View Full Version : Feeding and Regurgitating!

05-01-2006, 14:40
Has anyone suffered this problem with their babies??

When Liam has his feed, he has a 4 oz bottle, then is sick for the next 1/2 hr bringing up half of the milk he has just had, and then needs to have 2 oz every 2 hrs in order to stay full. Its like a vicious circle, he feeds, he brings it up, he needs to feed sooner, he brings it up again......

I am seeing my HV next week and will ask her about it, but I wondered if anyone else had had this problem.... He is putting on weight fine so there isn't a problem there, but its not really good for any of us (especially my pocket, due to all of the tins of milk i am buying and all washing i am doing).

If you have had this happen, what has your HV recommended??

:searchme: Help..... :D

05-01-2006, 16:41
yeah i had that with paige i ended up with changing her milk from cow and gate to sma then sma white and changed het teats aswell to slow flow she would sick the rest up then have more bottles after she done it when midwife done her heel prick she had just had a bottle the mw told me to give her anouther and what does paige go and do bring up a water fountin cos she was so full what milk is he on and what teats

05-01-2006, 23:12
He is on SMA Gold, like I used with the other 2 - hes started getting a sore tummy too, as its empty quite a lot, so hes a bit fretful too :(

05-01-2006, 23:17
shannon does this too,sometimes she'l be wanting more 2 hours later and sometimes shel go 5-6 hours until wting more so it hasnt really been a problem,hope you sort it out jojo. :)

05-01-2006, 23:22
So do I - tonight he has been really fretful and not settling (hasn't slept properly all day) and eating every 1-2 hours :( And as I only had about 3 hrs sleep last night for the same reason, I am slightly tired (what am I doing on here at this time of night then lol -oh yeah, waiting for the next bottle request lol!!)

05-01-2006, 23:43
So do I - tonight he has been really fretful and not settling (hasn't slept properly all day) and eating every 1-2 hours :( And as I only had about 3 hrs sleep last night for the same reason, I am slightly tired (what am I doing on here at this time of night then lol -oh yeah, waiting for the next bottle request lol!!) I don't know if this will help,but I use to have the same problem years ago with my son,he suffered bad with windy tum,and was fretful.I would fed only half,then stop,and wind him and settle him then give the other half. and he kept it down. hope this helps

06-01-2006, 08:07
growth spurt paige whent through that aswell or he could just be a hungry baby the same as paige as she whent on to sma white and a touch of colic try him with the colic drops but mind you not sure what age i think there from birth but the gripe water is around 1-2months

06-01-2006, 09:19
Em, have you tried him on Omneo comfort food from Cow and Gate??? it is for settled babies, bit thicker than normal milk but you don't feed as often... the bad side is baby will stink when breaking wind and poo will be green and runny but it worked for Ben and my friend who had trouble with her little one

06-01-2006, 09:26
So do I - tonight he has been really fretful and not settling (hasn't slept properly all day) and eating every 1-2 hours :( And as I only had about 3 hrs sleep last night for the same reason, I am slightly tired (what am I doing on here at this time of night then lol -oh yeah, waiting for the next bottle request lol!!)

god poor you,you must be shattered,i have been blessed with shannon,someone took pity on me after all those sleepness nights with the boys

06-01-2006, 09:30
god poor you,you must be shattered,i have been blessed with shannon,someone took pity on me after all those sleepness nights with the boys

Boys are worse as babies!!!! My little girl was an angel and slept without bother... Girls get worse as they get older and I am told boys get better

06-01-2006, 09:31
I'm using Infacol with him but he is still a fairly windy baby and doesn't bring it all up. I also wonder if he is a hungry boy, as if we go out and he stays asleep for say 4 hrs whilst we are out, he'll have 2 bottles straight after each other once he wakes up...

06-01-2006, 09:36
Em, have you tried him on Omneo comfort food from Cow and Gate??? it is for settled babies, bit thicker than normal milk but you don't feed as often... the bad side is baby will stink when breaking wind and poo will be green and runny but it worked for Ben and my friend who had trouble with her little oneI might have a look at that one Siobhan - is it expensive or about the same as the SMA (which costs me £6.18 a tin!)

06-01-2006, 09:38
god poor you,you must be shattered,i have been blessed with shannon,someone took pity on me after all those sleepness nights with the boys
Boys are worse as babies!!!! My little girl was an angel and slept without bother... Girls get worse as they get older and I am told boys get betterIts probably because Ci and Ste were so good, though last night he did only get up twice, only problem was that I didn't go to bed till midnight (after his feed) then he was up at 2.30, then at 4.30 and then I had to get up at 6.30 as hubby had to go to work early and I had to get Ste sorted for school!!

*rubs eyes* What day is it again!!!?? :rotfl:

06-01-2006, 09:40
Boys are worse as babies!!!! My little girl was an angel and slept without bother... Girls get worse as they get older and I am told boys get better

i cant believe how different they are,its unbelievable! Shannon is as good as gold,where as they boys kept getting me up until they were 2+.

06-01-2006, 09:42
Both my boys slept through from 3 months (that being midnight till 7.30am that is) and only really got up 2 or 3 times a night before that. Liam is the same really, but its just the incesant (sp?) crying at times where I don't know if he is hungry (which he generally is), windy, colicky or what! lol

06-01-2006, 10:01
I might have a look at that one Siobhan - is it expensive or about the same as the SMA (which costs me £6.18 a tin!)

It is a bit more expensive.. I am not sure how much sterling it is but over here it is about €2 dearer than normal baby formula... Worth every penny as I went for waking every 2 hours to every 4 hours then all through the night.. Ben sleeps from 7pm - 7am now for me

06-01-2006, 10:04
It is a bit more expensive.. I am not sure how much sterling it is but over here it is about €2 dearer than normal baby formula... Worth every penny as I went for waking every 2 hours to every 4 hours then all through the night.. Ben sleeps from 7pm - 7am now for meReally!!! Wow, that sounds fab, I'd just love for Liam to be able to sleep comfortably and soundly for a few hours at a time (only 3/4) and not be starving all of the time and therefore not sleeping properly which is making him grumpy (if you can be grumpy at 5 weeks old lol) Do you think my HV would suggest it also, even though he is putting on weight fine?? Its just he's been feeding like this since birth, and I would have thought he should have settled in a little bit of a routine now, but he hasn't at all as he is so hungry all the time after bringing so much of it up constantly.

06-01-2006, 10:18
Really!!! Wow, that sounds fab, I'd just love for Liam to be able to sleep comfortably and soundly for a few hours at a time (only 3/4) and not be starving all of the time and therefore not sleeping properly which is making him grumpy (if you can be grumpy at 5 weeks old lol) Do you think my HV would suggest it also, even though he is putting on weight fine?? Its just he's been feeding like this since birth, and I would have thought he should have settled in a little bit of a routine now, but he hasn't at all as he is so hungry all the time after bringing so much of it up constantly.

It was suggested to me by my health nurse.. Ben was putting on weight, just not settling and I was tired all the time.. the nurse suggested Omneo comfort and infacol (drops to get his wind up) so I could rest more and not have to be feeding every 2 hours... I was totally beat and had enought after Ben cried for 2 days, nothing I could do would stop him... the nurse suggested it and it worked wonders.. I recommend it to everyone who is in the same suitation

06-01-2006, 13:25
connor was a very sicky baby and used to bring up half his feeds. he was still putting weight on as usual. my health vistor suggesting trying sma white for hungrier babies ( connor was 3 months old though so dont know if you can use it??) i switched and he wasnt as sicky still a bit but would keep more milk down than before!