View Full Version : Being sent away!

12-01-2006, 17:35
Well, sort of. I'm very probably going to boarding school next half term on the Gloucestershire/South Wales border! Quite a way, considering I live about 30 miles south of London!

I'm really excited and everything, as I've been taught at home (well, had to teach myself mostly as my parents work) for the past term, after leaving my school as I didn't really like it.

I've only ever been to private school, but I've never boarded before.

Does anyone here go to boarding school? Anyone got any tips for me?

12-01-2006, 18:24
Ife' nevr been, but good luck with it. I have some mates that go to various ones, and they find it great, so you'll be fine. Plus, you'll have more stablity than with a home tutor

12-01-2006, 20:33
I've never been to a boarding school, but one of my friends does and she really loves it. she made loads of new friends and she said it was really good. Good luck :D

samantha nixon
12-01-2006, 20:35
im not at bording school but im sure it will be good as youll make a load of new friends

di marco
12-01-2006, 21:01
ive never been to boarding school either, or private school, just normal old school for me!

12-01-2006, 21:08
Read the Enid Blyton Malory Towers books

12-01-2006, 21:41
Read them! :D

12-01-2006, 23:13
Read the Enid Blyton Malory Towers books

i used to read all of them and the st clares ones too!! makes boarding school sound really fun anyway!!

13-01-2006, 00:16
i used to read all of them and the st clares ones too!! makes boarding school sound really fun anyway!!

I thought that as well! :D

Having said that I haven't boarded, that's not strictly true, I had to board for 2 nights at school (you can board there, I just didn't as it was 5 miles up the road).

I didn't like it much, but then that's probably because I didn't like the girls who board.

Otherwise I'd have loved it!

I just pray I get on with the people at this school!

If not, that'll be about 20,000 pounds a year down the drain for my parents. :nono:

13-01-2006, 16:56
good luck with it but it sounds fun. how often do you get to go home

13-01-2006, 16:58
good luck with it. Im sure it will be fine. My uncle teachers at a boarding school and everyone ges on really well with everyone. You also get a really close relationship with the teachers. Thats what he said anyway.

13-01-2006, 16:59
what can you do in your leisure time, like go on computers or what?

13-01-2006, 17:02
At my incles they have like a farm and horses and stuff. He taught this one girl and Art GCSE in her free time and now shes of to go to an Art foundation course. Theres loads of Sports teams and Music activitys and they do drama stuff all the time. I dont know if there al like that but thats what its like at my Uncles. Ive never been to a boarding school, or private so i dont know personal experience. Good old local comp for me.

13-01-2006, 17:34
You can do plenty in your leisure time.

I'll probably get to go home every about fortnight. But my cousins live up the road from the school, so they'll take me for the weekends that I can't make it back down South. :)

samantha nixon
13-01-2006, 18:07
least youve got your cousins up there

17-01-2006, 15:29
my best mate goes to boarding school ! and she's home at weekends, half terms, summer holidays , so she still sees her parents !!, but only go if its what you want hun ! i think it might be a good experience for you , just enjoy it ! it wont be forever !! - hope you get on well and let us no :p x x x x x

20-01-2006, 16:04
Good luck:)

20-01-2006, 16:08
good luck to you

21-01-2006, 00:07
oooo good luck! as long as they're are really nice girls there - i think it'll be ok!
i could never go to boarding school - i'd be really embarassed lol cos like when it comes to private stuff like shaving your legs i'd want privacy lol - me and my mates don't discuss that sorta thing lol whereas some do lol.

di marco
21-01-2006, 08:33
have you been to look at the school to see what its like?