View Full Version : Cancer

30-08-2005, 22:16
Customer: Worcester sauce please mate...
Shop Keeper: Sorry can't, it's off the shelves, cancer scare.

C: Oh right, uh Chinese Chicken Wings?
SK: Ah that's the same mate, cancer scare

C: Hamburger Relish?
SK: Cancer scare

C: Sausage and Mash?
SK: Cancer scare

C: Cottage Pie?
SK: Aye, ...no wait, cancer scare.

C: So they're all off the shelves because of a cancer scare?
SK: Yup.

C: Jaysus, that's mad, just give me a packet of fags then.
SK: No bother. £5.25 please.

C: Thanks

31-08-2005, 09:51
Huh... is it because fags are more expensive or something... don't get it..

31-08-2005, 09:53
I don't get it wither spicy :hmm:

31-08-2005, 10:15
nooooo its cus all that stuff was taken off the shelves as they reckon it could cause cancer because of the stuff in it,but fags are still being sold even though its a proven cause for cancer!

31-08-2005, 11:41
yer its what chance said all the food products were taken of shelves of cancer scare but the item which will cause cancer (i.e fags) he can sell

31-08-2005, 11:43
yer its what chance said all the food products were taken of shelves of cancer scare but the item which will cause cancer (i.e fags) he can sell

oh, i sought of get it now :hmm:

di marco
03-09-2005, 10:52
lol thats funny! :D

03-09-2005, 10:54
Thats brilliant - and how true after the Sudan I thing that went on a while back!!!

03-09-2005, 16:45
thats funny. cancer scare everything else, except the thing which causes cancer!

03-09-2005, 17:08
Thats funny, but very true. Its strange isn't it how people won't eat all those foods, but will happily smoke away regardless

03-09-2005, 17:10
yeah, well. thats people for you!

03-09-2005, 17:12

03-09-2005, 18:52
hehe thats good

04-09-2005, 13:52
thats good

Jessie Wallace
05-09-2005, 02:11
Soooo true.

13-01-2006, 22:54
had a sad day today have just found out that my godmother has got breast cancer. it not nice to happen to anyine but im gutted it is her who has it! she is such a healthy fit woman she is 70 but you would never think it she is madder than any 20 year old i know! bless her i hope i will get to see her soon she has to have a op to have the tumour removed next week and the what ever happens after that.

just thought id share my sad news never had breast cancer in a family member i have known. and i really hope she is going to be ok

13-01-2006, 22:55
aww so sorry to hear this debs. my cousin had that a couple of years back :(
hope shes gunna be ok hun. xxx

13-01-2006, 22:56
My nan had breast cancer a couple of years ago debs

She had a double mastectomy (said at her age, she didn't really need em anymore!), had radiotherapy and is now clear and has been for a few years.

I am sorry to hear your news though - I'm sure they will give her all the treatment and care she needs

13-01-2006, 22:57
My nan had breast cancer a couple of years ago debs

She had a double mastectomy (said at her age, she didn't really need em anymore!), had radiotherapy and is now clear and has been for a few years.

I am sorry to hear your news though - I'm sure they will give her all the treatment and care she needs

thats what i said to mum why cant she just take them away she is 70 why does she want them still but she wont. im sure she will beat it she is a fighter always looks on teh bright side of things

13-01-2006, 22:58
aww so sorry to hear this debs. my cousin had that a couple of years back :(
hope shes gunna be ok hun. xxx

thanks lea im sure she will be!

13-01-2006, 23:12
Im sorry to hear that Debs, Hoping she gets better!! Im suprised we haven't had a thread about breast cancer before!! x

14-01-2006, 09:54
thats really sad to hear but they have good success rates for breast cancer now so hopefully she will be ok. my mother in law had it 5 years ago and is fine now.

14-01-2006, 14:12
My partners grandmother died of breast cancer a few weeks ago, she got diagnosed over 10 years ago, had the all clear for a good few years then it came back last year. She had a mascectomy when she was first diagnosed and this time round they tried chemo but it just made her worse to be honest. Its a horrible illness, i think its one of the worse things that a woman (or man) can go through. I hope everything turns out ok Debs.

