View Full Version : end of the world!

21-01-2006, 14:11
i just read that in 2015 the world has been predicted to end by the guy who predicted both world wars and if we do survive that a meteorite is going to hit earth in 2028 and a little more 'out there' is that aliens will invade earth in 2012

i dont want to ruin your day or anything but damn!

21-01-2006, 14:13
Didn't ruin my day.. just made me laugh!! Guess we have to take it as the day comes!! Thanks for that x

21-01-2006, 14:19
OMG, did you have too? This sort of stuff freaks me right out, I'm scared of dying you see lol

21-01-2006, 14:22
OMG, did you have too? This sort of stuff freaks me right out, I'm scared of dying you see lol
Im scared of dying to.. Im hoping to belive in recarnation or something and my soul or whatever goes to heaven.. but yeah..

21-01-2006, 14:23
Glad I'm not the only one. I believe in life after death but I don't think you can ever be the same species twice :(

21-01-2006, 14:29
Glad I'm not the only one. I believe in life after death but I don't think you can ever be the same species twice :(
I think you will come in a different form (person).. male or female.. but have similarities to you.. :searchme:

21-01-2006, 14:31
Btw where did you read this from jason? x

21-01-2006, 14:44
armageddon online website from google man its so depressing it lists everything how the world is gonna end im actually bored of reading it because if anyone where to belive everything on there they would commit suicide

even explains how aliens will invade the earth-pretty funny

21-01-2006, 15:03
Maybe some people have just been watching to much of them alien shows/films (Invasion?) :searchme: :rotfl:

21-01-2006, 15:13
thing is theres little chance any of this happning in our lifetime (e.g meteor)even if it does we got bruce willis :lol:

but theres an article on there about a teacher saying to his students a mega tsunami was going to hit miami that day (they lived in miami) and theyre where all gonna die he waited 15 minutes and told them it was joke and he did it so they could appriciate life a little more

imagine that and i thought i had good april fools days

21-01-2006, 15:16
"What is a mega-tsunami?
A mega-tsunami is simply a gigantic wave, one big enough to cross oceans and destroy cities. They can be thousands of feet high moving at supersonic speeds. They can be caused by huge meteors crashing into the ocean, or by massive landslides. No boat or building hit by a mega tsunami could survive. But now scientists believe that we could be sitting on a time bomb, that sooner or later one will destroy New York, Boston and Miami, and that nothing could stop it"

from said website

..................................just so you know :lol:

21-01-2006, 15:20
That 'joke' is so cruel but yeah you would appreciate life more like that :eek:..

21-01-2006, 16:46
Well the world is going to end in thousands of years obviously, but as he has predicted both of the wars this is a little perculiar, hope it's wrong though, I don't want to be here when the world ends.

21-01-2006, 16:51
yeah but the world was meant to end 6 years ago at 11 o clock :p everyone got worried (in my school) but we are still here. and theres been countless theries about when its gunna end. so i dont really think it is gunna end ( my self persoanally)

21-01-2006, 16:52
I don't think it will end.. and if it were to Im sure people would try and stop these causes..

21-01-2006, 16:56
Glad I'm not the only one. I believe in life after death but I don't think you can ever be the same species twice :( yer i am very scared i want there to be a heaven so i can see my nans and grandads and for the people i love in the future i will be only 20 :confused:

21-01-2006, 17:07
That 'joke' is so cruel but yeah you would appreciate life more like that :eek:.. yeah but they where 6

.......... only joking dunno how old they where

di marco
21-01-2006, 19:48
yeah but the world was meant to end 6 years ago at 11 o clock :p everyone got worried (in my school) but we are still here. and theres been countless theries about when its gunna end. so i dont really think it is gunna end ( my self persoanally)

yeh i remember that too, loads of people were freaking out!

21-01-2006, 20:40
oh nooooooo is this true ?? :( - im scared nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :( i dont wanna die , serious here, but aliens :confused: - where did you read this ??

21-01-2006, 20:45
Maybe some people have just been watching to much of them alien shows/films (Invasion?) :searchme: :rotfl:

War of the Worlds :rotfl:

21-01-2006, 22:08
Come on guys

world was going to end on new years eve 1992 and 4th of july 1999

personally i dont buy it

21-01-2006, 22:10
It's a load of crap IMO.

24-01-2006, 20:49
OMG, did you have too? This sort of stuff freaks me right out, I'm scared of dying you see lol

i am totally petrified of dying too!!
this sort of thing really scares me

24-01-2006, 23:37
what about the end of the world being the 6th June 06 after all it will be 666

25-01-2006, 11:39
"What is a mega-tsunami?
A mega-tsunami is simply a gigantic wave, one big enough to cross oceans and destroy cities. They can be thousands of feet high moving at supersonic speeds. They can be caused by huge meteors crashing into the ocean, or by massive landslides. No boat or building hit by a mega tsunami could survive. But now scientists believe that we could be sitting on a time bomb, that sooner or later one will destroy New York, Boston and Miami, and that nothing could stop it"

from said website

..................................just so you know :lol:

this is true.. don't want to scare anyone but we came close to losing the entire east coast of America about 20 years ago. there is an active volcano in Portugal and there is a dormant one beside it.. if the volcano erupts with enough force it can send the dormant volcano sliding into the water cause mega waves.. about 20 years ago, it started to slide. They are completely unsure when it can happen but if it does, say goodbye to east coast america and the bottom half of Britian

25-01-2006, 13:41
this is true.. don't want to scare anyone but we came close to losing the entire east coast of America about 20 years ago. there is an active volcano in Portugal and there is a dormant one beside it.. if the volcano erupts with enough force it can send the dormant volcano sliding into the water cause mega waves.. about 20 years ago, it started to slide. They are completely unsure when it can happen but if it does, say goodbye to east coast america and the bottom half of Britian

Well thank goodness I live in Scotland, then, lol.

