have their belly button done but i do not know if i want done or not and i would not get anything else done but my bellybutton.

29-01-2006, 19:38
My friend has got hers done and she's bought accessories for each day of the week. I think tomorrow it's a pink guitar

29-01-2006, 19:42
i got by ears done five times 4 at the bottom 2 up the top, my nose ive had that done for 7 years, my bellybutton, my toungue, my labret (the bit of skin just on the outside of your ear) i did have my lip done but it fell out. i also have six tatoos all are hidden apart from my new one. I have a dolphin on my shoulder a celtic pattern on the bottom of my back a heart on my hip a butterfly on the back of my neck a daisy chain around my ankle and a flower on my wrist. And Im only 18.
Want advice about tattoos, i was really paranoid about the pain on my wrist so i put pile cream (yes for piles on your bum) on the area covered it up with kling film and it was completely numb i couldn't feel a thing would reccomend it to anyone. I cant remember what it was called but i know its for piles.

31-01-2006, 21:33
i got my belly button pierced whooooooooooooo i dont have to bathe mine in salt water anymore its all clear and nice n dandy now, i also got my ears pierced twice :D amd thats it i might go for my tongue pierced next what ya think ? haha not really :p im done for now :D

31-01-2006, 21:35
i got by ears done five times 4 at the bottom 2 up the top, my nose ive had that done for 7 years, my bellybutton, my toungue, my labret (the bit of skin just on the outside of your ear) i did have my lip done but it fell out. i also have six tatoos all are hidden apart from my new one. I have a dolphin on my shoulder a celtic pattern on the bottom of my back a heart on my hip a butterfly on the back of my neck a daisy chain around my ankle and a flower on my wrist. And Im only 18.
Want advice about tattoos, i was really paranoid about the pain on my wrist so i put pile cream (yes for piles on your bum) on the area covered it up with kling film and it was completely numb i couldn't feel a thing would reccomend it to anyone. I cant remember what it was called but i know its for piles.

wow !!!! you got loadssssssssssssssssssssssss :D wicked :p .... whats your faverouite tattoo ?

31-01-2006, 21:39
i have my ears done thats about it. want to get my top ear done so im gunna. not allowed, but heck im 17 so ill do it anyway lol

31-01-2006, 21:46
Hi annaz! I would have to have a peircing (no offence to anyone that does) I don't know why. Maybe because I think it would hurt! I just think it would be a fuss having to take them (eg earings) in and out all of the time!

31-01-2006, 21:46
I did have my ears done. But then they closed up!

31-01-2006, 21:48
I'd like to have the top of my ear done, I'll have to wait a while. I'll probably be 41 by the time my mum lets me :p

31-01-2006, 21:50
Laugh out loud annaz my mother probably wouldn't let me get the top of my ear done at all!

31-01-2006, 22:27
Laugh out loud annaz my mother probably wouldn't let me get the top of my ear done at all!

Sorry Nic, but our mother would never let you get it a done in a million years :p
I used to have my ears done, but they closed up, I don't think I would be brave enough to get anything else done though!

31-01-2006, 22:55
It probably doesn't hurt to get it done, I was very young at the time and I hated the look of the big yellow hammer biting at my earlobe

31-01-2006, 23:08
i have my belly and ers pierced. got my belly done at 12! i keep the same flower belly bar since it was pierced so i dont get infections.belly rings are very painfull if you lie on your stomch with one as it bends and feels awkward!! i really want a silver buterfly bar that hangs down a bit like jenniffer ellisons one! lol

01-02-2006, 18:53
i have my ears done and my belly button pierced

samantha nixon
02-02-2006, 19:40
i have got my ears pierced twice and my bellybutton done but i dont like my belly buttonone as it aint got much skin for it i had my first hole in me ears when i was a baby and i had the second done 6 months ago and the ears hurt more than your belly button

02-02-2006, 19:48
Bellybutton pierces sound good but I never show my stomach or anything so there would be no point. It would maybe look good on holiday though

samantha nixon
02-02-2006, 20:04
i dont show my belly either except for when im on holiday

02-02-2006, 20:05
I would hate to have something peired! 1) I think it would hurt and 2) I dont think my mum would let me!

samantha nixon
02-02-2006, 20:06
1, it dont hurt to much it stings when you get it done and then its fine and 2, my mum couldnt really say no as she has her ears done 3 times and she got her belly done the same time me and my sis did

03-02-2006, 20:07
1, it dont hurt to much it stings when you get it done and then its fine and 2, my mum couldnt really say no as she has her ears done 3 times and she got her belly done the same time me and my sis did

Wow! you are so lucky!

samantha nixon
03-02-2006, 21:28
yeah but i want the top of my ear done now

04-02-2006, 12:34
I got top of my ear done and it never stopped hurting, put up with the pain for 6 months then took it out. Two years on and ive still got a lump where piercing was, I wouldnt recommend it.

samantha nixon
04-02-2006, 17:20
yeah 2 of my mates have got it done and it looks nice but its ment to be one of the piercings that hurt the most

05-02-2006, 15:45
i have my nose pierced and my ears done twice!!!

08-02-2006, 17:45
If you take the piercing out, does it leave a hole like in an ear?

08-02-2006, 17:46
If you take the piercing out, does it leave a hole like in an ear?

no, it closes up after a few days.. and the longer you leave an earring out the more is closes so sometime you have to have them re-pierced

08-02-2006, 17:49
Yeah, I think mine have closed. I haven't wore earrings in ages

samantha nixon
08-02-2006, 17:52
if you have had your ears pierced for a couple of years they shouldnt close up

08-02-2006, 17:53
Good, I got mine done 7 years ago and they haven't closed up at all. I just checked, I can fit in some petite studs yay!