14-01-2006, 14:49
sorry to hear that debs,hope she will be ok.
my mother in law and nan in law have both had breast cancer,it spread to my mother in laws lymph glands etc so she had gruelling chemo,shes ok at the mo...

14-01-2006, 15:02
our thoughs are with you and your family debs, it is an awful illness.
hope she will be ok xxxxxxx

14-01-2006, 15:59
thanks guys!

news has sunk intoday was hoping to go and take her some flowers etc but cant now con and dave are ill hopefully will get to see her in hosp next week

14-01-2006, 16:02
awww im sorry. both my nan and my auntie have had breast cancer.

14-01-2006, 16:20
shes a fighter and i know she will fight it bless her

samantha nixon
14-01-2006, 17:34
ah i hope she is ok debs

01-09-2008, 22:39
I've just been reading about this cancer jab for 12-17 year olds which has just been introduced to protect against cervical cancer. Which sounds all good news. But why is it only being offered to girls up to 17? Cause i would have it if it was avaliable, but as i'm 18, does that mean i won't be able to?

It would seem a bit odd to just cut it off at 17 indefinatly.

But it is great to see that they are now able to do something to protect against this kind of cancer.

01-09-2008, 23:41
You'd have to pay privately. It only protects against two strains of cervical cancer but they are serious one's so that's why the government is doing it. They are also doing it earlier because having sex reduces effectiveness or something like that so they want to protect from a younger age.

di marco
02-09-2008, 09:25
i heard about this a few months ago on the radio. i thought they were only giving it up to 14yrs, maybe they changed it. i wondered as well why if you were older you werent allowed to get it as apparently its most common in 16 - 25yr olds or something like that. i know theyre probably giving it younger to stop kids getting it when theyre older which is fine, but surely the rest of us who are most at risk should be allowed to be vaccinated too

03-09-2008, 13:01
It's because a lot of girls over the age of 18 are sexually active and have probably already been exposed to the virus.

I think there's already a thread on this topic that Kasple started but I can't find it.

03-09-2008, 18:09
Yep, I found it : http://www.soapboards.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=82608

03-09-2008, 23:51
I saw an advert on the TV earlier that said it was for Year 8's. I can't believe they just assume that everyone above that is sexually active and will have the virus. Some Year 8's are. In my school the pupil receptionist was trying to arrange getting me sent home as my tutor suggested to them that they send me, and a 13 year old girl walks in and asks for the morning after pill. It wasn't even the first time she'd asked for it.

04-09-2008, 22:28
Year 8's! :eek: O thought they were going up to 17

04-09-2008, 23:27
They're vacinating everyone up to 18, and then from then on, they will vacinate everyone in year 8.

05-09-2008, 00:27
what does being sexually active have to do with it - sex doesnt cause the cancer.

Me and my friend were talking tonight and i mentioned the jab and she said she wouldnt let her daughter get the injection while i would jump at the chance if i could get it.

05-09-2008, 10:05
Unsafe Sex

Practicing unsafe sex can increase your risk of developing a virus called HPV. HPV is a group of over 100 viruses, medically known as human papillioma virus. HPV increases your risk factor for cervical, anal, vulvar and vaginal cancer. Further studies are being conducted in HPV's role in the development of other cancers.

There is a test available to see if you have contracted HPV. It involves scraping of cervical cells and then the sample is sent to a lab. The lab test can even identify the strain of the virus, also.

I would have the vaccination and would my daughter have the jab too to prevent this cancer.

di marco
05-09-2008, 10:42
Me and my friend were talking tonight and i mentioned the jab and she said she wouldnt let her daughter get the injection while i would jump at the chance if i could get it.

i would also want to have the jab if it was offered to me. i heard on the radio people saying they didnt want their daughters to have it cos they thought they were too young and they didnt want to have to explain to them why they had to have it. i dont see the problem really, if its going to help protect them from something then surely its a good thing and if you dont want to explain in detail just say its a jab to help protect you against cancer just like you have meningitis (sp?) jabs etc. im sure kids arent gonna worry too much, its not like theyve never had a jab before

05-09-2008, 10:44
Yea, you are right, parents need not go into detail as to how some people could get cancer, the fact that lots do should be enough to convince them that the jab could make all the difference. Hope those that refuse the jab for their daughters don't live to regret it.

