View Full Version : excema

29-01-2006, 10:46
My lil brother who is 6 has really bad excema and I hate to see him getting so down over it. His bed is covered in blood when he wakes up because he scratches all night. He's been to the doctors and they give creams and tablets but none of them work. Please give some suggestions because I heard him tell my mum that people pick on him at school because of it.

29-01-2006, 11:02
my excema was never that bad but when i was younger i had it really bad on my neck it was horrid amnd very embarrasing ive since fund out that i was allergic to the cream i was on theres somethng in it that set mine off! my doctor at the time sent me to the hospital dermotologist to get a skin test which she always refused to do but it may be that he is allergic to something and once they find out you can cut that something out? maybe worth a try!

boots have a creeam called allergenics which is natural and that made my excema completely go away but it a tiny tube for a fiver so if your bro is that bad it may cost loads in the long run, my doc has given me a cream which is brill and although i have falre ups sometimes it really gone down to what it was. its called dermol i have the bath stuff and everything it really fab!

29-01-2006, 11:05
Tell him to try and rub his skin instead of scratch it.. or lightly pat it while your finding the right soloution.. like Debs skin test idea sounds really good so it's worth a try :)

29-01-2006, 11:08
this sounds silly but it worked for one of the boys i had at nursery!!

at night put long socks on his hands and safety pin them to his top, that way he cant scratch as bad! it may annoy him for a few nights but hell soon get used to it and it may help in the long run!

also at the hhospitakl they give out bandgaes that are covered in cooling lotion and at night you wrap up the bits that are really bad like arms legs feet and sleep in them! i couldnt get on with them so i gave up but they may work too

29-01-2006, 12:10
Thanks for all the help, I'll tell it all to my mum so hopefully it'll go. She used to have it, but now she doesn't have it so hopefully thats whats gonna happen to my bro *hugs him*

29-01-2006, 16:31
Thanks for all the help, I'll tell it all to my mum so hopefully it'll go. She used to have it, but now she doesn't have it so hopefully thats whats gonna happen to my bro *hugs him* I do hope his skin improves,if mum had it,that is probably why sadly your brother does too.My sister suffered for years so I understand how you feel. I agree with the sock idea,does work,for the bath use oilatum you can buy it, but free from the doctor.You didn't say if it is weepy or dry. But as he is itching I guess that it is dry,the oilatum leaves a small amount of oil on the skin,and he should pat himself dry,rather than rub.most creams the doctors give are not much help really,coal tar bandages,can be of great benefit.It is a matter of trying differant cream,also he needs to have his diet checked,as many foods can upset the skin,my sister found goats milk,was better than cows.

I suffered with it only on my foot for over 25 years,then I tried,putting water on the foot and sprinkling sugar on it and then wrap in a bandage,I did this every night for two weeks,and it went,and has not come back for over 15 years now. Also I have heard honey works as well,It is worth trying a small area,to see. Good luck

31-01-2006, 18:05
We cut sweets from his diet a while ago, but there was no improvement but when he has lots orange it's terrible. So now he has no orange.
Thanks for all the help Hazey, I really appreichiate (spelling?)it all. We're telling him not to scratch but he persists but he said rubbing helped. :D

31-01-2006, 18:21
well my friends littel sister has it and she used to get picked on alot it really got her down :( but shes got used to it nowand they dont pick on her so much

31-01-2006, 18:40
I hate it when I see him upset when he says kids were laughing at him. I just want it to all go away :)

31-01-2006, 18:41
i know and no one would hold hands with her i think thats a horrible way too be

01-02-2006, 17:29
Oh anna! poor George! I'm so sorry! :(

01-02-2006, 18:32
has he used evening primrose oil or vit E. It worked wonders on mine. It comes as an ointment or capsule form, I think you can get it too add to drinks too.

02-02-2006, 21:02
Yes, try using some sort of oil on it. Or tell him to try and not scratch it so much try bribing him lol

04-02-2006, 15:44
Oil's irritate his skin nicole28. We're gonna take him to the doctors and see if they have anything :)

06-02-2006, 15:38
Ok annaz as long as he is ok! He is so cute! Bless him lol

06-02-2006, 15:54
Yes, try using some sort of oil on it. Or tell him to try and not scratch it so much try bribing him lol

i used to scratch in my sleep if he does that and dosent even know he is doing it bribing wont help!!

06-02-2006, 15:58
Oil's irritate his skin nicole28. We're gonna take him to the doctors and see if they have anything :)

im not sure if this will help as im not sure that children ( how old is he again) can be treated there but when i was getting married by exceman flared right upbecause of stress i went to a medical herbablist and was given some tablets and a lotion that really helped 2 weeks before my wedding i gad bright red excema on my face and couldnt stop scratching, i was thinking of cancelling my wedding as i couldnt have worn make up, out if desperation i went to herbalist just to give it a try and within a week all the excema had gone and my face was smooth and flawless on the day

they may not treat children but remember it for in the future it may be something he could try one day.

does he drink a lot of orange juice or squash?

08-02-2006, 17:51
Yep, we have cut that out of his diet. He doesn't mind drinking water or apple juice :)

There is a brilliant herbal store in town, they have fantastic acne treatments too. We'll try there, I'd rather go there. The doctors mostly perscribe creams with steriod based products in there.

