View Full Version : Spice Girls reunion on the cards?

16-01-2006, 09:41
The Spice Girls are reportedly planning to get back together to make a single and tour the world.

"The original plan was just one gig, but everybody got more and more excited and the project grew and grew," an industry insider told the News of the World. "There is talk of Japan, US and Europe, but the dates are yet to be finalised. Dance teachers will be meeting with the band in a few weeks and there is a photo-shoot planned."

"Because Geri is pregnant, she has to sit out rehearsals for now," he continued. "But she has been planning new outfits for the girls and new ideas for the show."

16-01-2006, 09:45

Please spare us

16-01-2006, 09:47
we have been down this road before and the spice girls are not skint enough yet to make a comeback!

16-01-2006, 09:50
it will happen one day it just has to! they have seen how it has been popular with atke that and now they want it too! but i wont be getting tickets!

16-01-2006, 10:08
we have been down this road before and the spice girls are not skint enough yet to make a comeback!

Nor talented enough :lol:

16-01-2006, 10:10
:lol: thats true

Debbie Meadows
16-01-2006, 10:32
First Take That then BoyZone and now Spice Girls I think it's getting realy silly now all these bands have had there time I don' think they'll have a successful comeback becuase theres a lot of massive competion out there now with the likes of Pussy cat Dolls and others.

Chloe O'brien
16-01-2006, 10:48
:eek: OMG if they get back together i'm emigrating to the moon :angry:

16-01-2006, 10:50
:eek: OMG if they get back together i'm emigrating to the moon :angry:

is there room in your rocket for me?? :rotfl:

16-01-2006, 12:51
well on this morning they were saying that geri is expecting a baby in the summer so it wont be until the end of the year

16-01-2006, 13:11
and then im sure shell be too busy with her baby to do a world tour! surely????

16-01-2006, 15:46
i thought the spice girls where good in the 90's

16-01-2006, 15:49
i thought the spice girls where good in the 90's

me too but i was only about 7

16-01-2006, 15:51
I doubt this will happen..

16-01-2006, 23:27
I used to love the spice girls! I think i was at the right age to be in to them! 7 ish! i always used to say i was baby spice!!! I f they do do a reunion i wonder what they're songs will be like?

16-01-2006, 23:34
i wonder what they're songs will be like?

As bad as ever :rotfl:

16-01-2006, 23:43
As bad as ever :rotfl:


16-01-2006, 23:59
As bad as ever :rotfl:As always Alan, you can be relied upon for the truth :cheer:

Please don't let this happen (though I can't really see it to be honest) - they were bad enough then, they are gonna be a whole lot worse now!!

17-01-2006, 00:31
They weren't hugely talented but you cant say they didnt make an impact on the music industry and a huge dent in the market for pop music. I was like 7/8ish when they were at their peak and I for one would but tickets for their concert

17-01-2006, 12:15
well apparantly they have arranged a photo shoot

17-01-2006, 12:35
More publicity for Mrs Beckham

17-01-2006, 13:01
spice girls were great while they lasted. like take that. But somethings were not ment to last or come back and the spice girls are one of them!