View Full Version : do we need a crackdown on prostitution?

20-01-2006, 21:25
reasons please

20-01-2006, 21:52
yes because at the end of the day, whatever anyone thinks about it, its still illegal

20-01-2006, 21:54
No. If people want to sell their bodies then that's up to them.

Chloe O'brien
20-01-2006, 21:56
do you know what these woman are somebodys mothers and daughters who are working hard to look after their kids and homes. At least they are earning a living and not scrowining of the government. Okay i don't think i could do it but if i had to to feed my family and pay the bills then yes i would. There are plenty more scumbags that need to be removed from our streets before anyone starts getting on their soapbox about prostitutes. At least they don't go around abusing young children, or mugging old people

20-01-2006, 21:57
No. If people want to sell their bodies then that's up to them.

Personal experience? :lol:

I think they do. You see these girls on street corners, their getting beaten, forced into taking drugs, their moneys being stolen... it needs to be made safer.

20-01-2006, 21:58
Personal experience? :lol:

I think they do. You see these girls on street corners, their getting beaten, forced into taking drugs, their moneys being stolen... it needs to be made safer. :lol:

Seriously, I'm a big believer in doing what you want and if people want to sell themselves, then it's up to them, nobody else!

20-01-2006, 22:00
I totally agree with Rob!!

20-01-2006, 22:00
No. If people want to sell their bodies then that's up to them.
thats what i think. it their choice

20-01-2006, 22:02
Ok thought maybe you was a secret male escort or summin then and didnt want your income affected :rotfl:

i just really think it needs to be made safer, thing is if they can now run legal brothels thats less of them on the street, less of them to get attacked and such.

20-01-2006, 23:05
No. If people want to sell their bodies then that's up to them.

i agree with rob

20-01-2006, 23:07
No I dont see it as an issue its up to the individual person what they do

Chloe O'brien
20-01-2006, 23:12
more should be done to protect the prostitues not to get rid of them like they are scum

20-01-2006, 23:15
more should be done to protect the prostitues not to get rid of them like they are scumCompletely Agree Kath.

20-01-2006, 23:27
nope if they want to do it then let them

20-01-2006, 23:28
nope if they want to do it then let themBut they don't 'want' to do it debs. They have to, to survive.

20-01-2006, 23:31
That's a good point Chris. We should be trying to help them, not treating then like their nothing or leaving them on the streets. They are trying to get by an normally supporting an addiction etc. A news report mentioned that a large amount of prostitutes start at age 13-15. They need our help, we can't just ignore it. At least run legal brothels or something, just do something to get them off the street. It's a big problem that can't be ignored.

20-01-2006, 23:32
But they don't 'want' to do it debs. They have to, to survive.

some of them might want to do it! and i dont believe that they have to do it to survive

20-01-2006, 23:34
some of them might want to do it! and i dont believe that they have to do it to surviveThink about it though debs... homeless... penniless... no qualifications... what other choice have they got?

20-01-2006, 23:35
If their addicted to drugs then the only way they can survie is b being a prostitute. I don't think many of them actually want to be out on a street corner selling themselves.

20-01-2006, 23:35
Think about it though debs... homeless... penniless... no qualifications... what other choice have they got?

urm hostels or the council will help, penniless?? benefits are there to help people who cant afford to live and who says they dont have qualifiactions??

20-01-2006, 23:37
There's no way they'd 'want' to do it though debs...

20-01-2006, 23:39
There's no way they'd 'want' to do it though debs...

maybe not but it pays well i guess and most of them need it for other things like drugs so really it got nothing to do with them needing to survive

20-01-2006, 23:42
maybe not but it pays well i guess and most of them need it for other things like drugs so really it got nothing to do with them needing to surviveYeah but if they're addicted to the drugs, then really they need the drugs to survive, otherwise they'd just crack up.

20-01-2006, 23:45
then they only got thereselves to blame if they have to sell their bodies for drugs then they deserve to crack up!!!

20-01-2006, 23:49
Debs people end up on the streets for tonnes of reasons mainly running away. They're on the streets one night a guy often them some free drugs. They try it and get addicted. You can't blame them for being on the streets and it's normally that and drugs which lead to prostitution. They need our help, badly. It's not their fault that they are how they are. That can be the only way than can really get by. You can't blame them, some are only 16. They really need help.

Chloe O'brien
20-01-2006, 23:50
and what about the ones who are not drugged up just trying to survive without having to live of government payouts do they deserve to be abused and treated like something you stood in int he gutter

Jessie Wallace
21-01-2006, 00:10
It up top them what they do with their bodies. If men didn't want one, then there wouldn't be so manty in the first place.

21-01-2006, 00:23
The pimps are the ones that need sorting out and like Chloe said - these women are people doing things to earn money to be able to support their family. Whilst I wouldn't personally do it (i wouldn't earn enough :rotfl: ), I have nothing against those that do, though I think it would be better for the girls to have safer environments around them

21-01-2006, 08:56
i work in a drop in centre, feeding drug addicts, alcoholics etc, there are many people living on benefits and where they are not exactly brimming with money, they are doing ok. its usually when people need the money for drugs or alcohol that prostitution becomes an issue.
and lets not forget, prostitution is still illegal and if a law is there then i believe in upholding it. lets not just say let them sell their bodies, lets provide the help for them to get over their addictions.
we do everything we can to help people where we work but a lot dont want to be helped!