05-09-2008, 11:08
no my friend said she wouldnt want her daughter getting it because whenever you get a jab against something it is actually injecting the virus etc into the body i.e when you get the flu jab it is injecting a small amount of flu inside your body

di marco
05-09-2008, 11:15
no my friend said she wouldnt want her daughter getting it because whenever you get a jab against something it is actually injecting the virus etc into the body i.e when you get the flu jab it is injecting a small amount of flu inside your body

so does she not let her daughter have any jabs? jabs have to do that so that the immunity to it can work, if there isnt any of the virus in you then the immunity wont be able to take affect. the amount of the virus is so small its probably very unlikely it would harm you, if it did then they wouldnt allow it to be given to kids

05-09-2008, 11:19
no i think she will let her have jabs but its just with it being CANCER its scary

di marco
05-09-2008, 11:22
no i think she will let her have jabs but its just with it being CANCER its scary

i suppose what with it being cancer its a major thing, but surely jabs for things like meningitis and tb are just as scary, both are fatal diseases. im guessing theres probably a higher chance of you getting that cancer without the jab than there is by having the jab

05-09-2008, 11:38
I would have the jab
Cancer is a scary thing, and yeah the other jabs we've had are for ftatal diseses but I think is cos of the age we have them at partly or because there isnt loads of the TV about like there s Cancer that doesnt make those diseases seem as sacry and important as cancer when they are.

di marco
05-09-2008, 11:57
I would have the jab
Cancer is a scary thing, and yeah the other jabs we've had are for ftatal diseses but I think is cos of the age we have them at partly or because there isnt loads of the TV about like there s Cancer that doesnt make those diseases seem as sacry and important as cancer when they are.

my sis had her meningitis jab in yr5 i think which is pretty young. i think as cancer is so widely known about compared to other diseases then that would make it more safe to have the jab, and also more people know the risks of cancer compared to the other diseases

05-09-2008, 11:59
I think I had that one in year 5, or it might have been year 4
I had my TB one in year year 7

di marco
05-09-2008, 12:01
I think I had that one in year 5, or it might have been year 4
I had my TB one in year year 7

i think the meningitis one everyone got at the same time cos i was in yr7 and had it done at the same time as my sis, as that was the first year it came out i think, dunno when kids get it done now though. i think i had my tb done in yr8 or 9, i cant remember which

05-09-2008, 12:03
Ive also has another jab wich was year 10 I think or late year 9, no year 10. Bu have no idea what for

di marco
05-09-2008, 12:06
Ive also has another jab wich was year 10 I think or late year 9, no year 10. Bu have no idea what for

you seem to get loads of jabs for different things in secondary school, ive forgotten what most of them were lol!

06-09-2008, 19:30
no my friend said she wouldnt want her daughter getting it because whenever you get a jab against something it is actually injecting the virus etc into the body i.e when you get the flu jab it is injecting a small amount of flu inside your body

That's the idea of an immunisation. The amount of virus/bacteria/disease in the vaccine is very small and poses next to to risk. The body produces antibodies against the foreign body which provides immunity to whatever the vaccine is for.

Having the cancer vaccine won't cause cancer just like having the vaccine for meningitis doesn't cause meningitis.

07-09-2008, 06:58
no my friend said she wouldnt want her daughter getting it because whenever you get a jab against something it is actually injecting the virus etc into the body i.e when you get the flu jab it is injecting a small amount of flu inside your body

That's the idea of an immunisation. The amount of virus/bacteria/disease in the vaccine is very small and poses next to to risk. The body produces antibodies against the foreign body which provides immunity to whatever the vaccine is for.

Having the cancer vaccine won't cause cancer just like having the vaccine for meningitis doesn't cause meningitis.

saying that though my dad has had the flu jab 2 times and both times he has ended up with the flu - not exactly a great example to go by is it?

