View Full Version : 8 Things you didnt know about Letitia

08-01-2006, 14:56
From Women Magazine.

1) She deliberately burnt Sharons early trademark fluffy pink jumper.

2) Her birthday is on November 14. The same as Prince Charles, darling! I love saying that it makes me sound posh!

3) Her favourite holiday destination is Grenada in the Caribbean. From a room overlooking the sea you can smell the spices on the beach, and if you drive up into the hills you can literally pick fresh nutmeg as you go by. Its like heaven.

4) She admits to being very impatient. I've always wanted everyting to happen yesterday.

5) When she was a child her dad Leslie, who was a tailor, made her clothes. He'd make me these amazing things which wereway ahead of fashion. I hated it because I wanted to look exactly like the other kids at school. Nowadays I'd love hime to make me something but he's had enough of his sewing machine!

6) Her engatement ring is a whopper - a diamond measuring 1.75 carats.

7) Her best mate is Susan Tully, who played Michelle Fowler in Eastenders. Susan was Letitias chief bridesmaid at her 2002 wedding. Letitia calls Susan "Tullyburger", Susan calls Letitia Tish.

8) She never wears flat shoes. I'm a real girlie girl. I feel undressed without my high heels.

08-01-2006, 15:13
did you also know that she smokes to or she use to i don't know if she still does. Sorry i had to add that.


08-01-2006, 16:10
i didnt know she smokes or did smoke!!

08-01-2006, 16:57
thats a pretty huge ring.

samantha nixon
08-01-2006, 18:04
yeah her and nigel both smoke as before they done a scene cant remeber what one i think it was a lve one they sat behind the sette and smoked

di marco
08-01-2006, 18:06
yeh loads of the cast smoke

08-01-2006, 18:53
I didn't know she smoked!! or did smoke. I knew Nigel did though..

08-01-2006, 19:34
did you not i think it was there first sex scene they sat behind a sofa n smoked.

di marco
08-01-2006, 19:39
did you not i think it was there first sex scene they sat behind a sofa n smoked.

i knew they both smoked but how do you know such random info like that? lol!

08-01-2006, 19:55
i got it from somewhere lol

08-01-2006, 19:55
i think the eastenders website

09-01-2006, 20:18
i didnt know she smokes or did smoke!! neither did i! :eek: