View Full Version : Movie Mistakes

07-01-2006, 20:20
I was reading something in the paper about movie mistakes, and how many there are. I found this website all about it, so i thought you might be interested to see how many mistakes are in various movies. I'll add more as i find them. Most of these are from www.moviemistakes.com, however some of it is from newspaper articles, mainly "the Sun"

07-01-2006, 20:22
King Kong (2005) - 46 mistakes

While everyone is on Skull Island, Hayes tells Jimmy he was in the Army, and had a Drill Sergeant. However, the first U.S. Army Drill Sergeant course wasn't offered until 1964. Prior to this, Drill Sergeants were known as Military Training Instructors.

When Ann Darrow is awaiting sacrifice to Kong she is hanging from tight thick ropes around her wrists. However, when Kong shows up he just grabs her and tears her from the plinth. Either the ropes should still be around her arms having been torn from their mounts, or her arms should have been ripped off.

When Bruce Baxter tries to wiggle his way out of having to get closer to the brontos so Carl Denham can get his scene on film ("Shouldn't there be a stand-in for this?"), the gun he holds that can be seen pointing up over his left shoulder keeps appearing and disappearing between shots from the front and back.

In the scene where Ann Darrow is brought to the Venture, there is a wide shot where she is walking and observing the ship. On one of the ramps (the closer one to her), there is a man who is carrying something up the ramp. In the next shot, if you look at the ramp he was on, he has disappeared.

The New York scenes take place in winter, on a day cold enough for the lake in Central Park to freeze hard enough to hold Kong's weight. Despite this, Anne Darrow shows no hint of cold or discomfort, despite wearing a sleeveless gown. Kong takes her to the top of the Empire State Building, where it's even colder. Still no discomfort. In fact, she's able to climb a metal ladder, which should have frozen her poor little fingers off. By the time Driscoll reached her, Darrow should have been a block of ice. The effects of adrenaline would never have lasted to keep Anne warm for that long.

When Ann meets Kong on NYC street, the camera flashes back and forth between them. When it shows Kong, he is surrounded by snow, but when it shows Ann, the street doesn't have so much as a snowflake.

On Skull Island, when Carl says, "No one has lived here for hundreds of years," the distinctive reflection of the reflector screen is visible in the lens of Preston's glasses, as he looks down; there are other moments in the film where this happens with characters' eyeglasses.

When Kong holds Ann in his hand, as he sits near the top of the Empire State Building, the way she is positioned in his palm changes repeatedly, depending on the various camera angles.

When King Kong is chasing Adrian Brody, he leaves a path of destruction before hitting the car. However, when Naomi Watts walks down the road (which is the same street Kong came down) there is no destruction and all the cars are parked as normal.

When Ann is tied up as a sacrifice, waiting for Kong to appear, the position of the skull necklace round her neck differs between the close-ups and wideshot.

Note the chrome centers on the wire wheels of the taxi that Jack commandeers towards the end of the film. Initially the left rear one is missing, but it magically reappears later on.

When Ann is climbing up the ladder at the top of the Empire State, she has discarded her high-heeled shoes (although we don't see them there is a brief flash of foot past her skirt from above and she climbs far too fast to have them on). Yet when the ladder breaks, Kong catches her and deposits her safely inside the building and the shoes have reappeared on her feet.

When Ann is with Kong on the cliff, her robe and belt repeatedly change position in consecutive shots, before, during and after she dances, somersaults, etc, to amuse Kong.

On the cliff where Ann is entertaining King Kong by dancing, juggling, doing flips, etc. her face goes from dirty, to clean, to dirty, and back to clean between shots.

At the diner, Carl speaks with Ann while she eats, and things on the table change position depending on camera angle.

When Carl films in the valley, Bruce has multiple lines of rope round his shoulder which change position in the following consecutive shots.

When Carl offers the Nestles chocolate to the native girl, the wrapping differs between shots as he holds it out to her.