07-09-2008, 09:30
great to see that they can fight against this now

but OMG how annoying is the advert for this? I could throw a brick at the screen whenever I see it, that god damn annoying music and that annoying singer trying to copy Lilly Allen! AHHHHH it's awful!

di marco
07-09-2008, 10:06
great to see that they can fight against this now

but OMG how annoying is the advert for this? I could throw a brick at the screen whenever I see it, that god damn annoying music and that annoying singer trying to copy Lilly Allen! AHHHHH it's awful!

i didnt realise there was an advert for it, i havent seen it, although i dont really watch programmes with adverts in on tv anymore!

07-09-2008, 10:53
no my friend said she wouldnt want her daughter getting it because whenever you get a jab against something it is actually injecting the virus etc into the body i.e when you get the flu jab it is injecting a small amount of flu inside your body

That's the idea of an immunisation. The amount of virus/bacteria/disease in the vaccine is very small and poses next to to risk. The body produces antibodies against the foreign body which provides immunity to whatever the vaccine is for.

Having the cancer vaccine won't cause cancer just like having the vaccine for meningitis doesn't cause meningitis.

saying that though my dad has had the flu jab 2 times and both times he has ended up with the flu - not exactly a great example to go by is it?

The flu jab doesn't protect against all strains of the flu. The vaccine changes every year to include the strains that doctors think pose the greatest risk to those who receive it.

It's a bit like cold, the virus is mutating all the time so the antibodies that you develop to fight one cold won't work on another cold.

07-09-2008, 16:20
great to see that they can fight against this now

but OMG how annoying is the advert for this? I could throw a brick at the screen whenever I see it, that god damn annoying music and that annoying singer trying to copy Lilly Allen! AHHHHH it's awful!

i didnt realise there was an advert for it, i havent seen it, although i dont really watch programmes with adverts in on tv anymore!



and it's a shame, becuase it's for a good cause!

07-09-2008, 16:43
I think it's a shame when something that can prevent cancer causes so much controversy. I don't think so many people would be up in arms if it prevented testicular cancer.

Why would any parent refuse their daughter the vaccine when its one less type of cancer to worry about? Look at Jade Goody, she's having a hysterectomy and chemo because of cervical cancer. I would never want my daughter to go through something that is preventable.

I'd jump at the chance of having it but I'm 9 months too old for the catch up.

07-09-2008, 18:03
Id have it. I just wouldnt know where, cos I mean they are doing them in schools right?

di marco
07-09-2008, 20:57
Unsafe Sex

Practicing unsafe sex can increase your risk of developing a virus called HPV. HPV is a group of over 100 viruses, medically known as human papillioma virus. HPV increases your risk factor for cervical, anal, vulvar and vaginal cancer. Further studies are being conducted in HPV's role in the development of other cancers.

There is a test available to see if you have contracted HPV. It involves scraping of cervical cells and then the sample is sent to a lab. The lab test can even identify the strain of the virus, also.

hmmmm am i right in thinking that over 18s arent going to be vaccinated cos they might already have the hpv virus? if this is the case, then couldnt over 18s who want it be tested for this and if you dont have it, be given the jab?

07-09-2008, 23:54
The catch up program will only include girls who were born between 1st September 1990 and 1995.

I don't know if the vaccine will be available privately but you can bet that the NHS won't fork out for HPV tests (if such a thing exists) and a vaccine if the test is negative for every woman over 18 who wants it.

di marco
08-09-2008, 09:38
I don't know if the vaccine will be available privately but you can bet that the NHS won't fork out for HPV tests (if such a thing exists) and a vaccine if the test is negative for every woman over 18 who wants it.

i dont mean every woman over 18 but maybe people up til the age of 25, cos i heard on the radio that people between the ages of 18 and 25 were most at risk

27-09-2008, 10:00
A Roman Catholic school has banned pupils from receiving the new cervical cancer vaccine on its premises.
Governors at St Monica's High School in Prestwich, Greater Manchester, believe the school is "not the right place" to administer the injections.
The vaccinations give immunity to key strains of the sexually-transmitted Human Papilloma Virus, responsible for 70% of cervical cancers.
The school's head teacher said he could not comment on the governors' decision.
The vaccine is given in three injections over six months and is being offered to all female year-eight pupils.
Experts believe vaccinating against HPV could save hundreds of lives in the UK each year.

'We do not believe that school is the right place for the three injections to be administered'
Governors' letter

The programme has already started in some parts of the country, including Oldham, and pupils in Bury are expected to begin vaccinations over the next few weeks.
Advice from the Roman Catholic Church says there is nothing wrong with allowing the cervical cancer vaccinations to be given.
But governors at St Monica's - which has 1,200 pupils - have sent a letter to parents outlining their concerns about the vaccine.
In it, they question the effectiveness of the injections and point out the possible side effects.

'No moral objection'
The letter says a number of the school's pupils who took part in a pilot study were subsequently off school suffering from nausea, joint pain, headaches and high fevers.
It states: "We do not believe that school is the right place for the three injections to be administered.
"Therefore, governors have taken the decision not to allow the school premises to be used for this programme."
Head teacher Frank McCarron said he could not comment on the governors' decision.
Although some religious groups are opposed to the vaccine because of fears it may encourage promiscuity, the governors make no moral objection to the programme.

The vaccine works by making girls immune to strains of a STI
A spokesman for the Diocese of Salford said: "The diocese and Catholic schools board do not have a moral objection, but it is up to individual schools to decide whether to allow the vaccinations to be carried out in school."
Speaking to BBC Radio Manchester, Schools Secretary Ed Balls said the vaccine would help hundreds of children across the UK.
Mr Balls said: "In general the vast majority of schools will be delivering these vaccinations and they will be doing so to save lives.
"I think schools should be at the centre of their community and I don't think schools walking away from their responsibility for children's health is the way to go."
A spokesperson for Bury Council said: "Bury Council is aware of the issue regarding St Monica's High School and their concerns about allowing students to be vaccinated with the HPV vaccine.
"The council views this decision a school matter as each school has the right to make individual decisions regarding issues such as this".
The Department of Health said the HPV vaccine had undergone rigorous safety testing as part of the licensing process.

27-09-2008, 12:03
Some of my friends have already had it and say it really hurts
I missed mine cos of my dance show, but the dcotors round here have loads of dates for them so I should be getting it soon

28-09-2008, 01:21
Having lost my sister to Cervical cancer I think this new Vaccine is wonderful. It will save many lives and all credit to the government for offering it to every young girl.

Of course the most credit should go to the wonderful scientists who developed it.

29-09-2008, 16:43
Sorry to learn about your sister, Alan. I too would encourage all females to get the vaccine, I have lost a few friends and family members to cancer and if it is preventable by three injections, then the pain they might cause is a small price to pay as it will be less pain then dying of this dreadful illness.

29-09-2008, 16:59
I had my first one about 3 weeks ago, (3 weeks on wednesday) which means i will be getting my next one, next wednesday. And then i believe sometime in Feb for my last one.

29-09-2008, 17:02
I had my first one about 3 weeks ago, (3 weeks on wednesday) which means i will be getting my next one, next wednesday. And then i believe sometime in Feb for my last one.

Did it hurt you a lot, like some seem to experience? Good one you for getting the vaccination. :clap:

29-09-2008, 17:04
I had my first one about 3 weeks ago, (3 weeks on wednesday) which means i will be getting my next one, next wednesday. And then i believe sometime in Feb for my last one.

Did it hurt you a lot, like some seem to experience? Good one you for getting the vaccination. :clap:

If it was offered to my age group I would be there like a shot regardless how much it hurt.

29-09-2008, 17:07
I had my first one about 3 weeks ago, (3 weeks on wednesday) which means i will be getting my next one, next wednesday. And then i believe sometime in Feb for my last one.

