View Full Version : Hostel

19-01-2006, 19:17
Hostels a new horror/thriller thats coming out soon. I read on Imdb that the basic plot is a few backpackers get recommended a hostel to stay in, when they get there everything seems fine but then they get tortured and stuff. Sounds kinda like Saw in some ways but im not really sure about seeing this one. Whats the fascination with seeing people getting mutilated and tortured these days?

Johnny Allen
20-01-2006, 11:10
Well I will be seeing it, as Im not really a fan of all these horror films that go for cheap scares. Whilst I am not a horror fan, I would rather see a twisted gory downright nasty horror film. Hostel is suposedly one of the sickest films for sometime, and for that reason I shall see it, I think people will see it just to see what all the controversy is all about and to see whether it really does live up to the hype, I sure hope it does.

20-01-2006, 11:12
I dont think I could sit through it. I got a really weak stomach when it comes to blood and gore, although if its just a slasher movie like Scream I can cope with that but when its really gruesome i go :sick: .

Johnny Allen
20-01-2006, 11:15
See Im different, I like in your face gore, Im not a fan of those slasher films.

24-07-2006, 00:10
Just finished watching this on DVD.. good film but not recommended for anyone who doesn't like to see anything gory!! :eek: :lol:

Very weird and psychopathic but still good though :cool: :D