Shortly after Kong realizes he's been shot and gets blood on his fingers by touching the bloody hole in his chest, in subsequent scenes his chest has no puckered indentation and is unblemished but for minimal straight-line scars.

When the crewman receives the message aboard the Venture, he jots it down on a pad of paper. There is nothing under the pad in one shot, but in the previous and following shots there are more papers under the pad.

When Kong falls through a portion of the circular observation deck at the top of the skyscraper, he crushes the metal siding as well as one of the metal girders, making a large hole. When he puts Ann inside through the hole, the metal girders are now all undamaged. You can tell that this is the same hole because the camera moves around the entire building in the next shot and there are no other large holes.

When the Skull Island natives are holding Ann's arms as the old native taunts her, their grip on Ann's arms and sleeves differ between front and back shots.

When Ann is juggling for Kong on the cliff edge she starts juggling at one point. If you look closely, you can see that she is simply moving her hands, and the rocks have been added digitally. This is most obvious when she leans right back, and the rocks don't match her hand movements at all.

The drop fare on the taxi is shown as 25 cents. However, this fare was not charged until 1952, when the former taxi fare of 20c 1st 1/4 of a mile and 5c each additional 1/4 of a mile (which went into effect in 1934) was increased to 25c the 1st 1/5 of a mile and 5c each additional 1/5.

When Ann is dancing in New York while King Kong is enchained, her hair is straight and then curly in the ends. But when she goes out in the streets and sees the Kong poster her hair is wavy. When she finally meets Kong again her hair is back to straight and curly.

When Carl tells Preston to show Ann on board the ship he says something like, "Hello, Miss Darrow, I'm Mr. Denham's assistant." His lips aren't properly synchronized with the dialogue when he says this.

After Kong breaks loose from the chains, in some shots the chain tower on the left side disappears: there is nothing next to the platform stairs.

In the scene where the movie star is trying to talk them into giving up he has a rope slung around his chest over one shoulder. He never takes it off, but when he leaves he no longer has it, and Adrian Brody is holding it.

When Ann and Kong are on top of the Empire State Building near the very end, he sets her down on top as he grows weaker. She begins to stand, pulling herself up on his fingers, the shot cuts and she is standing but his hand is now out of place back towards his body, not near Ann where it should be.

In at least one shot as Kong is on top of the Empire State building, the sunrise over Long Island is wrong. Three planes attack from the southwest and we see the sun rise in the east as Newtown Creek (Nassau River) glistens across the East River. The mouth of this river opens southward but in this shot everything is inverted with the mouth of the river pointing northward. Also, looking eastward, Roosevelt Island should be on the left of Newtown Creek, not on the right.

When Carl is convincing Ann inside the diner, after she stands up and Carl convinces her to accept the role, there's a waitress behind Carl about to walk towards her. A split second later, while Carl says "she is a frightened woman" (or something like that) the waitress appears 12 feet away, and is now behind Ann way at the end of the diner.

When Carl speaks with Hayes and Lumpy about their destination, while aboard the Venture, the towel rags hanging on a line behind Carl change between shots.

In the scene where Jack Black and Adrian Brody are talking on the boat (as it's getting ready to leave), when the camera is focused on Jack, the cityscape behind him (through the window) is moving (as if the boat has started moving), but when it focuses on Adrian, the cityscape behind him (through the window) is not moving.

In a scene at the very top of the Empire State Building, Ann hugs Kong's left arm. In the very next shot, she is standing right in front of Kong, between both of his arms.

In the aerial shots of Manhattan during the airplane attacks there's much less snow on the ground than in previous scenes shot below.

Aboard the Venture, when Ann runs into Jack with her "good legs" she has a towel on her shoulder, which changes position until she goes to her cabin.

As Ann tries to escape from the T-Rex, at one point her robe acquires a rather large black and muddy stain at her backside on her left, yet in the very next shot that large black stain is gone.

When Jack is rescuing Ann she has two cuts above her right eyebrow, the smaller cut changes positions and disappears/reappears in different shots.