Did it hurt you a lot, like some seem to experience? Good one you for getting the vaccination. :clap:

It didn't hurt going in but i got into a right panic cause i have this big phobia about needles and was just scared. Had to lie down for her to put it in me. My legs went a bit funny afterwards but that was cause i hadn't had anything to eat.

di marco
29-09-2008, 18:07
I had my first one about 3 weeks ago, (3 weeks on wednesday) which means i will be getting my next one, next wednesday. And then i believe sometime in Feb for my last one.

Did it hurt you a lot, like some seem to experience? Good one you for getting the vaccination. :clap:

If it was offered to my age group I would be there like a shot regardless how much it hurt.

same here, id jump at the chance to get it, i dont mind needles so it wouldnt bother me, shame im just slightly too old though

07-11-2008, 11:08
Just on the news today that one of our minister is trying to get this cancel in Ireland... major uproar

read it here: http://www.independent.ie/national-news/financial-crisis/cancer-vaccinations-for-teens-shelved-over-cost-1521701.html

07-11-2008, 16:43
I've had this.

At our school they are 'jabbing' year 8's and us (year 13's) and they will continue that until they catch up :)

First one was a month ago, and second one was yesterday. Didn't majorly hurt although first time round my arm went dead and hurt for a couple of days. This time, not as bad, although sore - like a huge bruise.
Ahh well.

07-11-2008, 18:51
The year 8's and 13's have had it and apparently I am having it in Year 13 (like Layne has said :))
Apparently you can't have this jab if you've had sex as it wouldn't work or something..
So a few girls have been worried about that but they said they're still going to get it done!

07-11-2008, 18:54
The Year 8's at my school are having it in a couple of weeks time; haven't heard whether or not it's being given to Year 13.

08-11-2008, 15:42
You can have it done if you've had sex!
The thing is it doesn't stop or prevent you from getting cervical cancer, it just helps to try and prevent it - so whether you've had sex or not doesn't affect the jab.

Edit - my arm still hurts :(

08-11-2008, 18:51
i've just had my first one and i'm in year 8 i have 2 more one in december and one in june

di marco
08-11-2008, 22:04
Apparently you can't have this jab if you've had sex as it wouldn't work or something..
So a few girls have been worried about that but they said they're still going to get it done!

You can have it done if you've had sex!
The thing is it doesn't stop or prevent you from getting cervical cancer, it just helps to try and prevent it - so whether you've had sex or not doesn't affect the jab.

yeh you can still have it if youve had sex. the only reason they arent giving it to people over 18 who are more likely to have had sex is cos having sex can increase your risk of getting the virus which can cause cervical cancer or something i think and so the jab wouldnt be effective if you already had the virus

Kirsty :]
17-01-2009, 16:25
Around my area they were only giviong it to Year 8 girls and my friend went and had it done privately, but I ahd a letter yesterday form my Doctor and they're having a clinic on Monday and so I have to make an appointment and go and have it done on Monday. I don't mind if it reduces the risk by 70% (so it says on the leaflet) but I'm scared about it hurting :( What does it feel like?

17-01-2009, 18:53
I imagine it will hurt a lot less than having cervical cancer and all it entails. Few seconds of pain to dramatically reduce your chance of cancer isn't much to put up with.

Just read that back and it sounds a bit nasty. Not intended that way :)

17-01-2009, 18:55
Lol it doesnt matter Abigail you said it cos at the end of the days its true

I HATE needles but thats what I always think of howI need to go through this bit of pain to reduce chances

Kirsty :]
17-01-2009, 18:58
Haha yeah Abigail I said exactly that to my friend earlier, she said she's not having it done because she hates needles and the fact there's still a 30% chance of getting Cervical Cancer, but I said to her about the fact that yeah ok, there sa 30% chance... but that's a hell of alot better than having a 70% chance of getting it.. then having to have 10 times more needles and prodding than you'd ahve to have if you just had the injection... which is why i'm getting it lol.

I didn't read it as nasty anyways btw, it's very good advice :p

di marco
17-01-2009, 20:45
i wouldnt have thought it would have hurt much more than other jabs which youve already had (dunno though seeing as i havent had it). i think though you should probably get it done if youre given the option even if you dont like needles. is it just one jab or do you have to have a second one as well?