Folks - there is absolutely no point in worrying about things that cannot be changed - of waste of energy. Read my motto - live for today!

However, if you can do something ,warn people or prevent something then go for it. In my oppion the end of the world stories are scaremongering.

25-01-2006, 13:51
*GuLpS* :eek:.......

25-01-2006, 13:53
what about the end of the world being the 6th June 06 after all it will be 666 That is strange, I hadn't thought of that, I live for today now, Why worry about what might happen, I live near Heathrow and planes fly over my house every day and I don't worry about one crashing, So I don't think I will worry about the end of the world.If it happens then it does.

25-01-2006, 14:39
this is true.. don't want to scare anyone but we came close to losing the entire east coast of America about 20 years ago. there is an active volcano in Portugal and there is a dormant one beside it.. if the volcano erupts with enough force it can send the dormant volcano sliding into the water cause mega waves.. about 20 years ago, it started to slide. They are completely unsure when it can happen but if it does, say goodbye to east coast america and the bottom half of Britian

as in london? i would have thought it could take out the whole of england as we are a tiny island in comparrison to the sea

25-01-2006, 14:48
as in london? i would have thought it could take out the whole of england as we are a tiny island in comparrison to the sea

I won't take all of england.. It will affect England and ireland but the greater force will move across the alantic

look at this site http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/horizon/2000/mega_tsunami_qanda.shtml

25-01-2006, 14:50
as in london? i would have thought it could take out the whole of england as we are a tiny island in comparrison to the sea

England is only part of the island.

25-01-2006, 15:01
that sort of stuff freaks me out

25-01-2006, 15:23
that sort of stuff freaks me out

It shouldn't, not the tsunami anyway as it could be millions of years before that happens.. I would be more worried about walking out in front of a car or falling down the stairs...

25-01-2006, 15:26
England is only part of the island.

OUCH !!!! :thumbsup:

25-01-2006, 19:18
i just read that in 2015 the world has been predicted to end by the guy who predicted both world wars and if we do survive that a meteorite is going to hit earth in 2028 and a little more 'out there' is that aliens will invade earth in 2012

i dont want to ruin your day or anything but damn!
Oh yeah they said the world would end in 1985 two weeks in a row, guess what?

It didn't happen:rotfl: :rotfl:

27-01-2006, 18:43
if death happens its happens no point worrying in dieing! and as for people predicting he end of the world! i think it is a load of scare tactics like a lot of things! and as for the world ending it wud have to explode;) the sun will probly be the one to destroy mankind or mankind it self

28-01-2006, 16:49
lets just wait and wait and see shall we? Diddnt they say the world was going to end ith the millenium bug?

28-01-2006, 20:35
people say it all the time

di marco
28-01-2006, 20:39
lets just wait and wait and see shall we? Diddnt they say the world was going to end ith the millenium bug?

yeh they did, i remember people at school were getting really worried about it!

28-01-2006, 20:47
what was the millenium bug accturly ment to be?

28-01-2006, 20:50
i think it was a computer virus or something

28-01-2006, 20:51
oky doke then that deffinatly wouldnt have ended the world

29-01-2006, 15:32
and how many times has that been said............... at least wel all go together.

29-01-2006, 15:54
I thought the millenium bug was the end of the wirld as well as stuff to do with the computers

29-01-2006, 16:43
OMG, did you have too? This sort of stuff freaks me right out, I'm scared of dying you see lol

so am i and i'm not afraid to admit it so i don't want to die or anybody else to die around me but really i think i need a psychartrist(sp)

31-01-2006, 17:42
I'm paranoid already, don't make me more lol I still worry myself that my house will be destroyed by a tornado.

31-01-2006, 18:08
millenium bug wudnt have destroyed the world only the computer thing and human kind has survived without it for years and years! theres no point being paranoid! were going to die one days anyways

31-01-2006, 18:28
I'm paranoid already, don't make me more lol I still worry myself that my house will be destroyed by a tornado.

my mums like that she is convinced that the bird flu will get here and then wipe us all out! she is worried about getting the vaccine and making sure that we all have it if it is offered! im sure she probably has a store full of tinned foods and water just in case it does arrive so she dosent have to leave the house! she tuts at me as things like that dont worry me! if the bird flu arrives and i get it and die then it was obviosly my turn to go i could get run over by a bus tomorrow!

31-01-2006, 18:29
my mum and dad are also scared of bird flu they hardly ever cook chicken anymore

31-01-2006, 18:32
lol u cant get it if u cook the bird or osmething like that i read! i dont think it will come as far as to wiping out the whole world its been around a while now and it hasnt take as many deaths as it said it wud there big "50.000" haha

31-01-2006, 18:41
But i don'tttt want to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

31-01-2006, 18:42
dont think any of us do but no point worrying about it

31-01-2006, 18:42
lol u cant get it if u cook the bird or osmething like that i read! i dont think it will come as far as to wiping out the whole world its been around a while now and it hasnt take as many deaths as it said it wud there big "50.000" haha

well my mother hears of a couple of deaths and thats it the whole world WILL be wiped out! she is such a worrier

31-01-2006, 18:43
But i don'tttt want to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!same here tanya i really dont wanna die even tho i do know that we all will some day so im gonna live life to the full :p