21-01-2006, 10:28
well something needs to be done- people shouldn't have to resort to swelling their bodies for money

21-01-2006, 10:34
Debs people end up on the streets for tonnes of reasons mainly running away. They're on the streets one night a guy often them some free drugs. They try it and get addicted. You can't blame them for being on the streets and it's normally that and drugs which lead to prostitution. They need our help, badly. It's not their fault that they are how they are. That can be the only way than can really get by. You can't blame them, some are only 16. They really need help.

i dont blame them for being on the streets, i just dont believe that unless drugs is involvd there is any reason to actually sell your body, they do need our help but half of them probably wouldnt want to give it up they like the money it brings them and if they want to do it then it fine by me it is their bodies and they can do what they like. ALL i was saying was that i dont think anyone actualy NEEDS to do it when there are lots of other things that they could try first!

21-01-2006, 10:35
I think its thier decision what they do with their own bodies, but I think help should be available to them.

21-01-2006, 10:36
and what about the ones who are not drugged up just trying to survive without having to live of government payouts do they deserve to be abused and treated like something you stood in int he gutter

id reather live on government handouts than become a prostitute. im not a druggie, my husband has become disabled so we at the moment are living on government handouts, i dont like it one bit id rather have both of us at work , but at the mo that aint possible, maybe i should go out and sell myself to avoid the handouts!!!

21-01-2006, 18:02
yes of course i think its disgusting i fair enough they can do what they want and they could be the nicest people ever but i wouldnt want to go out with one as id feel unfortable i mean with them having sex so many times and yes they could get loads of sti's but im guessing they checked out regulary but you never know there couldn be a small chnce

21-01-2006, 19:36
if thts what they wnt its up to them however hard anyone trys, people will still sell themselves.

24-01-2006, 16:44
no! they shud be able to do what they want! if they want to sell there body then fine!

24-01-2006, 17:41
I think the Goverments new measures are draconian to say the least. All it will do it drive the prostitution industry further underground and the vulnerable will be even less protected.

The real issue is drugs. I'm pretty sure that no woman wants sell her body for sex and the only factors behind it are the drugs. The Govt should be targeting the drugs pushers, the pimps and setting up tolerance zones where prostitutes are monitored and can be offered help. Trying to brush the problem under the carpet is not the solution.

24-01-2006, 17:42
no! they shud be able to do what they want! if they want to sell there body then fine!

So its ok to dehumanise yourself?

24-01-2006, 18:47
Having worked in the Soho area, NO I am not a working girl. A lot of the girls are not on drugs,but have become use to the high income they can get. I think to stop all the kerb crawling, The girls should have a licenced house were they can work from, and can have health checks, and are protected from being beaten up by some customers. Also as it would be regulated they could then all pay income tax, on their earning.

24-01-2006, 22:00
Having worked in the Soho area, NO I am not a working girl. A lot of the girls are not on drugs,but have become use to the high income they can get. I think to stop all the kerb crawling, The girls should have a licenced house were they can work from, and can have health checks, and are protected from being beaten up by some customers. Also as it would be regulated they could then all pay income tax, on their earning.

all the more reason to stop it if they are doing it for greed, thats even worse. i have to keep saying it but it is still illegal in this country.

24-01-2006, 22:06
Having worked in the Soho area, NO I am not a working girl. A lot of the girls are not on drugs,but have become use to the high income they can get. I think to stop all the kerb crawling, The girls should have a licenced house were they can work from, and can have health checks, and are protected from being beaten up by some customers. Also as it would be regulated they could then all pay income tax, on their earning.

i think it is a good idea

24-01-2006, 23:26
no i dont think they should stop it.
Look at places like Amsterdam they dont have many rapes there.
These woman work hard and it keeps the dirty old man of the street and stops many rape attacks

25-01-2006, 08:46
I think the Goverments new measures are draconian to say the least. All it will do it drive the prostitution industry further underground and the vulnerable will be even less protected.

The real issue is drugs. I'm pretty sure that no woman wants sell her body for sex and the only factors behind it are the drugs. The Govt should be targeting the drugs pushers, the pimps and setting up tolerance zones where prostitutes are monitored and can be offered help. Trying to brush the problem under the carpet is not the solution.

There is growing evidence that some students resort to prostitution to fund their studies - and no I don't just mean the girls. it often starts out as escort work and they get lured into situations where saying no isn't an option.

Prostitution is a wide ranging issue. Not all prostitutes work on the street. There are many working in saunas and from private flats. The ones you see are the ones that are obviously at the end of their tether.

There are others for whom it is a well paying job.

Before anyone says it no - I am not talking from experience!

25-01-2006, 08:53
As I was aware, the bill was introduced to specifically target the street girls. I think its going to be legal for up to 3 girls to work from a flat.

Gordon Brown is missing out on a lot of tax ...

25-01-2006, 09:04
Personally I think there should be a crack down on street prostitution. Not only are the 'girls' vulnerable, so are women who live in the area who are not involved in prostitution. I don't think i would appreciated being approached by kerb crawlers every day when I am just going to the shops or work etc.

There is no way that prostitution can be wiped out. It is the oldest profession. I agree with the people above who say make it safer for the girls.

I even agree with NB - if everyone else has to pay tax why shouldn't they! I can see the tax inspectors queuing up to follow up the adverts in phone boxes, lol

25-01-2006, 09:07
I wonder what the going rates are? Its a billion pound industry, so the tax would be massive

EDIT: Not that I'm going to go find out what the going rates are! :lol:

25-01-2006, 09:14
I would imagine that it varies hugely.

That 'hollywood madam' (Heidi Klise?) seemed to make more than a good living....

Some of the girls in Leith don't look that well on what ever they get.

25-01-2006, 09:48
I wonder what the going rates are? Its a billion pound industry, so the tax would be massive

EDIT: Not that I'm going to go find out what the going rates are! :lol:

We didn't think you would, lol.

26-01-2006, 15:33
i think it's a personel choice but my only worry is for the kids