Glad everything went alright :D

16-02-2006, 20:14
used to scratch in my sleep if he does that and dosent even know he is doing it bribing wont help!!

Oh yes lol. I am a bit stupid! I am so sorry annaz and I hope he will be ok!

17-02-2006, 18:48
He'll be okay, it seems to have got a bit better. *fingers crossed* :D

22-02-2006, 16:09
My baby has mild excema, only on his face and the doctor advised me to bath him in olive oil, keep it well moisturies and use cream like Silicock base or E45. be careful, i found the silcock base hurt my little man after a while using it

27-03-2006, 22:10
Ive suffered with it all my life, marmite seems to trigger mine, which is a pain cos I love the stuff. I seems to go with bouts of it as the seasons change (an old lady told me its because the sap rises/falls in the trees),
Mines dry so when I have a bath I have to cover it as soon as I get out cos it really itches then.
When i changed doctors recently, he told me I'd been on the wrong types of cream all my life which is why they never helped, the change seems to have worked....he told me 'cream is for weepy' Ointment (comes in a tube but clear) is for dry

di marco
28-03-2006, 08:32
My lil brother who is 6 has really bad excema and I hate to see him getting so down over it. His bed is covered in blood when he wakes up because he scratches all night. He's been to the doctors and they give creams and tablets but none of them work. Please give some suggestions because I heard him tell my mum that people pick on him at school because of it.

that sounds how mine used to be, one night my mum had to call out the emergency doctor cos i woke up in the middle of the night and my pyjamas were completely stuck to me as id been scratching and then it had weeped. the creams i got from the doctor never seemed to help either, i think after a while your skin gets used to them so it doesnt help. we started using aloe vera a few years ago and that seemed to help a bit, it got worse to start with and then it got better, the only thing is it really stings when you put it on for about 10 minutes or so. ive stopped using it though cos my skin got better, now its got worse again but im not using the gel anymore cos i really cant be bothered with all the hassle of putting it on, then having to wait for it to dry and it stinging etc. i know by me not using it the excemas not going to get better but i need to find something that is more efficient and less time consuming to use. we also have aloe vera bath gel stuff which i still use in the bath and that helps, although i found that if i used it how you are meant to and used it like a soap by larvaing (sp?) it up on my hands and putting it on me it made my excema worse, but if you put it in the bath as a bubble bath that seems to work better. i remember when i was in infant school so probably about the same age as your brother, this boy used to pick on me, i think it was probably cos he was self conscious of himself cos he was rather fat! but although i was upset about it at first, it was only really this one boy who did it and my friends never said anything about it so in the end i just ignored him or said some comment back. although ive become not that bothered about it now, i still always wear trousers everywhere mostly (unless im on holiday so im never going to see those people again!) just due to the fact that its nearly always, even if its only slightly, on my legs and i have scars round my knees where i used to pick at it. ive got it really badly on my arms at the moment but decided at school i was still going to wear short sleeved shirts which was ok til this girl the other day commented about it. she wasnt horrible, she just said it looked like it hurt, but it made me think that everyone else was probably looking at it as well. i try not to let what other people think bother me but it is hard and its so much harder when you are younger. oh another thing your brother could do is put something cold on it, that seems to work for me but only for a short while. hope your brothers excema gets better soon and that the people stop picking on him at school

di marco
20-05-2006, 08:32
hows your little brother doing now annaz? hopefully people have stopped picking on him
another suggestion for the eczema that we have just started to try is this sea salt stuff that you put in the bath, only started using it this week so dont really know if its going to work or not yet but my mum says its meant to be really good, ill update you in a few weeks to say whether it worked or not

21-05-2006, 18:52
He's really good now, we tried some of the tips and the redness as really went down. The teasing has stopped as far as I've heard and he's reallly happy. He scratches all night as he pulled off the bandages but everything is improving :D :D :D

di marco
21-05-2006, 18:59
He's really good now, we tried some of the tips and the redness as really went down. The teasing has stopped as far as I've heard and he's reallly happy. He scratches all night as he pulled off the bandages but everything is improving :D :D :D

awwww thats really good to hear! :)

05-05-2007, 18:45
i can get excema very bad and have done since i was a child, most creams etc do not work, but the best thing that i have ever tried is call "Balneum" it is a medicated bath oil, that you pour a cap into a bath, and lie in the bath for at least 10 mins (i find 15 is enough) for very mild excema, one bath is often enough to reduce the symptoms, if you have it badly, then you can use it 2-3 times a week, beleive me it is fantastic, and i think that you can buy it at most pharmasists (though i think you have to ask them for it as it is an over the counter medication but you do not need a prescription

i too do not usually react well to oils, but as it is so concentrated down in the bath water, it should not cause any problems (it does not for me) it may be worth a try, it is a godsend for me

12-07-2007, 20:56
I hate it when I see him upset when he says kids were laughing at him. I just want it to all go away :)

Kids can be so cruel,try not to let it get you down hun.Ihope your brothersskin improves soon,my daughter suffers from it too and we have tried every cream under the sun but none really work,only calm the itching down.She has a broken leg at the moment and when she went to have her cast changed her excema underneath was red raw so all fun and games when thats comes off.Keep your chin up babe xx