View Full Version : Week 5

13-01-2006, 16:42
Monday 30th
Honey is moody and distant. In a bid to cheer her up, Billy asks Garry and Minty to help him arrange a romantic surprise for her.
Over at the car lot Yolande soon realises she is not a saleswoman, and decides to patch things up with Pat.
Elsewhere, Dot is distracted and accidentally runs over the new doctor, but both she and Pauline are on hand to tend to him.

Tuesday 31st
Little Mo is snappy and irritable after spending a sleepless night with Freddie. Meanwhile, Honey is convinced that Billy wants to get back with Little Mo.

Thursday 2nd
Billy tries to keep his date with Little Mo quiet but Honey finds out.
Meanwhile, Bradley keeps Stacey company whilst she babysits, but things start to go wrong when he has an allergic reaction.
Elsewhere, Joe asks Pauline to go to the salsa night with him; it will be their last night out together before he heads off to Dubai.

Friday 3rd
Charlie is furious about the way Billy treated Little Mo on their date.
Elsewhere, Pat helps Patrick with the VAT but he tells Yolande that he did it himself, and Joe has a leaving do at the Vic.

13-01-2006, 16:52
Why is Billy going on a date with Mo when he is with Honey? Oh, no, why have the words 'yet another love triangle' just crossed my mind?! :rolleyes: Billy/Little Mo/Little Mo clone (Honey) sounds fasinating. :wall: :thumbsdow

13-01-2006, 16:56
Joe's leaving night? For a holiday? Coz I thought him and Growler were getting hitched! Thanks for posting btw!

13-01-2006, 16:56
Stay tuned for the exciting episode where Billy finds he's double-booked dates with Honey and Little Mo, and must run from one dinner to the other. Will he be able to pull it off. Even more importantly, will he be able to tell them apart?

13-01-2006, 19:11
I quite like the idea that Billy will take a bit of time to part himself from Little Mo. They have a history together, they are still married, it's only natural that if the first woman you ever loved tells you she loves you, that Billy would feel confused, his feelings have never gone away really.

I think Honey being pregnant is going to give him the wake up call he needs though. He'll probably realise that he has to move on. It's sad because his relationship with Freddie should have been special, but he could never bring himself to bond with him. But Honey is giving him a second chance to be a dad, and that's bound to cause upset for Little Mo, but for Billy it will be special.

di marco
13-01-2006, 20:46
thanks for posting! :) is it this week that honey finds out shes pregnant?

13-01-2006, 20:49
thanks for posting

13-01-2006, 20:51
Thanks For posting
Billy running from one dinner to the other is what alfie did with kat and mo

13-01-2006, 20:55
sounds a bit of a boring week! i hope they have left out the juicy bits!

di marco
13-01-2006, 20:58
Thanks For posting
Billy running from one dinner to the other is what alfie did with kat and mo

i think thats what she was implying!

14-01-2006, 13:50
thanks for posting cant wait

14-01-2006, 13:58
billy/honey/little mo sounds rubbish. little mo is leaving soon, so another love triangle is (thankfuly) unlikely

14-01-2006, 14:37
says in the mag from the sun today that mo goes to visit lynne after she realises that herself and billy are finally over after finding a present from her from billy,a bracelet saying i love you.

14-01-2006, 15:19
sounds an ok week!

mo and billy on a date why??

17-01-2006, 16:47
hwta rea eastenders thinking off , putting billy in a date with little mo, i hope its gonna be a mo/alfie/kat again or rather mo/billy/honey!!

17-01-2006, 17:31
The bit with Dot running over the doctor sounds about the only good thing in that week.

17-01-2006, 17:32
thanks for posting! :) is it this week that honey finds out shes pregnant?

I think it's the week after.

di marco
17-01-2006, 19:10
I think it's the week after.

oh right thanks, just sounded like it thats all

17-01-2006, 20:07
This sounds rubbish! :mad:

28-01-2006, 13:29
 Hunky new Dr Cousins arrives in the Square on Monday and isn't exactly given a warm welcome. Little Mo snaps at him, and then Dot accidentally knocks him down in her car. To make amends, she leaves a casserole on his doorstep, which he tries to collect wearing only a towel. Unfortunately, his front door closes on him, leaving him standing shivering outside and at the mercy of lecherous old Ma Mo who offers to break in "for 20 quid". As his towel slips off, she gets more than her money's worth. "Ooh, well," she leers, looking below his waist. "I can see yer a bit cold, sunshine..."

Soapbox 28 january, mirror.

28-01-2006, 16:55
Honey is such a funny character. She made me laugh with the rainbox/ quiz night thing. Her dumbness makes me laugh lol but i feel this Billy and Honey storyline is running too quickly. Can't wait for this week's episodes. :)

28-01-2006, 17:14
Honey makes remarks like Jessica Simpson! What are you interrogating me are you the Spanish Armada?:rotfl: :rotfl: That is to dumb.

28-01-2006, 17:24
I think there are going too over the top with Honey's thickness. She is worse then Little Mo, who has always been a dozy idiot.

28-01-2006, 17:28
Honey can be summed up using two smilies...

:rolleyes: or :wall:

I think more this one :wall:... x 500.

29-01-2006, 02:34
coolee spoilers thankies :D :D :D sounds brilllllllll :p

29-01-2006, 09:13
Honey is such a funny character. She made me laugh with the rainbox/ quiz night thing. Her dumbness makes me laugh lol but i feel this Billy and Honey storyline is running too quickly. Can't wait for this week's episodes. :)

Yeah, I thought she was supposed to be smarter than Little Mo, and even that isn't hard.