View Full Version : me and my dad

13-01-2006, 17:39
Wel me and my dad do not get on for a reason so he came round and the Electicity had just gone out, well they thing is i have not been answering his calls as i know the kind of man he is. well anyway he came round and i was cold as there was no heating so i was shaking and anyway he said that i hate him when i don't and he thought i was shaking as i scared of him. but i am not scared of him and i don't really hate him

so what should i do

13-01-2006, 17:44
Tell him the truth.. tell him that you were cold from having no electricity and that he is your dad and you love him

15-01-2006, 14:30
at the end of the day your his daughter and he is your dad, and he will always love you. i think you should go out together just the two of you and have a long chat and bonding session !!! goodluck hunni and let us know how it goes x x x x |*huggles*|

15-01-2006, 17:13
i sorted it out yesterday- the only reason i came on

15-01-2006, 17:13
so a mod can close it