20-02-2006, 17:28
I did get mine done, but they closed up, it sort-of hurt but it was just like a smal stabbing pain in my ears I may get them done again, but, I'm not sure.

21-05-2006, 18:45
They haven't, it's just getting back into the habit of wearing them again.

di marco
21-05-2006, 18:58
ive got my ears pierced, only got them done 2 years ago after my gcses cos my mum wouldnt let me get them done before that cos i did too much sport and dancing and stuff. id like my second holes done in my ears, my mum wouldnt let me though, but when my sis gets her ears done (she has to wait til after her gcses too!) i might get them done then! i dont know about getting my belly button done or not, cos i think it looks nice but people i know have had problems with theirs. my ears didnt hurt when i had them done, just a quick pinch really and that was it, bathing them was a pain though, and sometimes they still go a bit funny

21-05-2006, 20:14
I want a 2nd one and I think i'm feeling a bit confident about having one done. Mum dosen't mind so I think i'm going to try and persuade her to get it done over the summer holidays :D x

Jessie Wallace
21-05-2006, 21:42
When i re-do my top ones they really hurt, but that's only coz i forget to put ear rings in them half the time, coz i have to take them out for work.

di marco
22-05-2006, 06:34
When i re-do my top ones they really hurt, but that's only coz i forget to put ear rings in them half the time, coz i have to take them out for work.

thats sort of like me, we arent allowed to wear earrings to school and so half the time i forget to put them back in (or sometimes take them out lol!)

22-05-2006, 11:05
I've got one piercing in my ears. I got them done when I was 16 as my dad wouldn't let me get them done before I was 16. I've got gold hoop earings in right now as they were made especially for me for my 21st. I'd love to get another piercing but I hate pain. :ninja: :o I can just about cope with getting my eyebrows waxed. :o :eek:

22-05-2006, 13:30
I take my earrings out every night/evening.. sometimes change them during the day.. and I put it in every morning.. I hardly forget :p

22-05-2006, 15:43
I haven't got any. I want my ears done but I'm scared stiff of needles.

di marco
22-05-2006, 15:44
I haven't got any. I want my ears done but I'm scared stiff of needles.

its not really a needle that they do it with

22-05-2006, 15:50
I haven't got any. I want my ears done but I'm scared stiff of needles.

it really dosent hurt at all! and if it didi it would only be a secind of pain!

they usea peircing gun not a needle

x Amby x
22-05-2006, 17:31
I've had my ears done twice, i did have my belly button done but i had to take it out because my skin rejected the bar :( My mates just got her nose pierced, it looks really nice! lol

samantha nixon
22-05-2006, 18:04
if you get your ears pierced in claires accesories they do them at the same time so you only feel a pinch for a second

di marco
22-05-2006, 19:16
if you get your ears pierced in claires accesories they do them at the same time so you only feel a pinch for a second

id never get my ears pierced in somewhere like claires accessories

samantha nixon
22-05-2006, 21:14
why dm cause people watch or cause there a shop as they have to get taught and training for it other wise they could get fined anyway the people who work in claires where i live are well nice and friendly

22-05-2006, 21:30
id never get my ears pierced in somewhere like claires accessories

I was going to get mine done in there but my friends' closed up. She only had them out for a few days whilst on a residential school trip.

samantha nixon
22-05-2006, 21:45
yeah but did she take them out kim as your not allowed to take them out for 6 weeks at all then you can then take them out but have to leave them in as much as possable for a further 2 weeks to check they are fully done as if so it dont matter where you get them done if you take em out there gonna close up

di marco
23-05-2006, 16:00
why dm cause people watch or cause there a shop as they have to get taught and training for it other wise they could get fined anyway the people who work in claires where i live are well nice and friendly

just cos id never have them done in a shop like that, anyone can get a job in claires, i just dont trust them

23-05-2006, 16:06
yeah but did she take them out kim as your not allowed to take them out for 6 weeks at all then you can then take them out but have to leave them in as much as possable for a further 2 weeks to check they are fully done as if so it dont matter where you get them done if you take em out there gonna close up

As far as I know she'd had them done for like a year before that.

samantha nixon
23-05-2006, 16:31
oh right ok mine are fine to leave out and they have been done a year in july

24-05-2006, 09:30
i have my ears done 4 times but dont wear them all at the same time and i have my belly eyebrow and nose done aswell

30-05-2006, 15:03
Got my ears pierced around 2 hours ago :p I wasn't nervous at all but really excited till I sat on the chair!! I thought the pain would be much worse but it feels like an injection through your ear :rotfl: Best way to describe it.. isn't really that bad.. :D I love it.. chose little white gold diamond earrings.. love 'em :D

Advice: Talk to family and friends and ask them questions/worries so it eases the your mind and you know what will happen :D x

25-11-2006, 09:47
Loads of the girls in my year have their bellybuttons pierced. It looks really good with silver pink jewels and stuff, I want one. My mum would never let me though!

25-11-2006, 11:51
Loads of the girls in my year have their bellybuttons pierced. It looks really good with silver pink jewels and stuff, I want one. My mum would never let me though!
Same here!! :eek: Lol it's like a craze right now :lol: I am waiting till I get a perfect belly first though :p

25-11-2006, 18:41
I have my ears done just once though on each ear, but i dont really wear ear rings unless im going out.