When we first come into the galley, several crossed-out lines of writing can be seen on the chalkboard mounted on the wall. When the crew enters to confront Denham about their true destination, the chalkboard is mostly blank, with only a couple of faint smudges.

After Ann and Carl arrive at the docks, as she stands beside the Venture her coat collar is flipped up, then turned down and back up between shots.

When Carl Denham tells Jack Driscoll that they are going to Skull Island instead of Singapore, Jack Driscoll types "Skull Island" on his typewriter. But when he does that, it's already on his sheet, the page just moves from right to left and the typewriter bars are only touching the paper.

As Kong and Anne Darrow exhale in the freezing New York air there are many shots where you can't see their breath frosting up as it comes out of their mouths.

07-01-2006, 20:23
more King Kong...

During the whole film, even though Ann is thrown about and man-handled by Kong, as well as sliding down rock and cliffs, and falling over numerous times to escape the many creatures and dinosaurs, she ends up with virtually no marks or scratches on her body. Her dress is dirty, but that is about it. Her hair also stays reasonably in place. Surely she would have been scratched and bruised all over her legs and arms from the trauma.

As Jack Driscoll flees Kong in a yellow cab through a narrow alley, the view through the (missing) windshield shows a pedestrian in light-color overcoat crossing leisurely at the other end. When the car eventually emerges in the immediate next shot viewed from the sidewalk, that particular pedestrian simply disappears.

When Ann is running away from the T-Rex she slides down a muddy hill on her back. As soon as she lands she gets up and we see her back, which is clean.

At the end of the chase through the streets of NYC, Kong stops the yellow cab with a "karate chop" to the front-end, which sends the car tumbling high into the air through a complete somersault before it lands back down. Actually, Kong's hand is still half way down and nowhere near touching any portion of the vehicle when its rear-end gets lifted.

Ann is soaking wet when she is being led through the natives. When she gets to the top of the wall she's dry.

07-01-2006, 20:32
Rank movie Mistakes
1 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 202
2 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 201
3 Star Wars 198
4 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 163
5 Peter Pan (2003) 152
6 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 140
7 Titanic 139
8 Pearl Harbor 126
9 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 124
10 Troy 124
11 Spy Kids 122
12 Jaws 117
13 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 117
14 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 113
15 The Matrix 111

08-01-2006, 15:58
Could you post where you got all this info from Abi? I think it's www.movie-mistakes.com and if it is, their copyright policy requires that they are given full credit if the info on their site is reproduced.

This is the full paragraph:

If you run a small personal/fan website, feel free to use a few examples, provided that you clearly credit moviemistakes.com as the source. If you would like to print/use some mistakes for a commercial publication/website/programme, either as a one-off or a regular feature, please get in touch. Anyone is more than welcome to link to any page from my site - the homepage for preference, but any individual page is fine by me.

08-01-2006, 18:15
Rank movie Mistakes
1 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 202
2 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 201
3 Star Wars 198
4 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 163
5 Peter Pan (2003) 152
6 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 140
7 Titanic 139
8 Pearl Harbor 126
9 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 124
10 Troy 124
11 Spy Kids 122
12 Jaws 117
13 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 117
14 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 113
15 The Matrix 111

most of these are recent, showing that these days films are rushed with no checks for quality

08-01-2006, 18:27
Exactly, and its a shame, because they put so much time and effort into it, and end up with so many mistakes. Come on, 202!! and they're quite big ones too!

08-01-2006, 18:28
Could you post where you got all this info from Abi? I think it's www.movie-mistakes.com and if it is, their copyright policy requires that they are given full credit if the info on their site is reproduced.

This is the full paragraph:

Yeah, osrry it is. I put its name in the title, but i forgot to actually put it in the post. I told ya i was blonde sometimes!!!

Editing it.....

28-01-2006, 22:32
I love Movie Mistakes.com. I look at the Free Pic every day!