View Full Version : What Age?

16-01-2006, 00:58
hey what age do you guys think you should start having a family at?

16-01-2006, 01:05
Whenever you feel ready.

16-01-2006, 01:06
Whenever you feel ready, I agree Chris. I want my first children in my early to mid twenties. :D :D I want 5, so it's best to get a move on as early as poss I suppose! But I'm not even going to BE in my twenties for another 5 and a half years, so there's no rush lol.

16-01-2006, 10:02
Whenever you feel ready.

i agree whenever you feel the time is right. i really wanted a baby younger than i did i wanted to be about 20 when i had my first but sadly it didnt happen . connor was born wheni was almost 23 so it wasnt that long after. youll know when the time is right

16-01-2006, 10:03
Whenever you feel ready, I agree Chris. I want my first children in my early to mid twenties. :D :D I want 5, so it's best to get a move on as early as poss I suppose! But I'm not even going to BE in my twenties for another 5 and a half years, so there's no rush lol.

you want 5 :eek: :eek: blimey i want 3 and i think that is a lot but 5!

16-01-2006, 12:03
I would add though that it is better when you are in a stable relationship, as its hard and tiring work from the start, so it helps to have a partner to help you, and I say this having had experience of both single parenting and parenting in a stable relationship. But like everyone else has said, you will know when the time feels right.

16-01-2006, 12:07
I agree with what has been said. be in a stable relationship and be ready.. but also they say the best time (if you want to keep your figure) is between 19 - 22 but I say use them years to get your education and a good job then consider children.. I was 29 when I had my first one

16-01-2006, 12:09
I agree with what has been said. be in a stable relationship and be ready.. but also they say the best time (if you want to keep your figure) is between 19 - 22 but I say use them years to get your education and a good job then consider children.. I was 29 when I had my first oneI wish I'd known about the getting your figure back part!! That explains why I have gone from a size 10 before I had Ci, to a size 12 after Ci and now a size 16 after Liam (though it has only been 6 weeks so I will improve on that - I hope) :rotfl:

16-01-2006, 12:46
I wish I'd known about the getting your figure back part!! That explains why I have gone from a size 10 before I had Ci, to a size 12 after Ci and now a size 16 after Liam (though it has only been 6 weeks so I will improve on that - I hope) :rotfl:

yeah apparently your skin is more elastic at that age and springs back quickly.. but would you want to have kids at 19 just so you can keep your figure??? To be honest, i don't think there is a right time to have kids, well been pregnant is the right time, but I see people who say they want kids when they have the money and they never get around to it.

when you have a child, you find a way to get the money and you don't think about it

16-01-2006, 13:32
I agree with those before me, when you are in a stable relationship and you both want children.

Financially there is never going to be a 'right' time - kids are expensive whenever you have them. I was 27 when I had my first and 29 when I had my second. That was right for me, but you will see many people on these boards who had children earlier who are just as happy with their discision.

16-01-2006, 14:15
yeah apparently your skin is more elastic at that age and springs back quickly.. but would you want to have kids at 19 just so you can keep your figure??? To be honest, i don't think there is a right time to have kids, well been pregnant is the right time, but I see people who say they want kids when they have the money and they never get around to it.

when you have a child, you find a way to get the money and you don't think about itHaving started motherhood at 17, I think I could honestly say I prefered pregnancy with Ci and Liam, just through the fact that I was so young, I wanted to go out and have fun, but came to realise very quickly that I was pregnant and my life was going to change.

The main reason I have grown so much after Ci and Liam is after I had Ci, my stomach muscles split really bad, but my gp said that I could either exercise or wait 2 yrs and they would go back of their own accord!! And in my case what was the worse thing he could have said - I waited 2 yrs and they still didn't go back and now it seems that I will have to go physio because even though I am doing the right exercises, they now don't want to go back :(

16-01-2006, 14:20
I have very similar problem.. Charley pulled all my stomach muscles during my pregnancy and Ben just made them worse so I can't exercise cause it hurts and was told I can't physically carry any more children cause my muscles are too weak

16-01-2006, 15:43
when you feel ready and dont rush either if i could turn the clock back i would not of had jade of when i did in a way iam glad i had her and sometimes i wish i had lived my life a little aswell

16-01-2006, 21:41
i had my first at 17 and dont regret it for 1 second,its a little too young for some people.you have to make sure you are in a stable relationship,that you are not goin to struggle too much and you have a home enviroment.i had my 2nd at 21 and my 3rd at 23.

21-01-2006, 23:30
when your ready i think. unless a girl is in a stable home and can provide a wealthy and happy household for the baby its upto them . if that makes sense atall ?

21-01-2006, 23:43
Well when you're young you find yourself thinking 'Im not going to have any kids till I'm at least such an age', but you don't know what the rest of your life will bring. On that principal I think i'd wait until i'm in my late twenties to early thirties, but everyone is different.

29-01-2006, 10:55
I think maybe you should start a family after you've been able to get an education and a job. But, it's really when you feel you want to.