17-01-2009, 20:47
You have to have 3

di marco
17-01-2009, 20:49
You have to have 3

oh right. now youve said that i think i remember reading that you had to have 3

17-01-2009, 20:49
I cant remember the time period though

Kirsty :]
17-01-2009, 21:02
You have 3 injections over a 6 month period abouts.

17-01-2009, 21:02
I thought it was 3

Kirsty :]
17-01-2009, 21:03
Yeah it is lol sorry, my fault not looking at what I was typing properly

di marco
17-01-2009, 21:08
;637780']You have 3 injections over a 6 month period abouts.

oh right thanks, thats not too bad then. will you be able to get them all done at your doctors or will you have to go somewhere else for the other 2?

Kirsty :]
17-01-2009, 21:12
Noo you have them all done at your doctors, they contact you when they need you back for your next injection.
I have to wait until Monday to make the actual appointment now because the Doctors are closed this weekend and it completely slipped my mind yesterday. grr, I hope they're not all booked, if they are it says on the letter I can arrange an alternative appointment, so either way I'm getting it done :)

The only thing I am worried about is that if I ahve this jab on Monday... I have the dentist booked for Wednesday and if the dentist needs to doa filling, would having the jab affect what they could do?

di marco
17-01-2009, 21:16
;637789']Noo you have them all done at your doctors, they contact you when they need you back for your next injection.
I have to wait until Monday to make the actual appointment now because the Doctors are closed this weekend and it completely slipped my mind yesterday. grr, I hope they're not all booked, if they are it says on the letter I can arrange an alternative appointment, so either way I'm getting it done :)

The only thing I am worried about is that if I ahve this jab on Monday... I have the dentist booked for Wednesday and if the dentist needs to doa filling, would having the jab affect what they could do?

oh right, well its good youre able to get it done. erm i wouldnt think it would effect the dentist but im not sure, maybe when you phone up to make the appointment you could ask them?

04-02-2009, 16:52
I had my first one today, it was ok but my arm is starting to ache now
My next one is in a month and the third 6 months after that

08-03-2009, 13:17
Right I had my second one on friday

By arm is still aching and she did it really high up!!!

I want to know who else thought their second one felt a bit werid???

09-03-2009, 06:44
How long did your arm hurt after the first time? Hope you are not suffering for long :)

09-03-2009, 18:09
No its ok, it was only a couple of days

14-05-2013, 13:45
Just heard Angelina Jolie had a double mastectomy as she had a high risk of getting breast cancer, well done on her for coming forward and admitting it, must be a hard choice but it could prolong her life

14-05-2013, 13:50
Just heard Angelina Jolie had a double mastectomy as she had a high risk of getting breast cancer, well done on her for coming forward and admitting it, must be a hard choice but it could prolong her life

She got it done as her mother died from cervical cancer (which is the next step for Angelina). She said breast was the hardest operation so she did that first. She had an 85% risk so fair play to her for taken these steps so she can prolong her life to stay with her family

14-05-2013, 13:50
Just heard Angelina Jolie had a double mastectomy as she had a high risk of getting breast cancer, well done on her for coming forward and admitting it, must be a hard choice but it could prolong her life

She got it done as her mother died from cervical cancer (which is the next step for Angelina). She said breast was the hardest operation so she did that first. She had an 85% risk so fair play to her for taken these steps so she can prolong her life to stay with her family

13-02-2022, 23:13
Someone close to me has been diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer, heartbreaking as you can imagine, I believe gone to his liver, besides surgery is chemo best, any advice or experience appreciated, he is nearly 70 with diabetes and epilepsy

14-02-2022, 03:57
Someone close to me has been diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer, heartbreaking as you can imagine, I believe gone to his liver, besides surgery is chemo best, any advice or experience appreciated, he is nearly 70 with diabetes and epilepsy

I am so sorry Tammy, cancer is one of the cruellest illnesses we get. You really need to speak to an oncologist about treatment, all depends on the severity of the cancer and his underlying conditions diabetes and epilepsy. Only medical experts can advise you of what to do is best. Thinking of you and sending love, light, healing xxxx