View Full Version : Long Distance relationship

10-01-2006, 23:29
what are all your views on Long Distraction relationship
do you think they work or not?
do they only work if you been with someone for a long time?

10-01-2006, 23:47
what are all your views on Long Distraction relationship
do you think they work or not?
do they only work if you been with someone for a long time? I think it depend on how long you have been with them in the first place, If it is a fairly new thing then I would probably think it won't work.A case of out of sight, out of mind. But if you been together a while then I think it will,look at all the army guys in WW11 they managed and they only came home twice a year if they were lucky. my mum and dad had years of this and they were happily married for 49 years till dad died.

11-01-2006, 16:39
i think it could work it depands on the person and how long they have been seeing each other

11-01-2006, 16:41
I don't think they work.

11-01-2006, 16:42
My friend has a long distance relationship, she only knew the guy 6 weeks when he went back to the states, 3 years later they are still together. the email, phone etc and meet up any free time they get.. I think it is sweet

11-01-2006, 16:45
i lov lo ng distance relationshiops if they workso romantic. My cousin has been going out with his girlfriend for five years now and theyve managed it as he ws in sheffield and she was in birmingham and now there doing it again as she at Manchester and hes in birmingham . If you really want it to work then it can. It has to be a two waything though.

11-01-2006, 16:46
i think they work but only if the people really know each other because at the moment my boyfriend lives about 20 miles from me and its quite annoying when we cant just walk round the corner to see each other but its worked for us and we've been together for 7 months

11-01-2006, 16:50
It depends i guess. If its for a short time, then i dont see why it wont work. But if your never going to see each other again, then i'm not so sure

11-01-2006, 16:55
mmmmmmmm, thats make sence now

17-01-2006, 12:57
i had a long distance relationship and it really didn't work for me! i was together with him for a year and a half and it just went all wrong !! . i think it would be different for everyone but if you have a long distance relationship you got to think about how long you see them for, how many times a month, and if it really is workin and do you trust your partner who lives miles away !?!

23-01-2006, 18:47
ive had like 2 both went alright:) wait exept one girl but theres a whole different storie im cool with long distant relationships they can be alright if u both dont mind being long distance! sometimes if u live to close it gets boring

06-07-2007, 23:27
Just found this thread...i may be starting a long distance relationship soon, it depends really, well it's not really long distance, he lives quite near me (About 45 minutes away) but we're taking things slow at the moment...

09-07-2007, 22:06

09-07-2007, 22:21
I'm living proof that long distance relationships do work. My boyfriend lives in West Midlands and I live in oxfordshire, been like that since day 1. We met on an off chance, liked each other and got together despite living over 60 miles apart.
We have been together for 7 years now and only see each other once a week, was less in the earlier years. We are finally going to be moving in together just after xmas and I can't wait. If you love someone enough you will find a way to make it work.

Aww thats so sweet. It must be really hard seeing each other once a week - I wonder how you'll cope when you live together full time!

My friend has been with her bf for nearly 2 years and they are inseparable. He's going on holiday on Friday and she's going nuts already, they can't bear to be parted. I haven't got a clue what they will be like when they go to separate unis next year :eek:

If its meant to be, it will survive the distance :)

10-07-2007, 09:22
My mum and dad are as well, when they first got together she was at Living in Lancaster and he was in Birmingham, they met at my mums sisters wedding as my dad lived with my uncle, it was quite complicated, anyhow, here we are 21 years later.

10-07-2007, 09:49
Ok gang I dunno if I told my lil story here or not, but I am an American and I moved from the USA TO Holland to be with my Dutch partner,, I did not move to the next town , or the next state but i move to a different country,, Yes childern long distance relationships DO WORK,, only if YOU work at it.
I met my guy on line , after 3 mos of talking and e mailing, sending tons of photos and finally seeing each other on web cam,, he flew to the states to meet me,,
He contiuned to fly back to the states to visit me 5 more times, then I flew to Holland to visit for 2 weeks, then he flew back again to see me twice in a month, then i went back with him and stayed for the summer, after alot of soul searching and talking it over with my family, I decided to pack up and move... so I did, we have been together 8 years but I will have been in Holland for 6 this coming Oct,, so as I said IT CAN WORK,, BUT YOU MUST WORK AT IT .. and be prepared to spend some money too :-D
BTW if any one moves to another country other than EU,, do tons of research before moving, cos there is loads of red tape.. and tons of paper work to do..Once that is completed,, its all easy peasey lemon squeezy :D

10-07-2007, 19:34
thats lovely jodi. it just proves it can be done if you work hard enough at it and truly love each other.

10-07-2007, 21:37
I'm living proof that long distance relationships do work. My boyfriend lives in West Midlands and I live in oxfordshire, been like that since day 1. We met on an off chance, liked each other and got together despite living over 60 miles apart.
We have been together for 7 years now and only see each other once a week, was less in the earlier years. We are finally going to be moving in together just after xmas and I can't wait. If you love someone enough you will find a way to make it work.

But you are in the same country,, 60 miles apart is what an hour 45 min drive ??? I do hope you guys finally move in together, and not be apart any more,, :lol:

10-07-2007, 22:20

02-02-2008, 01:24
Hey Guys, I havent posted here for a while but I kinda need some advice... I broke up with my partner in June last year, we had 2 kids together, my oldest, my daughter is 10,my youngest, my son is 8. But i'm really happy we broke up things aint been right for a while. I met someone online, I knew him before me and my ex broke up but it was just a friend thing, well its turned into more, maybe it was a part of me finally ending it with my ex I dont know. Well this guy is from Sweden and he came over to visit at Xmas for 10 days. We got on amazingly well and I love him even though when we first met for real it was a bit strange as he wasnt what i expected. those 10 days we spent together were amazing, my kids loved him, everyone i know thinks hes awesome. hes meant to be coming back in 2 weeks.. but the last few weeks its been different to before he came over. He still says the right things and stuff and when i ask him why its weird between us he says its because he misses me so much.. Should I tell him to cancel his flight over in 2 weeks, because I dont want to be hurt anymore than I am already. He tells me its fine and that he still cares, but I cant see him to know he means it.

02-02-2008, 12:50
The best thing is for you to sit down with him and discuss your feelings face to face, it is impossible to judge by email or phone. However, listen to your gut instinct, if you feel you can't trust him now, you should bear that in mind. Good luck.

Kirsty :]
03-02-2008, 00:02
Hmmm.. I think long distance relationships work if you're committed. (:
I speak to this lad online and he's from Skegness...
Anyways when we started talking it was jsut friendly banter, but now he says how he likes me and stuff. At first I sort of got used to the idea and thought maybe something could work. Now I just think he's a liar basically, he's with different girls or liking different girls nearly everyday.Coincedentally these girls all live miles away from him and he seems to not ahve many friends that are boys. He told me he'd broke up with his girlfriend... but he didn't. And now he's "back with" his girlfriend he hardly speaks to me. I'm getting quite fed up of trying to make conversation with him now, and just dismiss his comments about how much he likes me because I think he's just having a bit of fun with me and leading me on. I'm actually quite confused :( Never mind. But I do think long distance relationships work..its just depends on what type of person you are I suppose :) I don't think I could ever have one personally, but that's just me :)

12-05-2008, 22:10
I've been asked for a few before but I've always turned them down because of the sole reason that eventaulyl you want physical contact. It's like you have 2/3 of the relationship and really you want 3/3.

Only really works if you meet up every so often and don't live too far apart.