View Full Version : The Brothel

05-01-2006, 10:37
A man, new in town, goes to the best brothel in the city. Choosing
> the best looking girl in the place, he retires to a large and well-
> appointed suite, where he has some of the best sex of his life.
> Satiated, the man asks the madam, "How much do I owe you?" The madam
> motions for him to put away his money. She then pulls two hundred
> dollars out of a purse and gives it to him. She fends off all his
> attempts for an explanation.
> Naturally, the man returns the following evening. He gets the same
> treatment, and is again given two hundred dollars.
> The third night he does the same thing, but when he sees the madam
> asks him for three hundred dollars. "Wait a minute," he says. "The
> first night you gave me two hundred dollars. The second night you
> gave two hundred dollars. Now you want me to pay you three hundred?
> Why?" The madam smiles and says, "Tonight you're not being filmed":moonie:

di marco
05-01-2006, 16:24
haha lol! :D

06-01-2006, 07:19
lmao brilliant

06-01-2006, 07:39